New and last chapter...fanfic is working so i am happy i can post this..and i need something to help me get nanna just died so i am feeling a little depressed.

Tuckers eyes gleamed as he climbed through the window..he was so close to his pet that he could practically feel him. However just as he was about to grab the sleeping Neko he felt a sharp pain on his head and he feel to the ground clutching his head in pain. "Did you serriously think you could get away with this?" A young man with a xingese accent asked bemused. The last thing he saw before darkness overcame him was a confused Edward leaning over the bed and glancing at Ling. "This isn't another one of your kinky parties is it ?" he asked not amused. "BECAUSE I TOLD YOU THAT MY ROOM WAS NOT A PLACE FOR THAT!" Edward seethed grumpily, not happy in the slightest at having been woken up.

A trial was held the next day and much to everyones relief Tucker was sentenced to death by hanging all of Edward's friends and family were present and watched with blank faces as he was lead to the gallows. Edward himself was not present. He was still weak and unable to leave his room not that he complained. He was enjoying his much deserved rest and could care less what others thought.

2 years later

Edward a young adult newly graduated into the real world stood happily beside his best friend and fellow scientist in training Ling. He laughed as Ling joked over something that happened that day. His father had stopped trying to force a military career on his youngest and instead got him and his friend a job working with one of the best groups of genius. Edward had finally gained more control over his own sickness and though he still was bothered by it, it no longer really threatened him and he learned to take things at his own pace. Things were truly going along perfectly..After his short 20 years of excistance he learned that sometimes you just really gotta have a heart and live and let things go. He was going to live his life to the fulliest as he wished it not how others would..and he was hardly a victiem anymore..well at least not that he was aware of..not that it was easy for him to be one with 4 guards by him at all times.

short ending.. i know..sorry lol but thanks for sticking by my side all this time..I promise my other stories will end better. WHich one do you all want me to update next?