Hello! It's me again! I've been away for a long time haven't I?

Well, enjoy!

She couldn't believe it.

Do you not have any other way to fish out the good ones?

Did he have to? Did he have to take away so many opportunities and arouse already-fiery grudges?

Did you?

Initiating a "preliminary" third exam. What were they doing, agreeing with him? Didn't they know that this was her only chance to pass in one go?

She would have to lose now. Not later, as she had planned, but now.

You filthy coward.

And Neji. What was she supposed to do with him?

Neji felt his blood hotly coursing through him faster, faster, and faster. His ears throbbed, hearing only the roar of the beast in him.

Now is our time. This is our chance.

The Hokage took a puff from his pipe, then nodded once.

The referee crushed his cigar and stood up, "Begin."

The scoreboard's pixels began to change. They bounced around, sending off flashes of light as the participants of the first preliminary match were determined.

Tenten tightly clutched the metal railing of the balcony, holding it like she was holding an extremely valuable hostage. Her nails marked the hard, cold railing, leaving visible imprints twice the thickness of her nails.

The pixels were slowing down now, their apparent sugar-rush was wearing off.




Uchiha Sasuke V.S. Akado Yoroi.

A punch here and a punch there. Overall, it was a quick fight. Akado did not stand a chance against the Uchiha's taijustu.

"Winner: Uchiha Sasuke!"

The pixels tumbled around once again.


Aburame Shino V.S. Zaku Abumi

Who knew that chakra would be such a good snack for bugs? It was another nice, clean finish.

"Winner: Aburame Shino!"

Quickly, the pixels devoured another package of sugar and danced once more.

Beepbeepbeepbeepbeep. Beep.

Kankuro V.S. Tsurugu Misumi

Puppets are always formidable.

"Winner: Kankuro!"

Tired, the pixels lazily assembled themselves across the board.

Beep. Beep.



Haruno Sakura V.S. Yamanaka Ino

It was...inspirational, having two former friends knocking one another out.

"Verdict: draw."

"Charming. No one from that round," Tenten mumbled under her breath.

"What was that, my dear Lotus?" Gai asked in a conspicuous stage whisper.

Tenten gave him a small smile and shook her head. "Nothing, just nerves."

Gai gave her a hearty pat on the back and returned his attention to the screen.

They were sluggish now, the pixels barely moved across the screen with any vigor.






Temari V.S. Tenten

Tenten's fist clenched once again. This time, the railing became truly deformed. It was shaped like a grotesque moon: every wrinkle, every line on her hand was imprinted perfectly into the lukewarm metal.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. On her way down, Gai slapped her heartily on the back once more, and told her, "Youthful Flower, I believe in you, YOSH!" He had mistaken her actions, truly believing that her nerves were getting the best of her.

The ground hollowly echoed her footsteps.

When she arrived to the test square, Tenten took another deep breath, raised her head, and set her eyes so she looked directing into the bitter, resolute, and challenging turquoise eyes of her opponent.

You coward. You have taken everything from me.

She let herself fall, crash painfully onto the steel fan, and be tossed into the weapons that were once her companions on the floor.

What happened after that, she did not know. Her back had been fractured in too many places. She blacked out and her body collapsed.

The referee hesitated to announce the victor, the fight had been finished more quickly than any other. The Hokage put a hand on his shoulder, confirming the end.

The head of Konoha himself cleared his voice, "Winner: …Temari."

"Dai san-do, juu go-fun (third degree, fifteen minutes)!"

Neji crashed onto the floor with a yell of pain. He clutched his head as the bandage-covered mark on his forehead began to glow an eerie green. He made no sound, he knew he would learn of his treason soon enough.

His guess was proven correct when a quiet, hoarse voice told him, "I warned you." It was followed by a loud, wet cough. Specks of red joined Neji on the cold, sterile tile floor. The speaker took a shuddering, raspy breath and continued with difficulty, "I promised you that if you did harm Hinata-sama in any way, you would be punished."

He wheezed as he sought out his voice, "She brought me my misery."

His tormentor coughed once again. A meteor of blood was spat out. "You brought on you own misery," she seethed.

Neji painfully turned his head, ever so slightly, and asked her testily, "What is she to you?"

Her hard, dark eyes flashed angrily, "Hinata-sama is my life, my honor, my pride."

He clutched his head again, the throbbing pain was overwhelming, he could no longer vaguely ignore it.

"Next time," Tenten warned, her voice waning, "the next time you come to this hospital, think twice before entering this room."

Fifteen minutes later, after he regained his bearings, he weakly stood up and walked away, ignoring the patient laying unconscious in the stark white hospital bed.

"I will never come back. That is what fate dictates."

You are despicable.


You are fortunate. Had Tenten not given you your punishment before the elders, you would have been in a mental hospital by now.

Congratulations on passing the preliminary round.

I expect you to continue to uphold the Hyuuga reputation.

~ Hiashi

Neji glared at the small, unsuspecting piece of paper sitting on his desk. "Uphold? I will."

Towel-drying her hair, Tenten looked around for her clothes. She had dismissed the maids ever since she could cook for herself and a week gone from home greatly depleted her inventory of clean, wearable sleepwear. Choosing a light, thin outfit to accommodate Konoha's sweltering spring heat, she rested herself on her large, soft bed. She tried reading for a good twenty minutes, but a small gathering of words poked, pricked, and gnawed at her brain, demanding to be released. Sighing, she reached for her ever present notebook. Tenten selected a pen and catered to the words' needs.

Little children come to be

once a story is complete.

And thou is truest in the form

of an angel in a storm.

Come my child and run along.

Let me hear your heartless song.

And without doubt you will be.

That other man who is a bee.

Tenten gently nibbled on the tip of her pen. She shifted slightly on her bed so she could have more access to the lamp's light. "Wash your hair..." She mumbled aimlessly before scribbling it down on her notebook.

Wash your hair and dye your feet.

Searching for things, they never will be complete.

Coursing veins,

unspoken deeds.

White cranes and green stars.

They possess what we must have to succeed.

"Crowns of the kings are never meant for me..."


Neji turned around. It was direct response, a reflex he never quite liked. His eyes slitted in suspicion when he the person who had uttered his name, "Yes?"

Tenten ignored the boy and tossed him a scroll, "Memorize. Give back. Two hours."

Catching the scroll with ease, Neji glanced at it briefly, "I do not use weapons."

Already walking off, ponytail swinging, Tenten held up a hand, "Want or not? If not, give back."

She gave him five seconds to decide. Naturally, Neji kept it. He was still a child and children are always curious.

Quickly barricading himself in his room, Neji unfurled the scroll. His eyes widened when he saw its contents.

Hesitantly, Hinata slid herself into position, "T-tenten-nee-san, a-are you s-sure?"

Tenten smiled softly. She stood straight as a statue and had her arms crossed. "Hiyake is busy today. Do not worry, Hinata-sama, I will not receive critical injuries."

"B-but you just got out of the h-hospital."

"I am fine."

Well, thank you for reading. Reviews are apprieciated! My lazy ego needs boosting! XD
