- Spoiled Designer Clothes -

Kurt and Quinn.

A/n: And thar she goes, trying her hand yet again at a Kurt/Quinn fanfic! I've completely fallen in love with Kurt/Quinn friendship (and maybe something more). I'm still figuring out if this will be a multichap. I have a few ideas about how it goes in the back of my head, but nothing as concrete as the story presented in this current chapter. So maybe I'll go label it Chapter One just for its sake? Anyways, I hope you enjoy this fic!

Disclaimer: I'm going out of the way and disclaim everything you recognize here. I do not own Glee or any songs or copyrighted material referenced here. They are the properties of their respective owners.

Chapter One.

Quinn allowed herself to be left behind after their performance of Keep Holding On. It was heartwarming, to say the least, especially since everyone pitched in to make her feel a little better while they were singing. She assured Finn she would be alright - she just wanted to be alone for a while.

She tried to dry the tears from her eyes. She couldn't contain them - she was so happy and overwhelmed and felt that the whole Glee club will be there for her, no matter what she does or what happens. To find solace in a world filled with artifice and relentlessness was hard. It surprised her that all the calm and the joy she felt was found not in her other groups and not in her other friends, but in Glee club. And to think she joined it just to keep an eye on Finn.

She stood at the middle of the stage. Sometimes, being alone was just what she needed. Even though Finn was really sweet and tried to take care of her (despite him being pretty dumb and incompetent, at times), there were moments that being alone was the best way to take.

Quinn took a deep breath. She knew she was all alone. She wanted to sing, but she couldn't. She was fighting back tears these tears of happiness that kept welling up in her eyes. Quinn wanted to take her mind off her troubles and off the baby, even just for now.

She started to laugh.

It felt good.

She looked crazy, laughing alone, but truly, this moment was something of a treasure for Quinn. She thought about everything good life has to offer. Everything funny and relaxing and refreshing in life.

She kept laughing. It made her feel lighthearted - as if the burden she bore on her tired back was taken away.

It made her feel young once more, after days and days of feeling under the weather. Hope bubbled inside her.

Yes. Maybe everything's going to be okay, after all.

It took him a minute to register that he wasn't alone in the auditorium.

Kurt decided to stay. After their little tear-jerking performance, he was a little teary eyed. He rushed backstage and stood in front of a mirror as soon as the tears sped down his cheeks. He didn't want his eyes to look puffy, even if he really wasn't crying like a baby.

He was startled, at first. He thought he was the only one inside the place, until someone started laughing. He couldn't even think about why, exactly, would a person laugh alone in the auditorium.

The laughter didn't cease.

It sounded so carefree, so blissful. Full of life, void of sadness. At first, Kurt thought whoever was laughing was insane. But he couldn't help but feel happier himself.

Kurt picked up his things. He was about to leave, anyway (he checked himself one last time in the mirror and decided that he looked even better than he was before they sang). He strolled out of the backstage and was quite surprised of what he saw.

Quinn was in the middle, laughing. She let her laughter bounce off the walls of the auditorium. Kurt couldn't help but smile at the sight - Quinn sounded like she didn't have any problems at all. As if there was no baby, or there was no Sue Sylvester finding out that she was pregnant.


She stopped, surprised, and turned around. The look on her face suggested that she didn't really expect anyone else to be in the same room, but so was he. It was only when he heard the laughter that Kurt found out there was yet another being in the place.

He raised a hand and waved. "I didn't think you would let yourself be left behind here. I applaud your attempt at self-comfort. It is, admittedly, contagious."

He stepped towards her. They weren't friends - not by a long shot. But if she was part of the Glee club, might as well make her feel good, right? Besides, her laughter really is uplifting. At least he didn't have to worry about the stains he found on one of his newer Marc Jacobs earlier that day.

What Quinn did was unexpected. She smiled warmly at him (Kurt raised a questioning eyebrow - it's not like he and Quinn ever interacted) and ran to hug him. This caught him by surprise, but the natural thing to do was to return the embrace. He patted her back.

"It'll be all okay, Quinn."

"I know."

Kurt felt his shoulder get wet. Quinn started to cry. Oh no. Not on my favorite Alexander McQueen. But he knew better than to complain about having tears soaking his shoulder. What Quinn needed was someone to comfort her. He let her cry more. Kurt wasn't heartless. The last thing he wanted to do was to make anyone feel awful just because of his fashion problems. Besides, he got to know the much more down-to-earth side of Quinn since her pregnancy. At least, through observations during Glee practice, she wasn't really the snarky one he took her to be.

"You don't want to cry, dear," he said as she pulled away from the embrace. Quinn grinned sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, I ruined your clothes."

"Oh, that's nothing. What I meant was you don't want your eyes to look awfully red and puffy."

He took out a clean handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the tears off her face.

"Thank you, Kurt."

"You're very much welcome."

"We're not really friends but--"

"No, no, no, Quinn. In Glee, we're all friends."

"Even if I laughed at you weeks ago as you crawled out of the dumpster covered in God knows what?"

"Hmm... on second thought..."

Kurt chuckled and pulled her in an embrace again. Quinn was actually quite pleased. She never really knew about this side of Kurt - the concerned, kind one that didn't care if his clothes were spoiled by tears. She wished she knew this Kurt before she decided to take part in giving him a miserable day. Looking back, she was actually embarrassed by what she's done.

As far as Quinn was concerned, this was really out of character for the boy. But she didn't care. She liked this Kurt better than the fierce, fiesty one that stuck around with an equally tough Mercedes. She doubted even Mercedes knew of this incredibly compassionate, 'you-know-past-is-past' Kurt. She felt like they were friends for so long.

"Keep holding on in there, Quinn. You don't want to let go."

"Thank you, Kurt."

"You're welcome, dear. Anytime you want to spoil my best designer clothes, call me." He gave a small wave and a smile, then stepped down the stage, casting one last look Quinn before leaving the auditorium.

Quinn smiled. She didn't can't decide if she should be unnerved by this new Kurt or be happy that she had a relatively new friend to help her up when she's down. But given the circumstances, she knew she should just feel blessed that he wasn't really as sarcastic and awful as she thought. He was generous, too. Just how many people would give up their best clothes for her to cry on?

A/n: Chapter one finished! I actually have a couple of ideas in right now, for the whole story. But of course, I'd love to hear from you people. Reviews encourage me to write more and more. Advanced thanks!