A/N: Well, this is my first Mighty Boosh fanfic...and this idea randomly came to me...I don't remember how...it just did.

Disclaimer: I don't own the brilliance that is the Mighty Boosh...Julian and Noel and Baby Cow Productions do...I just own William...he is mine...but if you'd like to rent him, message me and we may come up with a deal. (I also own Meghan, but she doesn't come in yet...)

Summary: Howard and Vince have the day off when Naboo decides to close the Nabootique on a very rainy day. So, they get ready to go to the movies, but just as fun shall ensue someone very, very unexpedted shows up. People cry, people forget things, people get confused, and Howince emerges out of nowhere...............BOOM!

Warning: This is an angsty chapter. A very angsty chapter indeed...but never fear for the next chapter will be full of lollipops, and treacle tarts, and ice cream (if you didn't get the hint there you may want to look through a list of the bestest movies from the 1960s)

It was a regular rainy, but beautiful day in the streets of Dalston. Howard could hear the rain dropping in sounds patterns on thw windows as he stepped down the stairs into the Nabootique. Reaching the bottom he took a deep breath. He could smell the fresh scent of the rain even from inside the shop and it made him smile.

"Lovely," he said quietly to himslelf.

Walking over to Stationary Village he could hear the fain singing of Gary Numan from within the cupboard..."Doo doo doo Peacock Dreams."

"Really, Gary, it's been over two months since Naboo told us about that!" Howard said, annoyed. "It's not in the script anymore."

"Sorry," Gary apologised and went back to being not there.

Howard stared intently at Stationary Village trying to decide if he would rearrange it or if you would leave it as it commonly was. Now, Howard usually didn't like to change something that was always the same. He liked sticking to his schedule and his organization, but he was feeling in a bit of a rebellious mood on this rainy morning. He looked at the pens.

"Hmmmmm..." he breathed. "What if..." he moved the pens beside the Sellotape tree. "Yes...I think that will definitely work."

Just then, a rush of air brushed past him in the shape of a very feminine man with the best hair ever. "Howard!" Cried Vince.

Howard spun around in shock and caught Vince as he slid towards him on the slippery floor.

"Woah, woah, Vince, what happened?" Howard yelled as the fell the floor.

Vince started laughing and stood back up in hysterics. Getting to his feet, he helped Howard back up and tried hard to cease his laughter.

Tears dripping from his eyes, Vince breathed in sharply to compose himself. "God, I'm sorry, but Naboo said we don't have to open the shop today."

"Oh, and you had to rush down like a bullet!" Howard exclaimed. "You nearly gave me heart attack, Vince!"

"I'm sorry, Howard," Vince smiled his smile, not seeming to care that his hair was a mess and he was still wear his pyjamas. "I'm really excited! We've got a day off we can go to a film or something!"

"We could, but I'm a busy man, Vince," said Howard. "I have to finish rearranging Stationary Village and then I have a Jazz Trance scheduled for exactly 10:13 a.m."

"Oh, come on, Howard! We haven't done anything fun in ages! We've not had a day off in a month and half! We have to do something!"


"Come on, Howard...you know you want to go to the movies. I hear there's some good stuff in theatres right now."

"But...you'll not want to go outside in this rain...it'll ruin your hair."

"I don't care!"

Howard just stared at Vince, not believing a word he'd just said. I don't care was not something Vince would generally say about the state of his hair.

"What?" Vince cried.

"Your hair is your pride and joy, Vince, lying won't get you anywhere."

"I lie all the time, Howard, you're too thick to notice," Vince said cheekily. "And anyway, I've got a genius new rain jacket. It's vintage."

"I'm not thick, sir, my mind is just full of so many brilliant ideas that I haven't always got the time to notice your deceit."

"Yeah, that's just another way to explain complete idiot."

"Shut it!"

"Alright, alright, sorry."

There was a short silence in which Vince just smiled like the lovely electro freak of a ponce that he was.

"So, do you want to go see a film?"

"Yes, just let me finish rearranging Stationary Village," Howard replied and turned back to his place of interest.

"Brilliant, I need to get dressed," Vince said. He then caught a glimpse of his reflection in the window and screeched making Howard jump, dropping a byro to the floor. "My hair looks well mangled! I better go Nicky Clarke it to life."

"Good idea, sir, don't want you scaring the locals."

"We are the locals, Howard," Vince shook his head laughing and jogged up the stairs to the flat.

Howard scat sang happily himself as he carefully moved one tree of a piece stationary over to the original setting for the duck pond of another piece of stationary.

He was nearly finished, when a knock at the door startled him.

"We're closed, " he called out. But the knocking continued hectically. "Alright," he said. "I'm coming."

He turned and walked towards the door, only seeing a dark figure covering himself with his blue suit jacket so as not to be completely soaked by the consistent shower of rain.

Howard unlocked the door and pulled it open.

"We're closed," he repeated. The man just puched by into the shop and stood there shivering. "You can't do that! We're closed."

"Yes, I know," said the very wet, but well-suited man.

Howard knew that voice. It was a voice he hadn't heard in over seven years and he wondered why heard it now.

"William?" he said, hesitantly.

"Howard..." he replied.

"What the hell are you doing here, William?!" Howard yelled. "You know this was a terrible idea!"

"I'm sorry, Howard, really, but..."

"What you're in trouble again?" Howard spat out. "You're always in trouble. I promised Vince I'd never let you hurt him again and look, here you are."

"Mum told me you lived here..."

"I didn't ask how you found us, Will," Howard growled. "Why are you here? You've done enough damage as it is. When did your mother start talking to you?"

"It's been a few months."

"Can't you say anything that might actually explain yourself?" Howard was clearly very distraught and he couldn't hold in his anger.

"I just want to make peace," William said, innocently. He looked his big blue eyes right into Howard's eyes and pleaded. "I've come to ask for forgiveness."

"Well, mate, you're not gonna get it," said Howard, bitterly. "Goodbye, you can show yourself out."

"Please, Howard, I know what I did was horrible, but my mum was able to forgive me...can't you? Can't Vince?" William said, tears welling up in his eyes.

"No, I can't," said Howard. "And I have a pretty strong feeling that Vince won't be able to either."

"I know what I did was horrible," William said again, emphasizing it even more than the last time.

"What did you do, William?" Howard asked, angrily. "What was it exactly, cos I'm finding it really hard to remember if you think you can be forgiven!"

William said something inaudbly, but shamefully.


"I...almost killed Vince..."

"And then..."

"I left."

"Yeah...you abandoned your own brother, William, you're own bloody brother."

"I...I couldn't..."

"Couldn't what? Face the shame? Cos that's what a real man would do..." Howard said. "You're a coward..."

"I know."

"It would have been easier to forgive you if you'd actually stayed around to help Vince get better when he was in the hospital for six months." Howard started shaking his head. "It's been too long...Will...too long."

"Please, Howard..."

"It's up to Vince," Howard replied looking towards the stairs. "He could have died...and you know...I don't want him to go through anymore hurt."

"I've gotten help, Howard," William protested. "I've cleaned myself up well. I have a job and a family."

Howard laughed harshly. "A family?" He said, dubiously. "You obviously didn't tell them about the incident."

"I did..."

"They're fools."

"Maybe they are," William smiled slightly. "But at least someone was able to love me."

"Do you think Vince stopped loving you, Will?" Howard asked. " The biggest problem was that you just left. You just ran off without looking him in the eye. You left when he sat laying on the ground bleeding."

"Do you think I don't regret it, Howard?" William said. "I was young and stupid...you know me, Howard. I was scared."

"For yourself!" Howard yelled. "You didn't even care about Vince! You left him as he was dying...and he was dying because you--"

"Don't say it."

"Shot him." Howard growled anyway. He wasn't going to let William get away with anything."

"I worried about him...everyday."

"You know...they weren't going to press charges...but they couldn't even find you!"

"I know..."

Howard was fuming. His face had gone red and he could feel his insides burning with anger. "And here you are...out of the blue...it isn't fair to Vince...and you shouldn't come begging for forgiveness...you should leave."

"Howard!" Vince said as he bounded down the stairs like a happy puppy.

"Vince!" Said William looking hopefully towards the stairs.

Vince came to the landing, smiling his usual jolly smile. He was wearing a red rain jacket that came to his knees and his white boots reaching his thighs.

He saw William and said nothing. His smile faded to a look that of pain and sorrow.

He took a deep breath.

"Vince?" William repeated.

"No..." whispered Vince, sternly and ran back up the stairs.

"I think you've got your answer, Will..." Howard said quietly, but painfully. "I think you should go now."

William nodded his head in sorrow and turned towards the door.

"But...thank you..." Howard whispered then went up the stairs after Vince.

William stood in spot for a few seconds and began to sob uncontrollably. Ten minutes later he continued on through the door and out to the rainy gray streets of London.

Please Review...(ps I know this chapter makes you want to kill yourself but it gets happier and stuff.)