A/N: Series of one-shots mainly concerning how other crews might react to being on Enterprise or having the crewmembers on their ships, because there is just no way the Enterprise is the norm. Might be humorous or angsty, added to when inspiration hits.

Summary chapter 1: The Enterprise and another ship exchange several crewmembers briefly for an experimental program. Garon, Captain of the U.S.S. Mandar, decides this was a very bad idea.

Captain Garon of the U.S.S. Mandar rubbed his face wearily as engineers scurried around the hissing communications console, the communications officer himself hovering about the bridge, flustered. Just yesterday they had been in a skirmish with a Klingon ship, despite the supposed 'peace' between the Klingons and the Federation. They had succeeded in chasing the Klingons away after it became clear that the Mandar would be victorious, which relieved the commander - Klingons could sometimes be fanatical enough to fight to the death instead of fleeing so 'dishonorably'. Unfortunately, the Mandar had also been damaged in the attack, and there were still issues all over the ship, though why the Communications console was suddenly being affected escaped him completely.

"Sir, the console has been repaired and is safe to be used."

The communications officer scurried to his post, and Garon considered the engineer. He was not a part of Garon's crew, really. Starfleet had decided to switch around a few of the crew between the Enterprise and Mandar temporarilyto see if it might be beneficial to give new crewmembers experience serving under different commanders. Garon decided, upon seeing the engineer, science, and medical ensigns that this was a wise idea. Captain Kirk obviously was very lax with his crew, much to Garon's disapproval, if his crew's behaviour was anything to go by. They were, however, all highly praised for their skill, if they did not give superiors proper respect.

"Sir, we're getting hailed by the Enterprise," reported his com. officer, Nelson.

The Enterprise?

"Put it through, Lieutenant."

The image of the stars disappeared. Replacing it was a bridge similar to the one of the Mandar, though with slightly better quality and with different people. The man whom he presumed was Kirk looked relieved.

"Captain! I see Ensign Ferris is with you, good. We became concerned when none of our Ensigns checked in with us with their reports at the agreed time... Especially given the current... circumstances."

Cirumstances? "My apologies, Captain. It must have been forgotten in the excitement."

Garon, who had been up for much longer than he preferred, just shook his head, gesturing to the ensign. "Well, give your report, then."

Ferris shrugged, looking up at the screen. "Nothing too interesting, Sir. There was a minor incident yesterday with a Klingon fighter that fired on us, but they fled. Aside from that, nothing else in the whole two weeks. It's making us all nervous, with nothing happening. And a little bored, too."

Bored? That had been one of the most stressful encounters in Garon's eleven years as captain, heck, in his entire time in Starfleet, and this green ensign was calling it boring?

"Considering your colors, I think that would be a relief," said Kirk wryly. Garon didn't understand, but the ensign grimaced.

"Thanks for the reminder, Sir. Oh - Dan" if Garon was correct, that was the first name of the Enterprise's science-ensign "would like to know if Mr. Spock has recovered."

"Ah... Partially. As you can see, he's not on the bridge. He lived through the arrow-wound, went back on light duty, but then one of the ensigns went mad and tried to kill him. Blew up part of Science where Mr. Spock was. He's mostly recovered, though."

"Anyone else hurt?"

"There was a mishap with a dignatary we were transporting, - apparently he was a spy for a terrorist group threatening his government, and decided to try and single-handedly take over the ship. Killed two security officers and one from engineering. Gave Scotty a broken wrist and I was a little banged up, but we're all right. Also, the crew has randomly started collapsing. Dr. McCoy suspects that it's a Klingon disease..."

"From one of the attacks when we were on board?"

"Yes, remember that female who beamed aboard?"

"Which time?"

"The attack just before you left."

"Oh, yes. She didn't seem sick, taking out the Security Chief like that..."

"No one does until they collapse. One of the yeomans seems near death, though, so it's serious. Dr. McCoy is working on a cure right now, and Mr. Spock is as well, I'm sure, when the Doctor isn't looking. We'll be continuously sending over any new information we get on the disease." The last part was directed to Garon. "I'm sorry about this. Terrible luck. Kirk out."

Garon blinked slowly at the serene stars as his science officer managed a strangled sound, her gaze fixed on the screen.


Goran decided that he was quite fine with being called 'boring' when his crew began collapsing. Interestingly, the only people at all calm when the first Enterprise ensign collapsed were the other two, who would presumably be next. The CMO confirmed that their calmness was not a symptom.

Goran himself succumbed to the disease and was woken three days later with McCoy's cure, sent to their ship, and was informed that two 'red shirts' had died on the Enterprise, but the cure had reached his ship in time.

The three bored ensigns were taken back to the Enterprise two weeks later at the end of the transfer period. Garon only received two back, being informed that the third had turned in his resignation. The two were immediately in Sickbay for counselling. Garon sent his report in to Starfleet, recommending that ships be assigned counsellors for this sort of thing, because the doctor just didn't deal with mentally traumatized patients enough to help so much. He also informed them that the fledgling exchange program between ships should stop. Immediately.

Yes, boring was just fine.

Reviews please? Also, another one is bugging at me, though the next should be longer, so hopefully there will be another up soon. This one will be a little angsty, though, I'm thinking.