Chapter 1

Yugi was walking home from school like usual with Jonochi and Anzu when a little four year old runs into Yugi cring.
"Oh what's wrong?" Yugi asks the little child who at this time you couldn't tell the child's gender.
The little child looks up at Yugi and the child's eyes light up with joy. "Oniisan?"

Before Yugi could reply that he had no brother a lady comes over starting to hit Yami across the face. "Yami you brat! You should know better than to not listen to what I say.I told you that the orphanage doesn't clean itself but you faint while doing something as simple as sweeping the floor. You should be glad we even took you in. Now come along!" She yelled. Yami fainted from loss of blood. He fainted onto Yugi, Yugi instinctively catching him.

Yami was still standing but out cold Yugi grabbed him holding the undernorished boy in his arms. "Excuse me but can i adopt him?"
"Oh what how old are you 10? Don't think so boy."

"Excuse me for being so short but i'm 15 here is my student id card if you don't belive me."
"oh then you can adopt him here fill this out."
"jonochi do you think you could hold Yami for a while?" Yugi asks.

"sure Yug here" takes Yami who is still asleep while Yugi fills out the form. "There you go ."

"here are his birth certifcation and the like."
"personal belongings?"
She shakes her head."he has none."

"Thank you.' Yugi takes Yami back from Jonochi then walks back home.
"Grampa i'm back. Could we talk for a minute?"

"Yugi what is it?" Grampa calls back until he sees little Yami. "Oh he looks like you did at four years old. What happened to his face he's all cut. Lets get him some band-aids." Grampa runs of to get medical supplies.
"Uh..."Yami says waking up looking straight up at Yugi."oniisan?" He tries to sit up in Yugi's arms coughing grasping onto Yugi's shirt.
"You feeling ok?"

Yami replies"no". Yugi fells Yami's forehead."Oh you have a fever here." Lies Yami down on the sofa."I'll get you a blanket ok?"

"no don't worry I adopted you, Yami you are staying with me and my grampa."

"shu here" Takes a blanket from the closet placeing it over Yami. Grampa comes in seing the little boy covered by the blanket. "Let's make you face feel better." Grampa said covering up all the wounds with band-aids.

Will Yami get better? Will He be able to trust people? Next time Yugi what is Ice cream?