
I realize i haven't written you in weeks! I miss you with all my heart and I have been caught up in all the excitement here in Italy. Time has escaped me completely and sadly I have to admit that I no longer know what day it is! I'm not drinking or getting into trouble don't worry your pretty head off about me I'm just relaxing and soaking up the last days of summer.

I have changed quite a lot, appearance wise and I wanted to send you a picture, but all I have is my muggle camera and for the life of me I can't get it to print! The downsides to being a "pureblood" have I told you how much I hate that name? Muffle magic is much more impressive if you ask me.

Anywhoo I will meet you directly in front of 9 3/4 at 10:28. Precisely! Don't be late I can't wait to tell you every detail of summer! I need to hear about yours as well! I desperately want to know if you've gotten a beau:) Perhaps a certain Quidditch captain with messy black hair? The one who only has eyes for you and you alone?

Love your best friend forever and always,


P.S. You know how you're always complaining about your hair? You know that gorgeous waterfall of red that I want so dearly and you hate with a passion? Well, in Italy everyone is trying to get that color! It's quite funny because I haven't seen anyone whose looks as beautiful as yours! Anyway I love you darling write me! Please include the date so I know how much time I have wasted!

Lots of Love,


Lily read the letter from her best friend with a huge smile. Changes in her appearance? Shay was the most beautiful person she knew! She was always an awkward beauty who found boys that drooled over her a complete waste of time. Shay had never tried much in her appearance a ponytail and her uniform were what Lily was accustomed to. As she read the letter from the obviously cheerful, confident she began to think over her summer. She hadn't changed much... To distract from her lack of excitement she strted writing back immediately.

Shay my love!

I have missed hearing from you! This appearance change talk is making me feel like an under achiever! My summer has lacked much excitement or anything actually. I stayed at Alice's with my parents for a few days, but you know us. It's more for my parents when we visit them in Godric's Hollow. I happened to see the four-eyed Quidditch player you mentioned while I was there and how many times must I tell you that James and I don't get along! We are not now nor will we ever be a couple!

I have to go now love, I feel like I need to rework my appearance so we can knock all the boys dead on September 1st.

Your ginger

(Who also has no clue regarding the date)


Lily tripped while she walked to the window and attached the letter to Shay's midnight black owl, Orion. Her mind began to wander to when she had seen Potter a few days back

"Hey love," James said with that arrogant smirk and sparkle in his eyes

"Hello," Lily replied without looking up from her book that she was reading intently on Alice Prewitt's swing in their front yard.

"I didn't know you and Alice were so close that you would be here over the summer, if I knew I would have been here more often." he smiled and sat down directly in front of Lily.

"We're not, well I mean we're friends, but well see," Lily breathed and gathered her thoughts, "Our parents are friends from when Mr. Prewitt was undercover as a muggle at my fathers work."

"Ah, how long will you be here my darling?" James said looking at her longingly.

"Don't call me that Potter." Lily retorted still completely absorbed in her novel.

"Whatever you say love." He said, when she didn't reply he started tracing his finger along her strappy sandals making her twitch.

"Stop." She said plainly still wincing from his finger.

"Aww come on Lily you know I'm not a bad guy! Why don't we just go down to the lake by my house and talk? I promise I won't be a jerk."

"Please go away Potter, you are a bad guy and I don't want to talk to you anymore." Lily stated finally letting her eyes fall on him.

This was her mistake, James Potter was in no way ugly. His hair, his glasses, his body were enough to make Lily want to fall into his arms like some damsel in distress. Her momentary lapse of judgment resulted in her leaning forward slightly and falling off the swing. Landing on James.

"Cant keep your hands off me can you Evans?" James said laughing and holding Lily on top of him.

"Keep dreaming Potter, I will never be your girlfriend." She retorted trying to break free.

"Come on Lils, one kiss? You can't deny this right here feels... right" he said breathing into her ear making chills go down her spine.

"This doesn't feel right! In being held against my will on top of you! On my parents friends front porch! Please let me go!" she wailed, all he did was smile and stare into her clear green eyes.

"There," he said flipping so he was pinning her down underneath him, "Now I'm on top of you."

Lily was now desperate to get out of this unfamiliar position. A plan popped into her head and although she would probably regret it, using feminine charm was one way to go.

"James," she said dragging out his name in the sexiest tone she could muster up.

"Yes," he said trying to keep his voice from cracking with excitement, but Lily heard it catch.

"Please," she said now dragging her toe in circles against his calf, "let me go"

"I'll never let you go Lily-flower" he breathed less than an inch from her face, "but nice try."

"James! Get. Off. Me. Now!" Lily said losing her patience.

"Fine." he agreed letting go of her wrists pouting.

"My god!" Lily muttered exasperately getting up and dusting off her shorts.

"Hey Evans!" James called before she went back inside the house. She turned scowling at the handsome boy. "Go out with me?"

"Sorry, love." She spat sarcastically.

As Lily thought back on this she shuttered at the fact that part of her wanted James to kiss her, she silently scolded herself for letting him into her head she retreated to packing for her last year at Hogwarts.