A/N: I'm still sick! You'd better be glad I'm writing for you chicken nuggets. ;) Oh, and the Point-Of-Views switch around every two-to-three chapters between You-Know-Him and You-Know-Her, but I won't exactly write "CASEY'S POV" or anything, 'cause you guys are smart, you should be able to figure it out by now.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sammy Keyes.. Or "Cunx Tuesday" by Ke$ha (listen to it!). And listen to the other songs I mention!

Note: I'm working on a story, I promise I'll post it soon but I'm trying to make it sound a lot like Sammy and I'm actually spending alotta time on it, unlike these stories which I usually write, do a quick revise, spellcheck, then post it off. So yeeuh.

"You Never Forget Your First Love."

("So I'll See You Next Tuesday, If I Ever Get Desperate..." -- Ke$ha; "Cunx Tuesday")

I was sitting in my room listening to "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey and reading about the French Revolution in my history textbook. The homework was to answer the questions at the end of the chapter. What kind of teacher assigned homework during spring break? I grabbed my pencil and began to answer the first question when I got a call.

"Hello?" I asked when I picked up my phone.

"How could you not tell me!?" was Marissa's reply to my "hello".

I slapped my textbook shut and shoved it and my notebook off my bed. "Tell you what?" I asked, counting the clouds in the sky out the window. Why did my heart feel so fluttery these days?

"That you broke up with Jared? He's going around telling everyone you cheated on him and then to avoid embarassment you just texted him and said it's over. He said Casey was back, too!"

Now, I hadt technically cheated on Jared.

Okay, maybe I had. But not really. It's not like I was secretly going out with Casey behind Jared's back. I had just kissed him. Then I broke up with Jared, then I startd going out with Casey.

So maybe Casey and I weren't technically "going out" yet, but just being near him made my whoe body feel lighter and my heart felt like it was opening up and leaking happiness throughout my body--

Ouch! Wow, I was beginning to become a little too, uh, lovestruck.

At least that's what I think it is.

Do I love Casey?

I think I did. After all, I did suddenly break up with Jared because of Casey. I had worn his horseshoe for three whole years.

I turned to my iPod dock and hit "repeat" for "Don't Stop Believing" 'cause when I was in the mood for a song I listened to it until my ears oozed blood and I had a headache that was pounding to the beat of the song.

"I'm sorry," I told Marissa, "I would've told you earlier but I needed time to think."

I could almost see her squinting on the other end, "Are you playing Journey right now?"

"Yeah... So?"

"So? So?" she snapped. "Why are you listening to uplifting songs? Aren't you in a sad-breaky-uppy mood?"

I laughed. "Just so you know, 'Don't Stop Believing' isn't just uplifting, it's good, and I broke up with Jared and now I'm happier. I never even really liked him in the first place. I don't even know why I thought I liked him."

"You guys were so cute together!"

"Everyone of Jared's girlfriends looks cute with him." I said.

"So? Now that Casey's back you decide to suddenly dump your hard-earned status!? You're insane?"

I thought about that for a moment. Yeah, it had been a hard-earned status. Since high-tops became more popular and Jared broke up with Amber (well actually, Amber broke up with him) and he asked me out, I had sort of (emphasis the SORT OF) became popular. Not like super-uber "Miss-Popularity" but like the girl who everyone knows and waves and smiles or something. Like I was well-known and no one really hated me.

Except for Heather Acosta and all her friends, that is. But Heather had always hated me, so yeah.

But now that Casey was here, was I really just "dumping" my status? Not really. I mean, if I liked--or loved-- him, then what did it matter to me?

"I'm not dumping any hard-earned status." I said. "It wasn't even hard earned. Just 'cause I was dating Jared, y'know."

"Whatever! I can't believe you still like Casey though! He's been gone for like five years!"

I was starting to feel a litte pissed off. "Correction, Marissa! He'd only been gone fortwo and a half years. Not five! And I thought you'd be happy for me! You used to tease me about him all the time in junior high! You used to tell me you knew I liked him and everything!"

"Well, in case you haven't realized, we're not in junior high anymore! We're sophomores! And I just think you shouldn't of broken up with Jared but, you know..." she paused, then sighed. "Fine. I don't wanna fight. I'll support you no matter what good, or--stupid decisions you make."

I didn't even bother mentioning the time she was crazy for Danny Urbanski and I told her he was bad for her and then he broke her heart. Had she listened to me? I don't think so!

Anyway, my phone began to ring to "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon.

"Hold on, I have a text." I said as I checked it.

Casey: Meet me at the mall? Or are you busy?

I put the phone to my ear again and said to Marissa, "Casey's meeting me at the mall. Bye!" and she sighed Bye back to me as I replied to the text.

Sammy: See you there. :)

"Casey!" I cried when I saw him at the mall. I was surprised at how enthusiastic I acted when I saw him.

He was smiling real big when he said, "Hey!" and grabbed my hand. He looked at me in the eyes for a moment then sighed. "I'm so stupid." he said.

"What?" I asked, wanting to kiss him. "Why?" I was sidetracked by his warm, chocolately brown eyes.

"Well, I'm stupid 'cause.. 'cause I really like you and I don't know.. I feel dumb."

I laughed. "Well you're not dumb."

"Yes I am!" he laughed, then pulled me closer and whispered. "I feel like even though it's the second day of seeing you in forever, I know you too well."

"Oh, you do?" I joked. "Then what's the color of my underwear?"

He laughed, then gave me a quick kiss. Not good enough for me.

"Casey..." I said. "Can you stop playing around and take me somewhere?"

When I said 'take me somewhere' I didn't mean a store. Or someplace to eat.

I meant someplace like the roof of the mall so we could kiss.

Man, was I desperate or what?

He smiled because he understood what I meant and lead me to the side of the mall, by some trees, where no one was. "Yeah?" he asked me. "And now what?"

I didn't even bother telling him, I just stepped closer and kissed him.

Finally he pulled away saying, "Are you sure you wanna get this intense so soon? It's killing me."

"In a good way or bad way?" I asked, my face, like, two inches away from his.

He breathily laughed. "You do not even want to know."

"I dooo!" I laughed back, but he didn't tell me anything, he just pulled me closer and whispered, "Sammy? I don't know why but out of all the girls I've dated, none of them are like you. They're too.. Materialistic."

I wanted to tell him something along the lines of the same thing when "Hey, Soul Sister" by Train startled me.

"Sorry." I said, pulling away. "I have a call."

"Oh." he said.

I looked at the screen.

Incoming call:


I had sorta changed Jared's contact on my phone to EX-BOYFRIENDJAREDDONOTPICKTHISUP! Just in case he called me or texted me and I accidentally picked it up out of habit, so I just changed his name to that so I wouldn't forget to ignore him.

"It's nobody." I said, turning my phone on silent and shoving it in my pocket. "Nobody who matters, anyway."

Casey raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. Then he sat down and sat me down beside him. "So tell me," he said, "everything about you that I missed out on. Like, how you even ended up with Jared in the first place."

I traced an invisible C in the grass. "I'unnnnooo." I mumbled.

"Are you sure?" he asked, looking up into my eyes. "Or do you just not want to talk about it?"

"Not want to talk about it." I said.

"Sure?" he asked, taking a hold of my hands and intertwining his fingers in mine.

This is was too Romeo-Juliet or Edward-Bella. I needed to think. To breathe.

But God, Casey made me so weird around him. So freaking weird.

I really did love him, didn't I?

A/N: I might post one or two more chapters today even though you're all probably at school or whatever. I'm sick and at home and by now you probably know that. :P You know what I've always wanted? To go to a boarding school. That's like my life-long dream. And right now I'm typing without looking and seeing how well I can do. You know how it goes: Boredom killed the cat.

Or was it curiousity...?



(Fun fact! Did you know hummingbirds can't walk?)