Chapter 19

Logan was sitting on the bed in his and Kendall's bedroom rubbing his hand on his very big baby bump. Things had been pretty quiet since his parent's funeral and his brother was doing a great job of running the kingdom. Logan was ready to give birth any day now and both him and Kendall couldn't wait to meet their baby. Logan was still stuck on bed rest and he was only aloud to get up if he had to use the restroom or take a shower. Logan didn't mind, though, because he got lots of attention from his husband. Logan was still upset about his parents, he was so young and he wasn't ready to be an orphan. It felt weird to lose his parents and then suddenly become one. He didn't think he was ready.

"Logan? Are you awake?" Kendall asked as he entered the room with his and Logan's dinner.

Logan looked from his bump and smiled at his husband. "Yeah, I'm up. I may be on bed rest but that doesn't mean I am going to sleep all day. So, what did you bring for dinner?"

"I brought chicken and some fruit. I know how much you dislike vegetables, so I brought your favorite fruit."

"Mmm, purple grapes and fried chicken. Thank you. I love you." Logan gave Kendall a big kiss.

"I love you too, baby. Speaking of babies how is our baby boy doing? Has he decided if he is ready to come out?"

"I wish. Being pregnant isn't all that bad, you get to feel you baby kick and know that no matter what they will still love me even if I make a mistake, but when it comes down to the final weeks, I can't wait until he comes out."

"God I am so excited Logie. I just keep thinking that any day now I am going to become daddy to a beautiful little son named Ryan. We are agreeing on that name, right?" Asked Kendall.

"Oh yeah I really love that name. I think our baby likes that too. You should feel him. He is kicking up a storm in me."

Kendall sat down on the bed and placed a hand on Logan's belly. A very hard thump greeted the palm of his hand.

"Wow doesn't that hurt?" Kendall asked, while thinking about how strong their baby was going to be.

"Sometimes, but only when he kicks hard like that. I think that he is just excited to see his daddy."

"Let's eat before our food gets cold," said Kendall.

Logan nodded in reply and began to pop the grapes into his mouth. Once they had both finished eating Logan and Kendall began to talk about some random facts that they might not have known about each other.

"Ooooh I have good one, do you know how to sing Kendall?" Logan asked excitedly.

Kendall laughed nervously and rubbed a hand over his head. "Sort of. But I don't know if I am that good."

"Sing for me Kendall and I will be the judge on if you can sing good. I bet you sound amazing."

"Okay," Kendall said softly and then he began to sing.

Logan listened in awe of how good Kendall was. His voice was beautiful. When Kendall finished Logan clapped his hands and gave Kendall a very passionate kiss.

"That good, Kendall? You are like the best singer I have ever heard. Man you are so good. Why didn't you tell me you could sing? Even Ryan stopped kicking when you sang."

"I'm not that good, baby, but I am so happy that you liked it. So, can you sing?"

"Yeah but I would rather listen to you sing, then sing myself any day."

The rest of the night was spent with both parents to be talking and laughing.

The next morning Carlos and James visited them. Both boys snuck into the room quietly with a bucket of warm water and quickly spotted the couple curled up on the asleep on the bed. They threw the water on top of them and ran into the closet. Logan and Kendall both woke up with a yell.

"James and Carlos!" Shouted Kendall.

"Awww you made me pee the bed!" Cried Logan.

Both James and Carlos stepped out of the closet laughing hysterically.

Kendall jumped out of the bed and helped Logan into the bathroom, but not before turning to James and Carlos and telling them that he would be back and they had better not move.

"Are you going to be okay in here alone while I deal with them?" Kendall asked.

"They were just joking, Kendall. Believe me we'll get them back it might not be for a while but it will be when they least expect it." Said Logan.

"Whatever you say, Logan. I am still going to threaten them."

"We will get them back, I promise."

Kendall walked out of the bathroom right to James and Carlos.

"You are both lucky that you didn't cause Logan to go into labor."

"I thought you were counting down the seconds until Logan has his baby? And it doesn't matter because we were just having fun like we used to. You really need to loosen up Kendall. You are going to be a dad soon so why not enjoy the little time you have left to have fun." Said Carlos.

"Yeah!" Said James.

"Well first of all I want the baby to come out on its own, not when Logan gets almost scared to death."

"They're right, Kendall. Now let's go out today. I really need to get some exercise and I am ready to pop anyways so let's just hang out on the castle grounds today." A clean and dressed Logan said as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Okay," Okay James and Carlos answered at the same time.

"Logie, are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt," Kendall looked worriedly at Logan's nine-month pregnant belly. Logan was huge and he could no longer walk without a waddle.

"Yeah, I am sure. So, let's go." And they all went.