This plot popped into my mind just randomly about a month ago. I really don't know how you guys are going to react to this, because I'm nervous about uploading it, because its a little weird. Ha! Well anyway, please review, like it or not because I want to know how you guys um, I'm not trying to make her sound like a steryotype thriteen year old. I just imagine her like that because she's sooo tiny for her age! Sorry!

I don't own Big Time Rush or anything else you recognize in this.

It happened so suddenly. He felt as if these feelings came from nowhere. He hadn't noticed it before, but something about her was...intriguing. She was so young. Being twelve, her figure was barley curving, yet her attitude was quite mature for her age. Her long, chocolate hair caught his matching eyes, the way it draped down her small back. She was so cute, so adorable. So...innocent. These thoughts were so wrong, and so very strange to him. She was just a child, four years younger than him. He was supposed to be attracted to curvasious hips and perky breasts, and he was. But every teen aged girl seemed to fall by the wayside when he glanced at Katie Knight. The preteen was beginning to blossom into her thirteenth year of life, and Carlos had already celebrated his seventeenth birthday. But it didn't matter...he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. But the thing was, his feelings were not sexual what so ever. They were in admiration, and possibly...something more? He had watched her grow up over the course of the fourteen years he had been best friends with her brother, Kendall. Carlos was there in the hospital when Katie was born, he was there when she had took her first steps. He was there when her first boyfriend broke her heart, and when she recovered two days later. Carlos had always been like a brother to Katie, but his perception of the younger girl was changing drastically, and he was beginning to like her, a lot. And he didn't know what to make of these new feelings. They were so strange, but they weren't going away, and honestly, he wasn't trying to make them leave. Carlos Garcia, was slowly falling in love with Katie Knight, and it was freaking him out.

Carlos opened his brown eyes, the bright sunlight filtering in between the blinds waking him up. Rolling over between his sheets, he sat up, the pastel green blanket slipping from his shirtless body. Rubbing his eyes, Carlos glanced down at his red wristwatch. Why had he still had it on? It was tweleve in the afternoon. Sighing, he brought himself out of his bed, snagging a balled up shirt from the floor. Slipping it on, he found that it was the sheer white wife beater he had shed last night before his shower. As he walked out from his bedroom, he was met by smiles as James, Kendall, Logan, and Ms. Knight sat around the table.

"Morning Carlos, you're just in time to sign Katie's birthday card," Ms. Knight greeted him, causing him to perk up at the sound of that name.


Carlos' sock covered feet scooted over to the table, seeing an asortment of gifts and wrapping paper. Staring down, his eyes looked over the bright birthday card laying on the surface. It was open, and on the bottom it held Kendall, Logan, and James' signatures. Carlos stared down, contemplating. He was urging so badly to write her an affectionate note, but he pushed that aside, simply writing,


Sighing, he set the card down, feeling a little...weird. Kendall noticed this strange behavior. "What's up dude, you seem" The blonde noted, making Carlos snap out of it.

"No, dude I'm cool. Just super tired," he lied, prying out a fake yawn. Kendall accepted the excuse as he went back to wrapping the present he had purchased for his sister in sparkling gold paper. It was the yellow, spagetti strap dress that she had begged her mother for when they all went to the mall. Katie wasn't really the fashion crazed type, but when she saw that dress, her inner girly girl must have came out. Carlos closed his eyes as he trudged to the kitchen, imagining Katie in the endearing garment. He smiled, thinking of her beautiful face, glowing as she showed off her new dress. But then, he shook his head, "What the hell is wrong with me? She's a just little girl," Carlos reasoned with his thinking. But she didn't leave his thoughts. Infact, she was consuming his mind, and he didn't care. Just then, as he was grabbing for the orange juice from the fridge, the front door swung open.

"NO! Katie get out of here, you can't see your presents!" Ms. Knight yelled, jumping from her seat and racing towards her daughter, pushing her into her room. Carlos turned quickly to get a glimpse at the birthday girl, but it was too late. He kicked himself for being so disappointed. Pouring his drink into a glass, he gulped it down, suddenly remembering that he had forgten to get Katie a birthday present. "Damnit," he scolded himself before placing the glass into the sink. He ran into his room, getting dressed hastily, grabbing his keys and wallet from the dresser. As he raced to the front door, the boys weirdly eyed him.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Logan asked curiously as Carlos' cheeks flushed pink.

"I forgot to pick up a birthday present for Katie, bye!" He explained truthfully, slamming the door behind him as he rushed out. All three of his friends sat, confused. Carlos had never gotten Katie anything for her birthday, let alone freaked out about it. They pushed the thought aside, Kendall took the wrapped gift to his room as Logan and James flipped on the television. The party wasn't even until tomorow anyway, so they had time to relax.

Carlos drove his black Jeep down the streets of L.A. serching for a shop that could possibly hold the right gift for Katie. He hadn't thought through what he had wanted to purchase for her, damn his procrastinating ways, but he wanted it to be something nice. He parked along side a decent looking strip mall, hoping to find something worth getting. He was confident that he could find something amazing.

After venturing into the first ten stores, he found nothing but stupid trinkets and things even he wouldn't accept as presents. The places seemed nice on the outside, but their interiors were just, boring! After about the fifteenth shop, the latino wasn't even paying attention to the stores he was walking into, and became completely embarrassed when he was chased out of an 'erotic' establishment for being underage. As he walked down the sidewalk, he watched as the sun slowly began to set, its orange top only peeking above the hills of Hollywood, feeling rather depressed that he hadn't found the right gift. Just as Carlos was about to reach his car, he saw it. Sitting in the window of the last shop. It was perfect.

Carlos parked his Jeep in the Palm Woods parking garage, making his way up to the second floor of his apartments. It was around seven thirty, so he thought he might take a relaxing shower and watch a little American Idol, to see his cousin Andrew perform. As he walked into the apartment, his froze, seeing none other than Katie, seated on their big orange couch, all alone. "Hey Carlos," the young girl smiled, her eyes drifting back over to the television. The latino slowly shut the door behind him, he could feel his heart begin to thump harder. This may be his chance...

"Hey Katie..." Carlos smiled, setting his keys onto the kitchen table. "Where is everyone?" He asked before sitting down about a cushion away from her.

"Well, my mom took the guys grocery shopping, and I told her I was old enough to stay home alone, I'm gonna be thriteen tomorow! And besides, I knew you were gonna show up sooner or later," Katie smiled, her eyes leaving the television to glance over at her brother's best friend. Carlos felt a blush flood across his cheeks as he realized...this was the first time he and Katie had ever been alone. He wanted to make it last. Boldly, he asked.

"Do you wanna go out?"