Welcome to chapter 3. I would like to thank my reviewers, anabel the lady shark, Kai-Chan94, iSky Bladefang, and ur friend hai.

As you know I own nothing but the game copies I have of FF7, 8, and KH. This hints Yaoi and supports Cloud torture. Please Read And Review. Past that Enjoy the story.


My lover dearest had it in for me on this day. He left just before dawn on Fenrir MY bike and neglected to tell me or leave me a note saying anything of his where abouts or when to expect him home. So now it's 10 am and the boys are just now waking. Lucky for me Leon had breakfast made so all I had to was heat it up. I set to the task as the young ones came out to the kitchen. Once they ate I sent to getting them dressed. Not an easy task as Sora is a tad addicted to running around 'free as a Jay Bird'. So, this feat took me about 3 hours to complete.

Did I forget to mention, as if to add onto my torment, Leon also drafted me to babysit our neighbors' son Riku? As if on cue the doorbell rang signifying my doom via children. Leon, do you hate me that much? I'm too young to die!

"Coming!" I shouted, struggling over to the door with a squirming Sora still in my arms. God, what did this kid have? Some sort of secret sugar stash I wasn't aware of? Wouldn't surprise me... Damn you Leon! Couldn't you have at least warned me of what laid in store?

Setting him down I opened the door. Standing on the porch was a blue haired man slightly taller than myself and a child around my boys' size. "Hello," I said to the gent before me. "You must be Saix, so this little one must be Riku, correct?" Saix nodded. "Yes and you must be Cloud. Xemnas will be by around 8 to pick him up. Please watch him carefully; he likes to explore." With that he left, while I had to find a way to occupy three toddlers for seven hours... Shit.

Well I seen the children playing in the boys' room so I set to doing some household tasks which needed tending to. While I was cleaning the living room Sora asked me could they watch T.V. I seen no problem with that since I was finished in there anyway, so I put on some cartoons and went into the kitchen. I set to washing the dishes first. It went well until the last dish, luckily it was only a mug I had gotten from Tifa.


Meanwhile, the trio was sitting in the living room. Riku looked to his friends, the glint of uncovered discovery in his eyes. "Let go explore guys. Dis house is big dere's gotta be tesure hidden somepace and we culd di..disc.. discov. We culd finds it." Sora was first to jump at this opportunity with his friend. Roxas looked puzzled for a moment before he too joined Riku's Treasure Search Crew. They started in the boys' room. First searching Roxas's side then his twins. The search was fruitless in this room. "Daddy sometimes leaves his pants in the bafhroom maybe he left some treasure in dere." Sora commented grinning ear to ear his blue eyes lighting up brightly.

The chibi treasure train filed into the bathroom. As to show their luck Cloud's pants laid in the corner just besides the hamper. While rummaging through the pockets they discovered a box of white and orangeish sticks. Riku makes a sour face and holds the box out at arms length. "My daddy calls these 'Cancer Sticks' so he's always mad at mommy for using them, and they smell stinky too." Sora's face matched his friends, while Roxas just shook his head. Diving further into Cloud's pants they discover his wallet, empty of all important items. They also found a few weird gold packages which they all gave up on figuring out what they held. Lastly they discovered a mass colony of lint bunnies in his left back pocket which looked like they had been breading since before they were all born. Nothing considered the illusive treasure was found in this room, so they left the findings of Cloud's pockets on the floor. Well all but the lint bunnies Sora demanded they be returned to their magical city in the left back pocket of majestic wonder.(1)

They stood outside the last door Cloud and Leon's room, Riku went to open the door but the blonde twin spoke up. "Wiku we tan't go in tere mama or daddy not in tere." "Id's no adventsha wifh out a lil danga. Sides the bestist tesure is always in the masta bedroom. Buts if yous scared yous can wait here and tellz us ifs your daddy comes this way." Roxas shakes his head as the bedroom door opens. The party of three began to search all around the room. Roxas searched Leon's dresser as Riku took Cloud's, Sora searched under the bed and had quite a find. Out from under the bed he brings a small plastic bag. "Guys I tink I finded da tesure!" Sora squeals happily while the other two stop their destructive search to see what he had discovered.

Inside the bag was a small box about the size of Sora's hand. The boys all held their breath as the box was opened. Inside it was a charm bracelet with 4 charms already attached, one was of Cloud's buster sword, the next was to look like the first plushy Leon ever got from Cloud, the third a heart with their anniversary date in the center. The final was easily the largest and made to look just as his Griever pendent which the man never took off.

"Yeah now we has our tesure. We has to go bury it so no one know where it is but us." Riku said grinning while leading the boys back to the living room. Cloud was nowhere in site but a loud banging and low mumbles could be heard from the basement. The front door was unlocked so they got out of the house without their supervisor knowing at all. They walked down to the corner park and decided to play before hiding their treasure because there were too many people around.


Back at the house I was cursing loudly at the washer which was far to complex for me to quite understand. The ones we had on the base were very simple, you put the soap in here, you pushed the button, and that was it. But the one I was starring at had seven different settings, four temperature choices and three spe... SHIT! I still had three children upstairs I was suposta be watching. I should be OK it's only what five? I looked to the clock once I was into the kitchen, and it read seven. Fuck I have one hour to find these kids.

I check the living room it was empty. So I figured they were playing in the kids' room. But as I entered the hall I noticed mine and Leon's door wide open. I began to panic. I rushed into the room hoping to find the boys crashed on the bed, but to avail. Though I did find something that made my eyes go green. (2) There on the floor laying open at my feet was the box that was supposed to be holding my anniversary present for my love. Those little brats must have it. I rushed back to the living room.

Once there I saw the front door slightly ajar. Oh gaud above they did not go outside did they? I grabbed my trusty buster sword then stepped outside, my eyes still covered by a ghostly green as I ran around the block at top speed. Of coarse as my luck shall have it I go the way which is away from the children. So as I round the corner where the park is I see the children going to bury something in the sand.

I stormed over there, "Roxas, Sora, and Riku what exactly are the three of you doing out here by yourselves?" They all look up at me their eyes welled in tears. "Hand that over now Sora." The frightened boy hands the bracelet over to him. "All of you back to the house. Now."

The boys hung their heads on the walk home. No one dared look up for fear of a blonde tyrant with hair of steel, and a sword bigger than them all. In my rage I failed to notice Fenrir sitting in the drive. Once the porch I glared to the trouble trio. "I never want to see or hear any of you doing anything like this ever again. Am I clear?" The frightened boys nodded feverishly. "Also don't tell any of this to Leon alright?" I added as an after thought while opening the door.

"Don't tell me what Strife?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear. (3) "Nothin Le don't worry about it." Roxas runs to his mother and grabs his arm. The other two children follow suit hiding behind the lithe mother figure in the room. Leon bends down and picks his glitching son up. "Roxy tell mommy what happened." He shakes his head no as tears prick the corner of his vision. "Did daddy threaten you?" The boy nods slightly."Well daddy isn't going to do anything. So tell me what happened." Leon said to the boy he was holding, who raddled off the entire day's events, his eyes fixed on me the entire time.

Xemnas came and got Riku who in turn got grounded for leading the treasure hunt to begin with. With the kids in bed Leon and I sat on the couch in the front room watching something mind numbing and pointless on T.V.


"Yes, Leon?" Cloud said in a resigned manner, as if he already knew his fate.

"No sex for a week."


Author's Note: Well this was fun to write. I would love to thank my lovely friend Kai-Chan94 who forced me to write this chapter in one night. Please Read and Review. Any suggestions for new chapters will be looked at. Well here are the marked item's reasons.

(1) Sora's personality shines true with childhood innocence

(2) Mako effects on SOLDIER members even as a cadet they had mako injections (is trying hard to resist a Hojo is an ass rant)

(3) cliche line yes but oh so true for Cloud's Situation