Author's note: Sakura and Syaoran are both twelve years old in this story. They are still classmates in Tomoeda and Syaoran decided to finally stay for good in Japan. Here, they are close to each other but not (yet) in a romantic sort of way. Oh well, just read on okay? I don't have to summarize it now for you, don't I?

But one thing guys, all I need from you is to please, please, please, please review this story. Pretty please? Help me decide if I should continue this or what. Thanx!

DISCLAIMER: Okay, fine. I don't own CCS or CC! All characters belong to CLAMP. Now, are you guys happy???


"-----" Conversations

=-----= Thoughts

(-----) Author's notes



**SAKURA**(-this name will indicate the person who is talking in the chapter so you won't get confused guys! ^_^)

Hey, What's up? I'm Sakura Kinomoto. Pleeeeeease, just call me Sakura and not anything else. I'm perfectly fine with my name, thank you very much. It's just that, I personally don't think my name goes with my personality. Sakura means "cherry blossom" in Japanese if you still don't know by now and, not that I hate it but's so `girly-girly' for me! Do you guys know what I mean???

Well, enough of that crap. You see, I am basically a no-nonsense type of girl. I like adventure and I absolutely love sports. You can't find me anywhere fussing with the way I look. Unlike my other friends, who comb their hair every minute until they go bald and put powder in their faces which makes them looks like ghosts, I am not, ABSOLUTELY not, interested in those things. Aargh! And the way they giggle whenever they see their crushes pass by... Man! What were they thinking?

They say I'm much of a tomboy and that I don't really act like a young lady but I don't care. Growing up in a house with two guys around you, my dad and my irritating brother, no wonder I am like this! They admire me though, because they say I'm one hell of a tough chick. The tough part was nice but as for the chick part...I have yet to think about that. But still, I'm flattered by what they say.

"Sakura!" A voice shouted behind me. I instinctively turned around to look at the one who's calling me. I narrowed my eyes at the sight of the messy brown haired guy running to catch up with me.

"Syaoran. Nice seeing you late too."

Syaoran snorted, falling into a step beside me. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Obviously, I overslept."

"You? Overslept?" I couldn't believe it. Syaoran is punctuality personified. I figured it goes with the discipline he learned from his family. "That would be the day!"

"I got really tired from that last training I had last night." He took a long sigh. "I am sooo busy, you know?"

I rolled my eyes. " Oh my, how could I forget? The future leader of the Li clan should train very hard everyday of his life to make him become more powerful and stronger! I should not really bother you now, don't I?" I mocked with fake sympathy in my voice.

"Ha ha ha. How sarcastic of you." Syaoran said in a cold monotone.

I laughed. I really liked teasing Syaoran. Believe it or not, inspite of our constant teasing such as this, we're actually the best of friends. Syaoran used to be my rival in capturing Clow cards and he's a jerk back then but now, I discovered that he's not a bad guy after all. With the Clow cards being changed into Sakura cards, all those things were behind us now.

"Thank you very much." I replied. "Now, don't you think we should get a move-on? We're awfully late for our gym class, you know?"

" I know. You don't have to remind me." He retorted. I guessed he's not really used to being late.

"Hey, look! Sensei's teaching basketball!" I whispered at him as we made our way to our class. As I scanned the familiar faces of my classmates, my eyes caught Tomoyo waving her hands discreetly at us. I smiled and waved back at her.

Tomoyo is also my bestfriend, believe it or not. She's my friend since I was still like, really young and we look nothing in common. She's really neat and well dressed and she's good at making dresses but I don't like those stuffs. I'm more of a jeans and t-shirt girl; I only wear skirts unless I really need to but otherwise, you can't make me! But inspite of our differences, we are always there to help one another.

"This should be good," Syaoran whispered back.

"Li! Kinomoto!" Our Sensei looked at us disapprovingly. "Seems like you two are late! I'm surprised at you Li but as for Kinomoto--" he smiled amusingly.

"I'm sorry, sir. This won't happen again." Syaoran said.

As for me, I need not bother to explain and ask for apologies. Our Sensei knew better than that; I am usually late no matter what I do.

"Well, just take your place there with your classmates so we could get on with what I'm going to teach you today." Our Sensei instructed.


I squeezed at the space beside Eriol and Tomoyo, with Syaoran following suit behind me.

"Hey guys." Eriol greeted. "I can't believe you're late Syaoran."

I saw at the corner of my eyes how Syaoran smirked at Eriol's comments. I nudged him and mouthed, "Be nice". I always can't help but wonder why he never liked Eriol that much. Oh, they're not really enemies...they're more like rivals. As what they say, they are both popular, cute and athletic. But from what I've noticed, Syaoran seems to be the only one bothered by it.

"I overslept." Syaoran mumbled.

I averted my gaze from them and listen to the class attentively. Gym class is my favorite class, obviously. I was right that what we're going to take up today is basketball.

"Now class, I will set up two on two for today's exercise." Sensei said. "Since the class have even numbers of guys and girls, I will pair up a guy and a girl against another team. The first one to make three points is the winner."

After that, the teacher called out the names of who are going to get paired with.

"Li and...Kinomoto!" he shouted. "You're the first pair to play against...Hiragizawa and Muyo!"

"We're partners." Syaoran said.

"Obviously," I grinned. Syaoran is good at sports so it doesn't bother me to get paired up with him.

"Good luck," Eriol called out as he passed by us.

I smiled at him. "Good luck,"

The four of us made our way to the court and took our positions. I seized up my opponents. =Muyo would be quite easy with her small figure and everything but Hiragizawa would be a bit difficult to handle. But we can manage that! = I thought.

As soon as the ball was launched in the air, I made a quick dive for it feeling Muyo's body slamming against mine. I felt the ball in contact with my hand and as soon as my feet landed back in the ground I passed the ball to Syaoran. I watched him make a quick move, doing fakes every now and then, but Eriol is also fast to keep up. I waved my hand, urging him to pass the ball on to me. He nodded after seeing me then, passed it on to me. With Muyo's weak defense against me, I darted across the court and made a jump shot. The ball went in.

"Nice one!" Syaoran shouted amidst the cheering.

The game continued for about a few minutes and so until the game was tied to 2-2. Eriol managed to score both points for his team, which makes sense because Muyo is not really much of help to him. What she just do is go after me and try to shove me away from my partner.

=Maybe the sight of Eriol and Syaoran playing so close to her is too much for her! = I couldn't help but giggle at the thought, noticing how the girl would smile every now and then at the two guys.

I saw an open area and made a motion for Syaoran to hand the ball over to me again. As he just made his way to pass the ball to me, Eriol successfully managed to intercept the ball and caught it.

"Hoe!" I impulsively shouted in surprise. However, I saw that glint in Syaoran's eyes and knew right away that he'll gonna make sure to get the ball back no matter what. Syaoran would never let Eriol upstage him. Just as what she predicted, Syaoran block the ball from Eriol just as he was about to make a shot, then Syaoran ran quickly to the other side of the court and made a jump. The ball went and Swwooosh! A soft sound could be heard as the ball went in.

"Yes!" I jumped up and down happily. I ran to give Syaoran a high five. "Nice shot you got there!"

Syaoran grinned happily at me. "Thanks! You're great too! We really make a great team, you know?"

I nodded. Syaoran and I definitely make a great team. If things will keep up the way such as this, we would come a long way together.

Author's note: So how do you like the chapter guys? This chapter is sorta like a prologue or introduction to the characters. Anyway, thanx for reading it. Pls review then, whatever your comments might be. That would be a big help! Arigatou!