Hey guys,

First off this is my first story I've done on ff, so go easy on me story is all-human. Bella and Emmett are brother and sister (as you may notice when you read it) Jasper and Rosalie are biological brother and sister, Alice and Edward are biological brother and sister too. In this Esme is a doc as well. I'm from Australia so I don't really know much about America, so sorry if it doesn't make sense sometimes.

So anyway, oh yeah, I do not own twilight, does. Enjoy!!!



I sat at my desk, franticly flipping through my sketchbook, It should be here, I had it in here, I swear to god if he's got it, I'm going rip off his head and shove it up his- "'Sup Bells?"

Emmett appeared in my doorway, that trademark grin plastered on his face, still dressed in his gym clothes. I stood up, my sketchbook still in my hands,

"Em, did you take any of my sketches?" His grin faltered ever so slightly, oh God!

He scratched the back of his neck and shrugged, not meeting my eyes. "Oh God Em, what did you do?" I brushed my chestnut hair out of my eyes, it was a nervous habit of mine, that and hyperventilating, but that was an extreme case. Emmett shoved his hands in his pockets, and looked back up at me with a sheepish look on his face. "Well, Rose was over yesterday-"

"Wait! Rosalie HALE, as in Alice's step sister?" I asked flabbergasted.

Crap! This was fate punishing me. I knew it was slightly 'stalkerish' to sketch pictures of people you have crushes on, let alone people you've never even had a conversation with. Her name was Alice Cullen, and I was smitten with her. She and her brother Edward, and their step-siblings, Jasper, Rosalie had moved to our school last semester. They were new to town and their parents both worked at the hospital, and of course being me, clumsy unlucky Bella Swan, I had met both Carlisle and Esme Cullen on numerous times. The whole family looked like they could be models, but Alice, she was something different. With her dark spiky hair, petite figure and her honey-brown coloured eyes, spectacular was the only word that came close to describe her. She was the complete opposite to me, she was graceful on her feet; her movements were dance like, whereas I trip over flat surfaces and fall out of chairs.

Emmett hesitantly took a couple of steps towards me. "Um yeah, we're dating now. Anyway we were hanging out and she asked to use the bathroom, and she wandered into your room by mistake, she must have been curious or something, anyway I came up to see if she'd like fallen in or something." He guffawed stupidly at his own joke, but seeing the stare I was giving him, he quickly carried on, "She saw it on your desk and had a look, and when she found the drawing you did of Alice-" I facepalmed at the mention of the sketch, "-she was amazed, like usual, seriously sis you should go pro or something cause you drawings are amas-anyway, I said yeah cause you do them all the time."

I launched myself at my older brother, hitting every reachable part of him with my sketchbook. There wasn't much seeing as he's 6 foot something and I'm only 5'4. Between hits I yelled at him "You-(smack)-idiot-(smack)-she's-(smack)-gonna-(smack)-show-(smack)-it-(smack)-to-(smack)-Alice!"

Yes, I have a temper and I'm not ashamed to say that, yes, it may sometimes cause me to overreact to certain situations.

Once I had calmed down and stopped hitting Emmett with my sketchbook, he made me a cup of tea. It was something we did for each other when either of us was sick or upset. We sat down for a heart-to-heart, which just ended up with me confessing my attraction to his girlfriend's sister. His response shocked me slightly.

"Yeah, I know." He said smugly, taking a gulp of tea. I almost spilt mine on the couch out of surprise. I looked across the couch at him, both eye brows raised in surprise, "How?" I asked. He looked at me like I'd just asked what colour the sky is. "No offense Bells, but you not as sly as you may think you are", he started counting with his fingers, "One, whenever she's within 100 metres you don't seem to be able to put sentences together, two, whenever anybody mentions her name, or anyone of the Cullen family, you blush even more then you usually do, and three, whenever I say Alice, you bite your lower lip- like there! You're doing it right now." He pointed at me. Ok, so I knew my brother was smarter than anybody gave him credit for, but I didn't think he took that much notice of me. Then a horrifying thought came to me, Had anyone else noticed my strange behaviour?

Emmet, obviously seeing the horror-stricken look appear on my face, quickly added, "But I don't think anyone else has noticed." He patted me reassuringly on the leg. I smiled weakly back at him, which in turn made his smile widen even more, if that were possible. Looking at him, even though I'm his sister, I could see why all the girls swooned over him. His eyes, although the same chocolate colour as mine and Charlie's, carried this warmth, along with a mischievous glint. He had soft brown wavy hair, a couple of shades darker than mine, more like Renee's, whereas mine was the same chestnut colour as Charlie's (although his was slightly grey at the edges). But apart from his killer body he got from lifting weights with Jacob, a family friend who lived out at the reservation, and four years of football, it was his winning personality that made everyone like him. I had to admit he was my best friend, even though he could annoy the crap out of me! Hey he's my big bro, that's part of the job description I guess. I reached over and buried my head in his large muscular chest, hugging him. He placed his mug on the coffee table, than wrapped his arms around me, hugging back and placing a kiss on the top of my head. "So wait, this mean you're... what... bi?" He asked, his words muffled slightly by my hair. I sighed into his chest, comforted by the smell of his deodorant, even though Emmett had only meant it one way, there were two possible questions there.

Was I?

And what was I gonna do about it? And what was I gonna do about Jacob?