A/N: New fic!

It's called Say It's Over, based on the N-Dubz song, name and all, I don't normally like Chav songs, but this ones really good, and if it inspired me, I can't lie. Here's the summary:

Some relationships lose their spark. Some didn't have one to begin with. Ever wondered what Bella would say to Edward if she realized she liked someone else? In Eclipse, before graduation. (After Bella's grounding is lifted)

And before you wonder... ITS NOT JACOB!

Another song that helped me write this (I have no idea why) was When You're Gone by Avril Lavigne :) x

Based on these Lyrics of the song:

All My People Around The World If You Like Somebody Else,
How Do You Find The Words To Say Its Over?
I Been Wanting To Tell You,
But I Dunno How To Tell You.
How Do you Find The Words To Tell Them Its Over?
Baby Its Killing Me
This Just Isn't Right For Me,
I Think I like Somebody Else.

-Say It's Over, N-Dubz-


It was him, it seemed like a million years ago and I never thought we'd ever meet again. He went to England when I left Phoenix; we thought a long distance relationship wouldn't work. What I felt for Harry was ten times what I felt for my... 'fiancé'. Harry was my first love, and what I'd told Edward was... a lie. I'd just chosen my immortal life and now here was Harry. Funny smile, bright blue eyes and just as in love with me as I was with him. I saw a new life in front of me, a life where I wouldn't have to change to stay with him...

Chapter 1

Edward and I were perfect as always, driving home and complaining about Alice's recent shopping plans and torturous make-over ideas. But I couldn't help feeling like this was a routine, like we were going through the same motions day by day. It made me feel nostalgic, made me think about... him.

"Love?" Edward said, I blinked and looked at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just... spaced out." I lied.

Edward continued driving, and continued to complain about Alice, so I looked out of the window at the passing trees and people. As I dazed, someone in the passing people caught my eye. I looked closer, and saw it was him. Harry. I was sure. I gasped lightly, which caught Edward's attention again.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

My head spun to his direction, "Yes." I lied again, adding a small chuckle at the end. But Edward still didn't look convinced, but he continued driving anyway.

He dropped me off at my house; promising his usual nightly sneaking through my window. I raced upstairs, dumped my bag and went back downstairs to prepare Charlie and I's dinner.

As I preped the steak, I couldn't help but think of Harry, which worried me - alot.


The next morning; a Saturday to be exact, I awaited Edward's car to pull up, he was taking me into Seattle. My phone suddenly buzzed in my pocket, it was from Edward. He never texted me... ever.

I can't make it today, I promised Emmett I'd go hunting with him, sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise. x

Family over Girlfriend. I didn't mind, I wasn't too fussed very going anyway, but it kind of bothered me that he'd never done this before. I sat in the living room and talked to Angela on IM; she was worried that Eric was going off her, so I had to convince her he wasn't. After a few hours of chatting, Charlie said he was going to the station for a few hours.

I began walking up the stairs to my room, and heard the doorbell go. I smiled, just a tad confused that Edward was using the front door when he knew Charlie would shoot him.

I answered it, and my smile disappeared.

"Bella Swan?" Harry asked, his cute dimples appearing as he smiled.

"Yes," I whispered, with mixed emotions, "Hello Harry, how did you know--"

"Your Mom told me where." He said. I noticed his accent: It was a subtle English one, mixed with his old American one.

"Oh," I choked out, still shocked he was here. "Do you want to come in?" I asked, he smiled and nodded, following me to my living room.

"So this is your Dad's place?" He asked, looking around the room.

I nodded, "Why are you here?" I asked.

"My family moved here, my Dad got transferred again to Port Angeles." He answered.

"Oh, that's..." I sighed and looked down. "You know I've moved on, right, I have another boyfriend." I told him.

He nodded. "Your Mom told me that one, too. Edwin or something?"

"Edward." I corrected.

He chuckled, "Right, sorry." I felt myself blushing. "I missed that blushing." He commented. I put my hands on my cheeks.

"Don't, Edward should be here soon." I lied, looking out of the window as if I was looking out for him.

"Oh." He choked, running his hand through his hair. "I'd love to meet the guy who I lost you too." I chuckled, considering the word guy was an understantment.

"You know that's not exactly true, we broke up because of distance."

"I know, I know." He shook his head. "I've missed you, you know."

I became speechless, but my phone buzzed in my pocket just in time. The saying 'Saved by the Bell' sprang to mind. I answered it immedately.


"Hi Bella, are you home?" I was relieved when I heard Edward's voice.

"Yes, I am, are you done..." I looked at Harry,"... Hiking?"

"Hiking? I was hunting, you know that... is Charlie there?"

"Yes, he is."

"Oh right. Yes, I'm done, I'll be over pretty soon, okay?"


"Okay, I love you."

"I love you, too." I put my phone away.

"That was Edward." He said, it wasn't a questions.

"Yes, it was and he'll be here soon, so you'd better leave." I told him, standing up. "He's quite protective of me." I said.

"That's a bit creepy." He chuckled.

"You'd better go." I told him again.

"Can I see you again, please?" He asked, just as he was out the door.

"Bye, Harry." I shut the door, and put my hands to my face.

My ex was here. It seemed clearer now, but I felt something for him... something I don't feel when I'm with Edward. Which really scared me. I heard a car pull up, I looked through the window and saw Edward. I sighed, it was a mixture of relief and worry.

Obviously, he was at the front door immediately. His arms wrapped around me, as mine did him.

"I missed you." I whispered.

"Me too, I'm sorry for cancelling our trip, you still want to go?"

"No, it wasn't too important anyway. We'll just... hang out here?"

"Whatever you like, Love." He kissed me passionatly.

He sat on the couch, still as ever. I sat next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Tell me about hunting." I asked.

He chuckled lightly, "Well, Jasper suggested we try the border..." I spaced out, and realized I didn't feel the same things as I did with Harry. Which lead me to one question: Was I still in love with Harry?