Okay this is my second story I have ever published on Fanfiction and my first in this community. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts nor the Inheritance Trilogy.

The Beginning

The Castle

Xion walked down the corridor and emerged into the Gray Room. Demyx was playing his sitar and Axel was just leaning against the wall, absently daydreaming. Xaldin was standing up, listening to the sitar music, and luckily, Larxene wasn't here. She was always the noisy one.

Xion approached Axel and asked, "Hey, where's Roxas?"

"Well, Saix sent him a mission to do recon in a new world, it seems," Axel replied, scratching his head. He was fond of Roxas and Xion, but sometimes he couldn't get a lot of information out of Saix on them.

"Axel, you are too meddling. Just care about your own business, or more specifically, missions," Saix said to Axel's questions. They were standing on the stairs outside, where they could see Kingdom Hearts in the night sky.

"Why not? They're my friends!" Axel practically shouted, "Why should I not care about them?"

"We are nobodies, therefore, we cannot like one another, even as friends. I thought you knew that already. Have you been brainsweeped in one of your missions?"

"Look, you already know that Xion is an incomplete replica of Sora. She has a heart and feelings."

"Keep your voice down," Saix stated sternly, "You've changed, Lea." Axel walked away, coming very close to experiencing anger, even though he was a nobody. He spent time after missions with Roxas and Xion a lot, and he has started having emotions, even though he didn't know it himself. Roxas is exceptional; even though he is a nobody he has feelings.

Axel scratched his head again, looking down at Xion. He was at a loss of words, because he really did not know which world Roxas went to. But he recalled Saix telling him.

After Xion left on her mission, Axel suddenly remembered which world Roxas went to.

Wait, isn't it called Alagaesia or something like that?


Eragon walked around the grounds of the Varden, watching other people train and fight with swords. He fingered his own sword, Brisingr, that was the color of Saphira. He felt a pang of loneliness without her nearby.

At least she's out hunting and gets to eat. He thought. He tried to contact Saphira with his mind, but she was too far away and he gave up. Thinking about what he should do, he accidentally wandered a little too far and got lost in an unfamiliar place.

It's weird. I've never seen this place before. He was stuck in a forest, and he walked up to a tree and placed his hand on it. He sent a steady stream of energy inside of it and wondered if it was alive or not. It didn't reply at all.

"Whatever. Let's see if I can get out here or not." Just as he was starting to run, he heard a rustle in some leaves behind him. Eragon unsheathed Brisingr and held it tightly, preparing to swing if he was attacked. What happened next greatly surprised him. A boy with blondish hair in a hooded black cloak stepped out of a bush.

"Man, I hate this place. It's full of scratchy bushes with thorns and I always get stuck in them," the boy shook some leaves off his cloak. He had blue eyes and his hair was REALLY spiky. Okay, first I get lost. Now I meet a guy who looks nothing like us. AND he wears a black cloak, black gloves, black shoes, black everything. Eragon thought. I don't think he noticed me yet. Eragon observed his surroundings out of the corner of his eyes. If I move, he'll definitely notice me. Better stay calm, quiet, and unmoving.

Okay, very abrupt ending but I hope it's all right!

Also, my first story is called Inner Self and please read and review both of my stories :)