[Disclaimer - Characs belong to DRRR!'s creator.)

(A/N - A short drabble inspired by a picture. Another attempt at less-talk-more-descrp, but srill need more improvement. )

It was another beautiful Friday afternoon in Ikebukuro that day. Somewhere in the middle of the ever-present bustling streets, unusually neat black tufts of hair and a peculiar small smile played on a certain man's lips stood out. He took long strides, humming a bizarre tune under his breath as he easily weaved through the growing crowd.

Different from his usual aimless wanderings around Ikebukuro, Izaya had a destination set in mind today. The teasings, the tauntings, the chasings, the cell phone-stomping…there would be none of it today. …Well, at least it could wait until later. He had things to do today. Yes, something that was far more important than seeing the horrid looks plastered on human faces as he stomped on their cell phones.

Knowing only how to get there without even being aware of the name of the station, he let his feet bring him to where he intended to go. He headed towards the nearest station; the one and only station that he had bothered to visit in his life despite the overcrowding of humans. But it was not his intention to buy a ticket to ride a train. It was entirely something else.

Izaya took several steps forward, reaching the escalator. Once he had gotten on the escalator, it became a slow descent down. But he was not bothered by it. Because it was crucial; the slow speed it was moving at, for him. Time was prolonged for the two of them. Him. And Shizuo.

Blonde hair slowly came into sight from below. In a bartender uniform with black sunglasses obscuring his eyes from the public, Shizuo was down there on the ascending escalator. Distance between the two men closed at every passing second.

Acting ever so casually, the blonde bartender leant to the left of the escalator and rested his arm on the black handrail, letting his fingers dangle past its edges and brushing on the cool metallic surface between both escalators.

A soft smile lit on Izaya's face. Unlike their usual 'greetings' at every meeting, no insults were exchange, no pet name calling were made, no obscene gestures or violent motions came in between them. They stood rooted at their positions as the moving machine brought them closer.

Just right before the two men missed each other, the black head stretched his arm, fingers lightly touching on the other longer and firmer ones before retracting back his arm to its former position. And almost as though he had accomplished what he had came here to do, Shizuo stood upright once more and began taking large steps towards the end of the escalator and out of the subway.

If anyone had taken a look at Izaya right now, they probably wouldn't have realized that he was some human-obsessed, Shizuo's-violence-inducing dangerous man. An all-too-innocent and joyful grin spreading from ear-to-ear and a light blush colouring those pale cheeks; he would have been thought to be a high school kid in love.

"See you again next Friday, Shizu-chan~"

(A/N - Pls do tell me of my mistakes! : ) )

(Edit: Replaced wrongly typed 'elevator' with 'escalator' in the early few passage. Pls do tell me of typos like this when you read because I don't notice them til very much later T.T)