A/N: Okay so I was watching the live-action L: Change the world and watching him interact with the children and I thought it would be sooo funny to write. Unfortunately it didn't come out as funny was it was in my mind because I was laughing my ass off at the thought. Oh well. Hope you find it amusing at least!

Adventures Into the Mundane

The First Encounter

"You came." She smiled, exhaustion clear on her face. Sweat beaded her face and made her hair stick to her forehead in an unattractive way. "They just took him to the nursery. I don't know how long it will take for them to bring him back. Why don't you go down to the cafeteria? Mom is there and I can try to clean up."

"Alright Sayu," Light smiled and leaned down and kissed her head gently. "I'm sure L's suffering from sugar withdraw as it is." Sayu smiled at him and nodded. "Well be back soon." Light opened the door and Sayu caught a glimpse of her brother's dark-haired companion before the door shut completely.

"How is she?" L questioned, falling into step beside Light.

"She just gave birth, how do you think she's doing?" Light scoffed. L was silent for a moment, thumb between his lips as he thought.

"I would think she'd be tired and suffering from severe hormonal changes." Light sighed shaking his head in mirth.

"Well, yes, that's true, but not the answer I was expecting. I guess I should have expected it though."

It was quick trip the cafeteria where Light sat watching as L ate 5 slices of cake.

"You're going to rot your teeth out of you head." L shrugged.

"You don't need teeth to eat cake," he replied cheekily. Light rolled his eyes and chuckled softly.

"Ass," he muttered. L chose to ignore Light's last statement. "We should probably get back to Sayu now, it's been nearly an hour," Light speculated, glancing at his wristwatch.

"Mm, okay Light," L lifted the plate to his lips quickly shoveling the rest of his cake into his mouth. Light sneered in disgust but remained silent. "I'm ready," L managed to say around his mouthful of food.

"What did I say about talking with food in your mouth?" Light questioned, nose scrunching in distaste.

"That is was a disgusting habit and no one wants to see half-chewed food," L answered, mouth still full. Light rubbed his eyes and shook his head, shoulders shaking in a silent laugh that he refused to let L see.

"You're impossible," Light finally said. The corners of L's mouth turned up in a smile as he met Light's amused gaze.

L felt out of place in Sayu's room. Light's mother and father were present along with Sayu's husband and of course there was Light and L. The small room was occupied with the bed Sayu laid on, one small couch that could fit two people and there was an extra chair that reclined for anyone spending the night. By the door that entered into the room was another door that lead to a small bathroom. Sachiko stood by Sayu's side holding a small bundle in her arms. Light's father sat on the couch and Sayu's husband was stretched out in the recliner sleeping and snoring lightly.

"Light, L! It's so good to see you," Sachiko said in a joyous, soft-spoken voice. She gently rocked the small bundle.

"Light, would you like to hold your nephew?" Sayu questioned. Sachiko walked around the bed to where Light stood, near the entrance, and they carefully switched off. The gentle jostling caused a soft mewling noise to come from the baby and Light quickly shushed the baby and began to gently sway with him.

L watched in awe as Light's face lit up. When he glanced at Sachiko and Soichiro he noted their bittersweet expressions.

"What will you name him?" Light questioned.

"I don't know yet," Sayu admitted watching her brother and newborn with adoration. "L," he looked at her, "would you like to hold him?"

L blinked stupidly.

"I… uhh…"

Sayu laughed and even Soichiro watched him with amusement.

"I think this is the first time I've seen you speechless." L felt the blush creeping up his neck. "Would you like to hold him?"

"He's awfully small," L said thoughtfully.

"You can sit down if your nervous," Light offered. Seeing Light's eyes, gentled by the baby in his arms, L could see no way to refuse. He nodded and Soichiro stood offering him his seat on the small sofa. He sat in his usual crouch. Light walked to him and they began the awkward shuffle of exchanging the baby.

L held the baby to his chest and looked down

. . .

at the ugliest human he'd ever seen.

The infant's eyes were swollen, his nose squished, one ear flipped down, the other flat against the side of his head. He didn't understand what had made Light so elated.

"Not so bad is it?" Light questioned sitting beside him. Light's gentle fingers stroked the baby's head and L look at him, he could see the silent wish in Light's eyes. "Maybe… maybe one day," the soft murmur meant only for L to hear.

L smiled and adjusted the baby using one hand to pat Light's thigh.

Maybe indeed.

And then the baby began his mewling cry and before L knew what had happened the baby was screaming in his arms. He practically shoved the infant back into Light's arms, who was trying not to laugh at his antics and failing miserably.

It was only after the day was over and Light was curled up against him in bed that his thoughts began to wander. He really did love the tender look that came into Light's eyes when he looked at his newborn nephew. Maybe…

Maybe one day.

Then he remember the grating, screeching cry that accompanied the small bundle.

A/N: Yay! I've got a few more in mind too. ^_^