Barking At The Moon

Disclaimer- I don't own Twilight or anything else recognizable.

Summary- Jared Imprint leaves him a mess, but just maybe there is someone who can heal him after all. Slash.

If you haven't figured it out this story is rated M and it will have M content. Don't like it don't read it.


Epilogue of sorts.

Two months had passed since Isabella Swan's unfortunate death. The Cullens true to their word left two days later dragging with them the two Volturi members that joined their family. Charlie was inform of his daughters untimely death and he was slowly moving on with Billy's help. Summer was coming to an end and the pack who were still going to school were dreading the upcoming days. The weather was slowly changing, leaves were falling and changing colours.

Jacob grabbed Jared hand's and entwined their fingers as they walked through the sand to one of the large fires that had been started. Tonight was the end of summer bonfire, all the La Push residence were walking along the beach or sitting by the fires listening to the tribal legends being told by the elders. Today just also happened to be Quil's 17th birthday. The pack had already done the birthday gifts and an endless amount of birthday beats so now they were just enjoying the night.

"Hey guys, girls." Jacob greeted as he and Jared approached the fire that the pack were surrounding.

"Hey Jacob, Jared. I got to go help Emily." Sam quickly left to help Emily set up the food that had been brought by some of the families. Jared shrugged and sat down he yanked Jacob down to sit beside him.

"What took you guys so long?" Leah questioned from her spot beside Seth. Embry and Paul sat on her other side and on Seth's other side sat Quil and Crystal. Crystal White was Emily's best friends during High School before she had ever met Sam, and when Crystal came to La Push to catch up with Emily, Quil imprinted on the red haired beauty. Crystal was surprisingly calm about the whole Wolf thing and imprinting mess. She accepted Quil and agreed to date him and get to know him. The couple had been dating for two whole months now. Emily was incredibly happy to have her best friend back and it was even better when she could actually talk to someone about the whole wolf thing.

"For your information Miss. Leah we weren't doing anything dirty, we were just talking with Billy and Charlie. So there." Jared answered and stuck his tongue out at her in a very immature gesture. Leah smirked and returned a not so friendly gesture. The pack laughed.

The evening went on and soon everyone was up getting some food to eat. Emily had demanded that the pack wait until the humans got their fill before they could attack what was left. The pack of hungry wolves pouted at that but the did as told and wait for the human to eat first. Crystal, being a human, got her food and purposely sat in front of Quil teasing him as she ate.

Once the food was gone, the pack were all sitting around talking about nothing in particular when Emily who had been cleaning up the scraps of food that was left came over and whispered something to Sam. Sam stared back at her for a second.

"Are you sure?" The whole pack watched as Emily nodded her head.

"I'm sure." Sam sighed and turned to Jared.

"Jared, Emily saw Kim walking around here." Jared tensed for a second before relaxing when Jacob wrapped his arms around him.

"Okay." Emily smiled an encouraging smile before grabbing Crystal - ignoring Quil undignified squeak of "Hey"- and dragging her back over to the table to help clean up while giving the guys some privacy.

"Are you okay with her being here?" Paul asked his best friend. Embry sat beside Paul running his hand through his mate's short hair.

"Yeah. I think so. I mean I'm not in love with her. I don't feel like I should be grovelling at her feet begging her to take me back." Jacob growled and tightened his arms around his mate. "So I'm guessing I'm okay with her being here."

"If not we can always let the Emily and Leah have a go at her. They are still pissed at her for leaving." Embry joked. Leah scoffed and socked Embry in the arm ignoring Paul's cries of "Hey not hitting my mate." Which just left everyone breathless from laughter.

"I'm going to get something to drink." Jared told Jacob as the others started teasing Seth about being the only one without an imprint. Leah had against her will imprinted on a guy in her Calculus class. The guy Ross Whitelaw, and Leah were constantly fighting and teasing each other, now with the imprint things were even more interesting. The two were constantly at each other throats and yet their relationship was more sturdy then Sam and Emily's. Ross seemed to be the most strange boy in the world, and he accepted the whole thing about his girlfriend being a furry beast and embraced it. He knew about the whole Sam and Leah thing so he created the opposite relationship with Leah. One that involved jokes, teasing and fights. It worked for them. Ross wasn't able to join them instead he was visiting his family in Canada before school started.

Jared kissed Jacob's cheek before getting up and walking over to the drink table. He popped the tab on the can of coke before taking a drink.

"Jared." Jared spun around and came face to face with Kim. He managed a small grimace of a smile for her.

"Kim, how are you?"

"I've been okay. Complications but I'm okay. I saw you with Jacob, are you guys together now?" Jared could practically feel the goofy smile that seem to always grace his features whenever someone mentioned his mate.

"Yeah. He imprinted on me after you left, and after some problems I broke the imprint between us and imprinted on him." Kim smiled a small smile before licking her top lip.

"I happy your happy. Jared I never wanted to hurt you. I know that probably means nothing but I was watching you with Jacob, you never treated me like that. You never looked at me with that same amount of love that you look at Jacob with." Kim told him before taking a sip of her water bottle.

"Kim, I loved you."

"I know you did. And I loved you too. But I'm happy you moved on and fell in love with Jacob, whether because of an imprint or because you just fell in love. I'm happy for you." Jared nodded and pulled her into a hug. Kim laughed and hugged him back.

"So how have you been? And what complications?" Jared asked once they pulled back from the embrace.

"Um.. I found a someone in Canada and I thought I fell in love with him and we slept together and I'm now three mouths pregnant." Jared's felt his jaw drop open before it snapped shut. In the matter of roughly four-five months his ex-love fell in love with someone else and got pregnant.

"Congratulations. Is he taking care of you?" In the back of his heart he still care a lot about her, she was the first girl he ever fell in love with. That doesn't just go away.

"No the dad it was a mistake and turns out he was just on a break from his fiancé and now there are together again, and instead I fell love with his brother who is taking care of us."

"I'm sorry about the dad but at least you got someone." Kim smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. I'm living with him while going to school. Been taking summer class since I won't be able to after my seventh month. And my parents got a divorce. Mom moved off to Paris with her fling. And dad moved to Texas with girlfriend, whose like my age." Jared cringed.

"I'm sorry about your parents." Kim wiped a single tear off her cheek and smiled a watery smile.

"Kim we should be leaving." A new voice entered the conversation.

"Jared this is Devon Tait my boyfriend. Devon this is Jared my ex-boyfriend." Devon nodded to Jared in greeting before joining hands with Kim.

"I guess we better get going. Jared it was wonderful seeing you again. I am glad your happy and I never meant to hurt you." Jared smiled and the two hugged again.

"Good luck with your child. May you have the best of luck." Kim smiled.

"And you." With that said Kim and Devon turned around and left. Jared watched her leave and let out a sigh of relief, for once Kim actually walked away and their was no heartache.

"Hello love." Jared spun around and was wrapped up in Jacob arms. Jared buried his head into his lover's chest.

"Hey can we take a walk?" Jacob nodded and the two took off down the beach. Night had fallen and the moon was high in the sky. The two lovers walked along the sand, the wet sand sank between their toes as the water lapped at their feet.

"I love you." Jacob told Jared as the two stopped and stood in an embrace. Jared's arms were wrapped behind Jacob's neck and Jacob's arms were wrapped around Jared's waist.

"I love you too." The two shared a smiled before meeting in a kiss.

The new moon rested high in the sky. The stars twinkled above the two lovers. The water sparkled, from the moon and the stars reflection. Some where in the distance the howl of the wolves embraced the couple.

I'm going to cry. This story, one of my babies -that I actually love- is complete. I hope many of you are happy with this ending, I had to give Kim a somewhat happy ending and give both Jared and her some closure. Leah and Quil both got imprints.

I would like to Thank You all greatly for everyone who has reviewed, alerted, favourited, and stuck by this story despite the spelling mistakes, the long updates and the general boring cliches. I'm happy to to announce sometime in the future I will correct the spelling mistakes and such but for now I'm going to put this COMPLETE story to the side and focus on my other three stories, Remember Me -HP-, Searching The Missing -HP-, and Summers Never Been Better -HP-. Their my three main focus for the moment, along the occasional one-shots.

Please review let me know what you think.