Prologue: Black Hole

Author's Note: Well, our first serious fic. Might be depressing and dark. This does not match the current storyline of Bleach. Ichigo does kill Ulquiorra, but does not fight Aizen. This is Ulquiorra's POV.

When a human is born, a black hole is born with it. This black hole, is unseen by the human eyes, and lies dormant deep within their bodies. This black hole does nothing, until the right time comes.

For every human, this hole erupts at a different stage. For some, its shows the moment the human learns to call for its mother. For others, it lies sealed within their souls, until humans get their first taste of reality. Unsheltered by comfort, thrown into a hell humans called life.

Life. It gives humans purpose…as long as they search for it.

Some don't even find it.

Life. Opens that hidden black hole.

Human minds are weak and fragile, easily changed by a simple thought.

All humans are different, but they share the same trait of possessing a black hole.

That hidden black hole will open up, and humans show their hideous selves.

From that moment, humans want.

They take.

They steal.

They envy.

They murder.

They want.

No power, wealth, fame…

No matter how much of it they get, they never smile.

That black hole just takes and takes, even if the whole world bows before them, they'll still want more.

That is the human nature.

So weak.

A little push can rip open the black hole.

One lie can cause chaos.

One bend of the truth can turn them on each other.

One mistake will be forever burned in the minds of another.

The black hole opens the human eyes.





Humans, with that black heart opened, will do anything to rid of these feelings.

Hatred. They will kill.

Pain. They will fool themselves and get to hate others.

Sorrow. They will understand this dog eat dog world. And learn no mercy.

Jealousy. They will feel pain and sorrow. They will hate. They will take.

Lust. The worst and most useless of them all. Blinds their eyes. They will feel hope even if it is not there.

Then they will understand that they cannot get what they want.

So they will feel sorrow

Then pain

Then jealousy

Then hatred

Human nature is truly disgusting.

The strong will prey on the weak, and love it, yet they deny it.

Friends, family… nothing but delusions to make themselves painless.

All humans have a black hole.

That will grow larger and larger.

They will want more and more.

They will take and destroy.

They will hate and envy.

This black hole cannot disappear itself.

This black hole that lurks in your soul and body.

To reach salvation, you must rid of this black hole.

In every black hole, an evil lurks.

An evil that will drive humans to do the wildest things.

For themselves.

This black hole…

Did this to me.

I'll never understand…

The pathetic human nature.

I try to tear this black hole away from them

Cut them to pieces

Dig out their organs

But then they die with a look of fear in their eyes.

Fear, yet another foolish emotion caused by that black hole.

This fear makes them crawl on the ground, begging for mercy.

So I resent it.

I will destroy this black hole.

And I never find this black hole.

This black hole caused me no feelings,

Since I had no such black hole.

When I stepped near one, I tried to find it and toss it away.

All it did was smile

Mocking me


Laughing at me

I tried to destroy it

Yet I couldn't

I was given no such orders

My loyalty does not come from this black hole

I had no such thing.

I probably once had a black hole.

But then I became powerful, and understood that it was only dragging me down.

So I tore this black hole out of my soul.

My body now contains an empty hole

Where that black hole used to be.

But, I do not have one

That is that

Loyalty is of my mind.

My loyalty was carved into my body and soul

So I couldn't find this black hole.

So I denied its existence within me.

But this black hole is the human nature.

One came to me…

To save another one of its kind

To take it back.

My master then agreed.

To release that captive black hole.

To stall this war.

With least bloodshed for now.

Yet I continued to deny this black hole.

The one that came to me said I also had one.


I'm not weak. I'm no human.

So I saw this black hole.

As inferior.

But something, something about the black hole of this boy

Made him stronger.

So I understood.

It had to go.

Then I tried to destroy it possessor.

So it killed me.

It was then I saw this black hole.

This black hole called a heart.

The human nature is a hungry beast that wants and takes. When it finds something it cannot have, it will fight and struggle for it. When it does posses it, its temporary happiness will black out its eyes, and he will be blind from the truth.

The truth that something had been hidden it in the heart of the one I captured.

So it lies in her heart.


For the right moment,

To release a true black hole.

A black hole that will form in the speck of selfishness within her heart.

Darker and much more fearsome,

With a evil that will strike them all down.

Author's Note: Wow. I feel emo-ish after re-reading this. O__o Hope you enjoyed and please review!