
By Carol M.

Summary: E/O Challenge…soak… the brothers take a moment to assess and recover after the final battle…slight spoilers for possible season 5 finale

Word count: 100

Disclaimer: Don't own them, only love them

Happy Birthday to Supernaturalbuffy! Not exactly sick or delirious Dean but hurt and exhausted Dean with a little hurt Sam thrown in for good measure. Enjoy!




No answer.

"S…Sammy, you okay!?"


"Oh thank god."

"Guh…you okay?"

"I'm peachy."

There was silence then, punctuated only by the sounds of their labored breathing. They lay inches apart in broken heaps on the ground, puddles of blood pooling under their bodies.

"Are we dead?" asked Sam.

Dean gasped. "I don't think it would hurt this much, dude."

"So…that means?"

Dean snaked his hand towards Sam's and grasped it tightly, soaking it with his own blood. "Means we did it, Sammy. We ended the apocalypse."

"We should go to Disneyworld or something, man."

"Damn straight, brother."

That's All Folks!