
Well, I've seen quite a few fics like this, so I thought why not try out one for myself? Anyways, this first chapter has a song but all the chapters aren't going to be like this. I hope you enjoy. =D

Disclaimer: Me not own any Bleach Bishies. Sad fo' me =( xP

Ding. Ding. Ding.

Three loud rings reverberated off the loudspeaker as young teenagers clad in white and blue uniforms rose immediately in relief. The class had ended. Finally, was a word which echoed in the minds of all of the students as they packed their bags in a hurry to escape from the clutches of the teacher who had for almost an hour and a half, been torturing them. Double classes with their most loathed teacher was not especially anticipated by anyone. The teacher rose, herself and assigned a scrapbook to the students to complete during their spring break which was to be submitted as soon as the school reopened.

In the front seat, a girl and boy were talking animatedly as they expressed their loathing for the evil teacher.

"I have no idea why she hates me so much. I never did anything to her!" she complained making a face towards the back of the teacher as she exited the classroom.

"Yeah, it is kind of weird," The boy commented while laughing.

"Have a good vacation then." They both greeted each other before the girl walked through the crowd of excited students and joined her friends outside.

"So then, he was walking outside and…." An overly excited girl spoke rapidly of her latest experiences.

"Who, Fuji?" She enquired.

"Hey, Raika….I see you survived sensei's torture." One of her other friends, Mai, greeted her with a grin.

"Yeah-" the over-excited Anne spared her only a single syllable before continuing with her tale, as Raika answered Mai with a disparaging roll of her eyes. The two girls laughed before all of them headed downstairs in groups of two's and three's.

Once stationed at the gates of the school with everyone else, the large group disbanded after saying various farewells and greetings. Raika, Sierra and Tera- only three people out of their usual group of four- walked towards their homes together.

"It's finally the spring break!" Raika exclaimed in a clearly relieved voice as she placed her arms behind her head and walked in a casual manner.

"Yeah, too bad sensei turned it into hell with that stupid assignment." Tera frowned as she crossed her arms in a disapproving manner.

"But I always wondered why they gave Spring Vacation at the end of spring. I mean, its April now for God's sake!" Sierra's accusation had a clear point and it was discerning that the Spring break was actually the beginning of summer. Nonetheless, it was a holiday; and holidays were always welcome no matter what the season. Not that they didn't have any fun at school, but some free time at home was clearly called for, from time to time.

"So what are you guys planning for the vacation?" Tera asked casually.

"Nothing in particular. My parents don't go out much so basically I plan on watching more episodes of Bleach." Raika answered, after a thought, as Sierra replied that she was probably going to visit her grandmother again.

"I thought you already watched Bleach?" Tera asked, narrowing her eyes.

"I want to repeat a few good episodes." Raika grinned sheepishly.

"Does this have anything to do with Toushirou Hitsugaya?" Sierra asked, as she grinned, "You know, that old white haired dude who's as short as an Elementary Grader?"

"Shut up!" Raika answered glaring at her friend as Sierra only laughed.

"I think Hisagi is way cuter," Tera interjected as she stared dreamily at a nearby pole, thinking about her Bleach crush.

"Shuuhei's definitely cute; but I just find something really appealing about Toushirou." Raika stared off into space.

"Oh look, she's proceeded to calling him by his first name already." Sierra joked.

Raika stuck her tongue childishly on an impulse, as the three friends burst out laughing.

"He's not even that cute compared to guys from Kaichou wa maid-sama or La corda D'oro though." Tera commented.

"Big deal." Raika dismissed the comment with an airy wave of her hand as she approached her house, "Well, I'm off guys. See ya' later! By the way, don't tell Sakamoto that I was the one who switched his water for the saline!" She called out with a hearty laugh at the joke as her friends waved farewell to her gesturing with their hands that they would be sure not to spill the beans.

The thirteen-year-old, entered her house and called out an 'I'm home' before running up to her room.

"You turn on that laptop and you'll see what happens," Her mother entered the room with an evident glare on her face. She was clearly in a bad mood as her voice sounded dangerously menacing. Raika closed the flap of her laptop and walked past her, giving her an angry frown on her way out.

She always hated days when her mother got on the wrong side of the bed. And it wasn't just her mother either.

The young girl took a few random clothes and a towel before locking the door to her room and preparing to take a bath. She didn't want her mother to just barge in like she usually did. Most of the time, they got along pretty well but when either had an outburst of temper, it would shake the house.

Raika commenced to taking a refreshing bath before she did anything else. She would much rather prefer to go online or update one of her fanfictions, but since she was forbidden to use the laptop for the time being, it was better to agree to her mother's orders. Provoking her might do more bad than good which could, in the long run, result in her precious treasure to be confiscated. Technically speaking, she wasn't majorly obsessed with technology or the internet. But as long as she was confined within the walls of her house, nothing else but technology had any appeal to her. She had given up trying to bond with her parents a long time ago. It was an utterly futile effort. Her younger brother was of no help since everytime she talked to him about any joke she had pulled or some interesting event which was not for the ears of her parents, he would either blackmail her with the information or go running to 'Mummy' for the sole purpose of getting her into trouble. Therefore, emotional attachments with her family was not a very attractive prospect for Raika now, as it had been when she was still a child. It was almost as if she behaved like two different people at school and at home.

Her thoughts spiraled around her head as she descended the stairs for dinner. At the table, her parents and brother were eating, dropping in a few casual comments about politics, the weather, school, work and other typical subjects. A sudden yelp of shock from her 11 year old brother silenced her parents.

"It's just a fake, son." Her father laughed as he held up the plastic black cockroach. It might have been fake but those hairy legs had a certain eeriness no doubt.

"Onee-san did it!" Her brother, Chris, yelled accusingly.

Raika gave a private roll of her eyes as she continued to eat silently; while both her parents muttered a stream of her bad traits and how it was her responsibility as the eldest child, to be more mature and blah bah blah. She had heard it all before.

"…..and lazy; not to mention the fact that she cannot do any house work at all. Why not just turn into a boy?" her mother went on, as her father laughed at her comments.

"Go to sleep." Her father said, before getting off the chair to do his daily walk in the balcony.

With only a stiff nod, given against her own will, Raika ascended the stairs and disappeared into her little room again. It wasn't very roomy or big, but the overall effect was very appealing and it felt like home more than anything else.

She was already dressed in her pajamas and as she hooked up the headphones of the iPod to her ears, her eyes fell on the mirror at her dressing table. Music from Avril Lavigne's renowned song 'Nobody's Home' greeted her as her reflection from the mirror stared with half lidded eyes, back at her.

I couldn't tell you

Why she felt that way; she felt it, everyday,

And I couldn't help her

I just watched her make the same mistake again.

''I wish….''

What's wrong, what's wrong now?

Too many, too many problems?

Don't know where she belongs,

Where she belongs.

Her hands fell on the compact mirror on her dressing table along with all the other make up that she never used. She flipped it open as it revealed a picture of Toushirou.

She wants to go home. But nobody's home,

It's where she lies, Broken inside.

There's no place to go, no place to go,

To dry her eyes, broken inside.

It felt so awkward and childish to be fantasizing about living in an anime world. It was merely paper, colours and a lot of fancy gadgets and softwares. Clearly, it was insane to be thinking thoughts like these. And yet, insanity had never felt so normal.

Her feelings she hides, her dreams she cant find

She's losing her mind, she's falling behind

She can't find her place, she's losing her pace

She' s falling from grave, She's all over the place.

She's losing her mind….that sounded like a pretty decent way to summarize her current situation. It was pathetic.

She wants to go home. But nobody's home,

It's where she lies, Broken inside.

There's no place to go, no place to go,

To dry her eyes, broken inside.

Brown black hair, deep brown eyes, pale childish face- her reflection stared back at her. But something seemed a little off. A little transparent, as if she was watching her reflection on the glass of a window. But something was shimmering…in the mirror? This was very strange, indeed. She put on her contact lenses wondering if she was just seeing things. It could very well just be a hallucination.

But the image seemed to only get clearer- and it wasn't her reflection either. If it was anything, her reflection was the one that seemed to be fading. With each passing second the image began to get clear. It was dark…and a few small lights illuminated the scene. There were millions of tiny dots scattered across the….sky? The sudden materialization of the scene of a sky was very strange indeed. It was a complete shock. But what shocked her more was the…texture, no, colour of the sky. It wasn't like the real opaque sky…in fact, it sort of looked like an animated scene. As if someone had painted it on the glass. Maybe with invisible ink?

But that couldn't have been possible. She had been with her brother downstairs all this time. He couldn't possibly have done it. So what was this strange scene unfolding before her? It couldn't have been a dream. Dreams didn't feature such clear pictures and she was pretty sure she hadn't fallen asleep. But she still pinched herself just to be sure. The picture seemed to be getting even clearer and it expanded noticeably until the picturesque view of a beautiful night sky with millions of tiny stars scattered here and there, unfolded before her clearly astonished eyes.

For a second, Raika was frozen in fear and anticipation. She tried not to get too carried away with hope, and instead focused on the forgotten song playing in her iPod which was reaching its last few notes. She extended her right hand towards the mirror, not knowing what to expect. But the most astonishing thing happened. The hand went through!

Instead of being frightened, she was filled with the flame of curiosity and anticipation. What supernatural occurrence was unfolding before her? Her eyes shone brightly as she delved further into the realm of the mirror. Her entire frame went through and for a second everything was black. Then she had the strangest sensation as the light of the moon and stars greeted her. Everywhere else was dark. She turned back with an amazed look on her face but alas, the bad news was yet to come. The portal was swiftly shrinking and before she could comprehend what was happening, it had completely vanished.

So much for anticipation. Fear and surprise filled up her insides but fear was the dominant emotion. Everything was dark and the only compensation was the light from the stars.

She's lost inside. Lost inside.


She's lost inside, lost inside


The song faded away into the background leaving only an eerie silence behind. Well, she was definitely lost alright….in a strange world that had materialized in her dressing table mirror.

"Who are you? Which squad are you from?" A stern voice greeted her ears. It seemed so….familiar for some reason.

A sudden light flashed in her eyes and blinded her for a minute. It was a few confusing minutes before she could regain her sense of sight. But after she did, she clearly wished she hadn't; because standing right there, in front of her, looking majestic and mature even at her height……..was the Captain of Squad 10 himself- Toushirou Hitsugaya.

As she had remarked mentally before, Insanity had never felt so normal.


Well? What did you think? Pleaaaaaaaseeeee leave a review to tell me your thoughts on this!!! Comments, suggestions, constructive criticism and praises would be very appreciated and would certainly make my day! (Unless they're flames that is. =P

Click ze' button!


