I herd a comotion coming from out side my office i went to the door to inspect and what i saw made me scowl but want to double over and laugh, today anglea had the day off so a girl named kate took over she was well a big slut and i refused to ever bed my securatrys, she was here every thursday and made my life hell, she always wore skimmpy office outfts; tight skirts; see through blouses, flirting all the time finding reasons to come into my office.

so when i see hope doubled over in laughter becuase kate looks to have tripped over her bag and her thigh skirt was rippied all the way from her kee to her waist causing it to pool rounher ankles, her very sexy but skany unddies out for the world to see, emmet chose this time to step of the elevator, He imedately fell to the ground his big booming laughter seemed to never end. kate stood up and in her heels under wear and white see through blouse pointed her finger in hopes chest. " you did that on purpose you little brat" hope just laughed and flicked her finger away, " listen love its not my fault you couldnt see past your fake boobs long enough to realise while you were practicing your cat walk for Americas next top slut show to notice that my bag was in your way, i suggest dressing for work porperly then this wouldnt have happened".

everybody was silent and kates body was shaking with anger she grabbed her skirt and stormed to the restroom, hope stood with her hands on her hips in a fit of giggles and emmet walked up to her with wide eyes he got down on all fours and sarted bowing " god i thank you for sending my saviour"..he jumped up and grabbed her hand.."please be my pet" she looked at my big oaf of a brother and laughed " edward can i keeep her please can i keep her" he looked straight at me i notice hope soaber up straight away.

"sorry dude but this ones not for sale or adoption" i thought i saw her scowl but her face restored its self to a unaturaly calm look.

"im emmet cullen the first and you are".. she rasied her eyebrows and smiled mischeviously at me.

"im Hope marire Alice" he was just about to extend his hand when she added on "Cullen" which made him stop short stright away, taking in her aperiance and stance i know he was putting things together in his head.

"you remind me of somone he murmured" looking at her then switching to me he shouted

"DUDE YOU AND BELLA HAVE A KID OH MY GOD" hope just looked shocked, i knew he'd work it out emmet looked dumb and maybe was somtimes but he was sharp and thats why he was deadly in a bord room he knew when people were lying and he could piece things together very quickly she looked so much like us both and well its not hard to put two and two together my mothers already proberly told him that bellas in town.

"how did you know" hope asked in awe, and shock.

"listen squirt i knew your mom a long time and well shes a face ill never forget and you, your like the perfect image of both your parents" hope just shrugged her shoulders and replyed.

"i may look like him over there but im nothing at all like him" to which emmet just laughed.

" you sure are kiddo, your mum would have never stood up to a girl the way you just did you have your dads balls"

to which she grimaced at and scowlled, " no im nothing like him at all" emmet laughed and looked between the two of us then she pinched the brigde of her nose because she was angrgy and ruffeled her hair.

"oh yea your are so much like him" she just stromed past emmet and pushed by me to go hide in my office,

"did you have to tease her em really"

"dude she is awsome you have a kid a girl who's like really pretty and funny and witty and like you she has a temper and she does that thing with her hair and nose"

he looked impressed and awed and then as if a big thought hit him.

"hey im an uncle i have a niece, im cool uncle emmy " he had the biggest smile on his face ever. i on the other hand wished i was excited as him that he was an uncle.

for the next 3 days i took hope out everydayy somewhere new, she was slowly deicing around me but it was going to take so much time and im no paient man by nature.

Today was sunday i had asked bella to come and after much begging and pleading on my part she said yes, i was nervous and scared everyone was going to meet Hope to which im not sure i was happy about and bella and alice were going to reuntied, to which im sure they were both scared about. tanya was what woried me the most she could be a real bitch and mean if she didnt like somone, believe me when i say she didnt like bella or Hope even though she'd never meet them, Rose and Tanya were very good friends too and Rose was just like Tanya, i was worried about both their reaction i knew emmet would try and keep Rose inline but no one could tell her what to do.

its was six o'clock and i was waiting for them to show up everybody else was here Emmet and Rose even Tanya were all ont he patio at the back of the house with my father and the bbQ my mother was sat in the living room wating patiently. Alice and I were glued to the front window, while jasper was in the restroom.

the limo i had ordered for them pulled up outside and then alice was out the front door in flash taking bella to the ground.


the car door opened up and a falsh of black had my mother pinned to the ground,i was scared my mother needed me her strength was getting weaker or maybe that was me being paranoid but i didnt want her getting ill " ma you need help"..she just replyed from the neck of the pixie.."no baby im good...Alice its ok honey its all ok now"

this Alice girl didnt reply she just sobbed her and my mother were laid on the grass crying and then out of nowhere i was swooped into a pair of comfey arms,

"hello dear im Emse your gradmother" insted of resentment i felt my self woving my hands round this woman and welcoming the the comfort she gave off.

there was a line buy the door and emse led me too it, i had a stomache full of butterflys.

"this is my husband carslie " i shook his hand and he pulled me in for a hug he had a tear in his eye, i saw where my father got his looks from.

"welcome to the family Hope, im sorry we've missed out on much time" i smiled at him my granparents seemed like very nice people.

then i moved on to a tall looking man "hey mammmm im jasper and that pretty little thing over there is my wife Alice, i guess where your aunt and uncle" he had a southern accsent and i was messmorised i visioned him telling me sotries and me being inthrawlled in them.

the little pixie in question got me in a bone crushing hug, i will not esimate her by her size if her strength was anything to go by.

"omg were gonna be such a great pair were gonna go shopping talk boys and your mother "she laughed"and im going to make up for all the missed time i wasnt there to be the best autie ever".

"im named after you, my name is Hoep maire alice," my confession startled me,she just cryed at this and my mtoher soothed her while alice consatntly rang out thank yous and im honoured..

next inline was Emmet who i had learned was my dads brother "hey hulk(thats what he called me bcause my eyes got greenish when i got angry or upset) hows it going i see your no asalting any sercuaires today "

"no im on my best behaviour or my mum will canclle espn and i cant live with out watching the game"

"you are my favuourte niece ever"

"by my knowing im your only niece"

"yerr but you still my best"

"you dont even know me "

"oh if your just like your mother i know it, and everyone knows i love my little bella bear" with that he got her in a bone crishing hugg and even he had tears. My mothers hadnt stopped this was the family she left behind for me and i got a whole new respect for her in that moment."hey emmet you great big oaf i missed you"

"i miss you too little sis where you bin"

"oh you know working being a mother"

" shes a great kid and you did a great job you should be proud"my mom beemed at tucked her under his arm.

I turned and sudenly got an uneasy feeling in my stomache the woman next was a godess with long legs and very long blode hair she was also very pregant she was amazing beautiful like a vogue modle but better, she looked at me with very hard hating eyes and i stared back with my an angry glare i will not be intimidated by her i refuse to feel insacure.

"Im rose and im married to Emmet but you are not my niece and i am not your autie and this bun in my oven is a real cullen somthing you are not and niether is your mother how dare you walk up here like your somthing special".. she turned to the others "i dont know what your all going on about nobody knows her and how can we be sure that shes even Edwards?" another more skanky looking blonde stepped forward i was seeing pattern in the cullen mens tastes.

"Yes i foward that i refuse to see that this is MY (she emphasized the word staring straight at my ma" Edwards daughter and by the way im his fianece i know you and your slutty mother are only after his money so please step aside girl cause your not getting any if you wanna be rich do it the hard way"

i didnt think i just reacted as i alway do, dodging the pregnant woman i took down the other blonde bimbo who called my mother, my guradian angel a slut.

I took her down so hard i knocked the wind out of her, and i kepet punching and punching and laying into her face letting all my ager out i was yanked off her by emmet who chucked me towards the ground and pinned me there untill I calmed down, i saw Edward helping tanya up and her face was cut and covered in blood, every body was standing on my side of the grass and Edward was the only one over there with Tanya and Rose.

Emmet steped forward and rose stared at him in curosity as to why he was stood with me and not her.

"Rose you are my wife and you carry my child but in this moment i can not and dotn want to look at you much less say i love you, what you have just said is the most heartless thing i have ever had the pain to hear and you should be ashamed of your self, she is my niece and i accsepted isnt her fault that she was robbed of a father or this family for 16 years she had no doing in it and with your past i would have though to you out of everyone would understand..."he looke unsure of what to say next but then his eyes hardened "you can go home tonight i wil be staying here and i dont know when ill be back."

now id known emmet about 3 days and i could tell hed never spoken to anyone that serious in his life especially the woman infront of me, her jaw was moping the floor, tears were forming behind her eyes, she looked truley heart broken and even though she said horrible things i felt sorry for her.

"you cant be seruous emmet" she was pleading with him to undo what he just said

"jasper would you drive her home safely please" Edward chimmed up then, " ill take her i have to take tanya to the hospital" yer he wolud be picking her side.

Tanya hadnt spoken at all she had her head burried in Edwards chest crying and holding her face, good i hope shes scared for life.

My mother came and rapped here arms around me, tanya turned around then her bloody face burning into mine.

"why are you here " she demanded,..."what... " i asked curiosly i was here to meet people i didnt even want to "why are you here, no one wants you, you were a mistake you were supposed to be one of those things that were terminated by a pill and flushed down a toliet, listen you little bitch when your momma dies no body is going to want you and Edward isnt going to be your dad and im not gong to play mummy to you so do everyone a favour and fuck off and take your defected mum with you" her wrods hit me like a bullet, Tanyas jaw dropped and aclice screamed in anguish, glassey eyed i looked to my mother who looked so heart broken i saw it in her eyes then she gave up, she didnt want me here any more that i wanted to, she finally saw it my way.

"Bella what does she mean when you die" alice looked up with big green eyes my mother was stunned into silence Rose;Emmet;Alice even jasper looked confused they didnt know no one had told them i had to do it my mother was frozen.

"shes going to die, in about a year thast why im here " i looked at Tanya and rose as i said that " it was my mothers dying wish i meet my real family and be given to my father on her death " my voice cracked at the end i felt defeated everyone rushed to hugh my mom and rose fell to the floor sobbing and by the looks of it regretting what shed said. i couldnt take it any more i herd Tanyas voice ring in my ears she was right i wasnt wanted i didnt belong i wasnt one of them i had to leave, i ran to the black car that had brought us here the driver was talking to jasper, the car keys were in the car i knew how to drive i just didnt have lisence but that didnt matter i needed out of there and fast. I just couldnt be around them any more so I sped off i didnt know i was crying till the tears blurrd my vison i joined the road and found this car could go 80mph pretty fast i pushed the pedal 100,110,120mph i was flying down the roads like a free bird, then out of nowhere a child stepped into the road i swerved to the side but i didnt see it, i didnt know not untill it was too late, the front end of the this small limo met with the front of a massive oil truck, the last i remeber before passing out was shouting for my mother, after that nothing blacknesss i was dead and it was peacful i was finally where i was always supossed to be in non exsitance.

sorry been so long since last updated very stressed with exams its not or never for me so i will try to update again i cant promise anything yet.

hope you enjoyed review :) x