Author's note:  Heeeyyyyy!!!! This is the last chapter for this fic already and I am so happy that it's finished now! At least I finished a fic ::wipes sweat off forehead:: I just  want to tell everyone who read and reviewed this fic for making this one very successful.  I had so much fun writing this fic because of  you guys and knowing that at least someone reads this makes me feel good ^__^. Again, Arigatou gozaimas everyone and I hope to see you again sometime in your own fics or in my other fics as well. Ja!



Normal P.O.V.

            The Valentine's party turned out to be a huge success.  Even after a week has passed, the whole Tomoeda Elementary School is still talking about it.  Everyone was all praises for the job well done by the organizing committee; all agreed that the party is indeed a blast…well, almost everybody except Sakura and Syaoran, that is.

            "Sugoi…it seems to me that everybody's still can't get over the dance, huh?" Tomoyo commented.

            "Who wouldn't be? I mean, it's just sooo romantic!" Rika giggled. "Congratulations for the good work done by the organizing committee, Eriol!"

            Eriol smiled good-naturedly at her. "Why, thank you Rika.  We're just glad that all our efforts didn't go into waste."

            "And it's really fun to see all our classmates getting dressed-up.  I didn't even recognize some of them because everyone looks so sophisticated and glamorous!" Naoko added.

            "You shouldn't forget to mention the people suddenly getting paired up ever since the dance," Rika implied.

            At that, Tomoyo's cheeks became slightly red while Eriol just glanced at her slyly.

            "Well, I still think Chiharu and Yamazaki are cute together." Naoko laughed.

            "Geeezzz….it's not like we're a couple or anything!" Chiharu rolled her eyes but of course nobody believed her.  Almost everyone knows that something different is going on between the two of them and they are just too afraid to admit it.

            "I still think that one of the best part about the Valentine's party is the announcement of our chosen King and Queen," Eriol said just a little bit too loudly that even Syaoran, whose back is turned against them, heard him.

             Tomoyo's eyes twinkled at the memory.  "Ooohhhh…you're right, Eriol. I mean, nobody deserves the award even better than Sakura and Syaoran!"

            "Guys…" Sakura, who is silent the whole time during the conversation, grunted.

            "That's like, the kawaiiest moment, ne?" Tomoyo prodded on.

            Syaoran couldn't help shaking his head as he overhears their conversation.  He knows from experience how Tomoyo could get all hyped up about something.  Especially if it's all about her favorite person, which is obviously none other than, Sakura Kinomoto.

            Naoko, Chiharu and Rika nodded. "We just have to agree,"

            "Please guys…I certainly don't want to remember that." Sakura couldn't help muttering.  Everywhere she goes, people still talk about her and Syaoran.  Everyone thinks they look perfect together.  Everyone speculates that they have something going on between the two of them.  And that's exactly the last thing that Sakura wants people to think about.  She hates being in the limelight and being talked about by almost everyone about her nonexistent and hopeless lovelife is not something she is rejoicing about.  If anything, it just sorts of add to her suffering. 

            "Still not used to the attention, huh?"  Eriol mused.

            Sakura sighed. "I guess so.."

            "How about our dear Syaoran here?" Eriol continue to ask, an evil smile making his way up to his face as he turn the table now towards Syaoran, who seems to be busy engrossing his self by staring into the blackboard.

            "What are you talking about?" Syaoran narrowed his eyes, as he realized that they are suddenly talking about him.

            "We're just recalling how kawaii you and Sakura-chan look together as you dance at the party." Chiharu couldn't help giggling as she remembered how romantic it really is to see the two of them dancing and staring into each other's eyes.

            Syaoran could feel his cheeks starting to blush.  The mere memory of it still makes him blush but as far as he's concerned, he just want that certain topic to be dropped.  That night dancing with Sakura is one of the bittersweet memories he had with her.


            When Terada-sensei walked inside the classroom, no one was more glad than Sakura and Syaoran.  For them, they know where their friend's topic is leading to.  And with Eriol and Tomoyo around, they could never be sure if one smart remark could do some serious effect on their feelings towards each other.

            Syaoran sighed as he stares sadly at the empty seat of Hana, who seems to be absent at the class today.  He just couldn't help thinking how he misses Sakura so much and the fact that he couldn't do anything about it pains him so much.  It's almost one week since their fight but still, Sakura is not yet speaking to him. 

            = Is she that mad at me? =

            Sakura noticed how restless Syaoran is.  She knows how much he is suffering because she is still not speaking to him and she really feels guilty at that.  However, whenever she tries to speak to him, she suddenly became tensed and afraid.  She feels that if she say something to him, something about her feelings for him will slipped out from her mouth.  And she certainly doesn't want that to happen.

            = What is wrong with me? He's your bestfriend, for Christ's sake! = She asked herself silently.

            "I read over your assignments and I just want to commend everyone for submitting great pieces to me." Terada-sensei smiled. "It certainly gotten me into the mood for the Valentine's party.  However, I am taking notice of one exceptional work done by a certain pair.  And I think it's really good how both even created a short love poem to describe the couple they've chosen."

            The class listened eagerly at their teacher, wondering whose work were those that he mentioned.

            "And because I think their love poem are too good for the rest of you to hear, I want them to read it out loud to the class." He paused to glance briefly at the paper he's holding. "Any representative from Kinomoto's group?"

            "Hey, that's our work!" Tomoyo gushed happily.

            "I'm just glad he liked it." Sakura grinned. "You could read the poem, Tomoyo-chan."

            Tomoyo shook her head as she smiles breezily at her. "Nah.  You should be the one reading it. You created it."

            "But you also—"

            "Nonsense, Sakura-chan." She smiled sweetly at her. "Come on, raise your hand now so you could read the poem."

            Even though she doesn't want to read it, Sakura grudgingly raise her hand to tell their teacher that she will be the one to read their poem.

            "Good, now Ms. Kinomoto why don't you come over here infront and read your piece from here."

            Sakura couldn't help groaning inwardly at that.  She is not really into sappy stuffs and reading their poem, which they created personally, infront of the entire class is certainly embarrassing.

            Terada-sensei smiled encouragingly at her while he hands their paper back. "You may now proceed, Ms. Kinomoto."

            Sakura took a deep breath as she glanced at the class.

            = Well, here goes nothing…=

            "Love and Friendship (this is work done by the author, Amanda Rae and this is NOT mine!).

 Love for you is kept deep inside my heart
 I want to tell you how I feel but I don't
 know where to start "

Sakura paused for a few seconds, realizing the new meaning of the words for her.  She feels a big lump suddenly making way down her throat and for some reason, she feels vulnerable standing infront of the class reciting their poem out loud.

           "I'm afraid that you might run, afraid our
            friendship might get lost "

She glanced briefly from their paper and unintentionally, for a few seconds, amber eyes is looking back at her.  Sakura could feel the intensity of it, looking at her as if reading her own emotions along with the poem as well.

"I …I care too much about you to lose you at
that cost. "

Syaoran couldn't help noticing how Sakura's voice seem to waver as she speaks infront.  He knows that Sakura is not enjoying reading her romantic poem out loud for everybody to hear but he also know that she is not that really shy too.  So what seems to be the problem with her voice?

"I can't tell you why I love you,"  Sakura uttered softly, her own emotions suddenly getting jumbled.

"Or how I feel for you
But if you knew how much you meant you'd
know my love was true."

Sakura glanced up from reading the paper, remembering in her heart the word written in the poem.  She remembered it now; how she managed to come up with writing this poem is no mystery at all.  For this is what she's been going through for days now; this is what she's been feeling for him. As she looked back at all of her classmate's faces and come across with Syaoran's, someone deep inside her surprisingly fought back and look back at him as she utters the poem loudly. 

            "Some says love is like the ocean; it comes and
            goes with the tide,
            But no matter how the moon is shining, I
            want you by my side. "

            "Cause… even when my hopes are lost, you
            still bring back my dreams…"

Sakura and Syaoran continued to stare at each other's eyes as she finished the last sentence of her poem.

"And even if I can't show it… you mean more
to me than it seems."

By the time Sakura is finished, everyone in their class couldn't help clapping at her very emotional delivering of the poem.  Sakura just thought in her mind that they have no idea how much the poem comes so close to describing her feelings for a very special person in her life.


            Later that afternoon, Sakura and the gang were all busy packing up for their volunteer work.  Since Terada-sensei asked them to help him and Rika urged all eight of them (Sakura, Syaoran, Eriol, Tomoyo, Yamazaki, Chiharu. Rika, Naoko) to participate, they willingly accepted it.  And besides, teaching second graders a game of baseball and basketball proved out to be fun.  All the children were sweet and adorable that even Sakura became so fond of them, wishing that she even had a little brother or sister of her own.

            Right now, all eight of them were working quietly inside the Athletics' Department office.  It was cleanup time and everyone was just glad for something to do while they thought some stuffs over their head.  Sakura quickly picked up some of the equipment they had borrowed and carried it over to the gym.  It actually didn't take her long to store the balls and nets in their closets.  Sakura was tempted to stay and shoot baskets, waiting for everyone to leave so that she could avoid some unwanted time with Syaoran.  Right now, she's still very much confused but she is slowly learning to heal and accept the fact that they could only be friends and will never come more than that.  

            =He have Hana already so why should I bother?=

            Sakura took one basketball and dribbled it onto the court.  At the foul line, she bounced it several times and set herself for the shot.


            She turned around to see herself face-to-face with Syaoran.

            "When I shoot, I don't miss."

            Syaoran raised his eyebrows.

            Sakura take a shot.  And she missed.

            Syaoran pulled the rebound off the board and dribbled past Sakura.  He decided to joined in her little game even if she didn't invite him.

            "I've got to put that away now," She said, holding out her hand.

            "I've got to talk," He replied, dribbling the ball so close to her.

            "So, stand here and talk if you want.  I'm going to put this away."

 Sakura quickly snatched the ball from him, but he grabbed her arm just as quickly.

            "We've got to talk."

            "I can't think of a good reason why." She said.

            "Sakura…you look so unhappy.  And I don't know what to do to help."  Concern was written all over Syaoran 's face that it just about broke Sakura's heart.

            "Please don't do anything."  She replied, tracing with her finger a curved line on the basketball. "It's not your problem, Syaoran." 

Sakura moved away from him.

"Things aren't great right now, it's true, but I set myself up for this."

"No." Syaoran frowned. "I set us up, when I started playing the Hana game with you."

"Excuse me." She retorted. "You may have gotten almost all the girls in our school to chase after you but when it came to you and Hana – get it straight – I'm the one who helped with that romance."

"You're sure of that," His eyes sparkled angrily. "I wonder what makes you so awfully sure you are the one calling the shots—"

"Two points, no rim, "Sakura announced, calling her shot, then making it, a clean swish.

Syaoran retrieved the ball and dribbled it behind the yellow circle.

"Three points," He announced confidently, then sunk the ball into the net.  He turned around to face her.

"You really don't have a clue about what I've been trying to do."

"I've got a clue all right," She interrupted. '"You're trying to beat me at my own game."

"Which game do you mean, Sakura?"

Sakura scooped up the ball.

"Which game?" He insisted.

She twirled around him and went for the left-handed lay-up. She is furious.  She's lost in love.  And she wasn't going to be beat shooting baskets.

However, Syaoran caught up with her and made a clean block.  Both of them charged after the loose ball, slamming against the wall.

"You know when I first met you," he said "That day you were sitting at the classroom looking like a brat, I thought you were actually a little crazy and so weak that you should probably always wear your crash helmet."

"Really? How flattering," Sakura said, trying to disentangle her body from him.  It made her ache to be so close to him.  His voice, his smell, his touch was all around her.

"But, but I guess I was even crazier—"

"I won't argue with that." She snapped, lunging for the ball that was rolling away from them.

"—wanting you."

Sakura looked over her shoulder at him. "What did you say?"

"I wanted you.  But you never wanted me." Syaoran laughed. "When I think about it now, it's pretty hilarious."

She was stunned.  Why was that funny?

"I was scared to be feeling all these new things around me and was such a baka for not knowing it soon enough," He continue to look at her with those incredible amber eyes. "There were a few moments, like when we're dancing at the party, when I thought I had a chance."

Syaoran shrugged and smiled, as if those moments were no big deal.  "You helped me with Hana and even managed to get yourself a date with that Eriol. I was so mad at that you know! And I even let it all out at you!  You were angry at me and I couldn't blame you. "

"Oh, jeez…"

"I thought all that I wanted is to get a date with Hana…I never thought I'll end up wanting you." He sighed. "That night, at the dance, all I wanted was to reach for you."

Syaoran took a step forward.  She instinctively picked up the basketball and clutched it like a life preserver.  Could Syaoran tell that she's shaking all over?

"You can let go now," He said quietly. "Game's over."

"Is it?" I whispered. "Who won?"



"Obviously." He snapped. "Not you, not Hana, not me."

He turned and walked away.

Sakura stared at him in disbelief.  He meant it.  It really was over.  He had fallen in and out of love with her before she even know it.  It had lasted about as long a dip in a chilly pool.  Now all that was left was anger.

She watched his back for a minute, then took a running start and hurled the ball from the half-court toward the basket at the other end of the gym.  She wanted to smash the glass blackboard into a thousand pieces.

Instead, the ball dropped neatly into the basket.

Syaoran stopped and waited for the ball to roll back at him.

"You know, if you practiced a little," Sakura noticed one side of his mouth drawing up. "You'd be sort of a good shot."

"I am a good shot."

Syaoran nodded towards the basket, then flipped the ball to her, as if he were passing the ball to a teammate.  But just after she caught it, he ran over to block her path.  Sakura dribbled around him.  Syaoran stayed with her.  She drove hard to the left, then to the right.  He was with her in every step.  Pulling back again, she faked and raced for the lane. 

She couldn't help giving Syaoran a sneaky elbow on the ribs before taking off just beneath the basket.  They ended up colliding in midair.

"Foul!  On the arm! " Sakura yelled.

"Are you kidding? Charging!" Syaoran exclaimed.

They just stood there, sweating, looking at each other.

"Sakura," Syaoran said, his voice so low and breathless she could hardly hear it. "I'm in love with you.  It's not over for me.  I can't stop being in love with you and I don't know what to do about it."

Sakura swallowed hard.  The feelings she is having were so intense that she was actually terrified.

"You are kidding." She tried to sound light and breezy.

"No, I am not." Syaoran kissed her lightly on the cheek. "Does it still look like I'm joking?"

She stared in surprise at him.

 He looked at her intently. "You're shivering."


He pulled her against him, his arms encircling her like he'd never let go, lowering his mouth slowly towards her face.

"Sakura…closed your eyes."

Sakura closed both, then opened one.

Syaoran laughed out loud.  His mouth felt like a smile on her lips and she could feel him laughing all up and down his body. He kissed her gently, gently again, waiting for her. "Sakura," he said softly.

When Sakura kissed him back, it was with everything that she felt. Syaoran stopped laughing; she could feel him trembling up and down.

Both are oblivious around them that they don't know how long they stayed in each other's arms. At last, Sakura managed to talk.

"I, uh, guess we should get back to the office."

"But you still didn't tell me something…"

Sakura smiled at him, as she put the basketball away.

"Syaoran Li," She looked at his eyes lovingly. "I love you very, very  much. I guess, more than you'll ever know."

Syaoran hugged her tight and reached out for her hand, kissing her cheeks one more time.

"Everybody's going to be a little surprised about you and me, don't you think?" Sakura asked.

"Well maybe not Tomoyo and Eriol." He smirked. "But the others will be. Rika, Yamazaki, Naoko and Chiharu have no clue.  We're both pretty good fakers."  He added as they walked down the hallway. 

When they reached the end, a note was posted on the office door. 

Dear Syaoran and Sakura,

Couldn't stay any longer.  Everyone's meeting at the Pizza Palace 6:00 to unwind.  See you there.


P.S. We've already cleaned up the entire office so need to worry about it anymore.

P.P.S. Don't let me down, guys. I love happy ending.



Author's note: Well, there it is! My first finished fanfic! I hope you guys would still read and review even up to this last chapter of mine! ^__^  Well, if you might notice I started this fic with a basketball game and ended it too with a game between Syaoran and Sakura.  It just symbolizes how they started as friends and end up as more than that.  Anyway, if you could tell me which part of the whole story would you like the most out of all of them I would certainly love to read it. Again, Thank you very much everyone!!!!!