Well, It wasn't a year this time. :)

And it's slightly longer this time. No Rosalie though, school either next chapter or chapter after.

Update: I've rejigged This chapter a bit. Draco a bit more acerbic but still reasonably friendly. Hope you like :)


Was his first thought, swiftly followed by

'Oh my god, this was the house we're to be staying in?'

It was small, for Malfoy's standards anyway. For normal people it was still a mansion, Addams family esque. Rich oak paneling lined the outer walls, the brick between painted a serpentine olive. Beautiful …for a muggle place anyway.

Narcissa was slightly more positive…

"Oh darling" she squealed hugging her husband, "it's beautiful, and not too far from town. I'm so glad we decided to come here."

Lucius turned his lips up just slightly. His wife was finally smiling again. He could learn to enjoy it here if she was happy, only for his family, somehow he didn't think his son would be won over so quickly.

"Father, it's tiny."

Nope, defiantly not.

"Come on, son, work with us here," Lucius' resigned tone seeped down into Draco's conscience and the younger sighed, resigning himself to shut up and get on with it. Pledging however that if his room was red that he would scream until his parents gave in and glamoured the walls green. He thought that was perfectly fair, after all even though he was no longer a slytherin, he still had the slytherin pride and would not stand a crimson room.

Following his parents into the house, he calmed slightly, he didn't know what but this place, it was just so odd, and goose bumps littered his arms because of it. The house was somewhat acceptable inside, emerald walls with black and silver panelling, Father must have thought ahead he surmised. His feet tapped on beautiful oak floors and climbed the fine staircase. Reaching the room to which his parents directed him Draco slowly creaked the door open; just like home. Seeming that his parents had taken the liberty to practically duplicate his room from the manor, his bone weary body hit the mattress, and he slept.

It was 6 when the blonde boy was finally shaken awake by his amused mother,

"Honestly Draco, Go get dressed and be down stairs in 5 minutes."

She left the room shaking her head with mirth; her son on the other hand was barely coping with being abruptly awoken from his peaceful slumber. Pinching his eyes together he stretched and yawned, wandering over to his wardrobe he hoped to god that he his clothing was in the drawers.

It was, and he was downstairs with a minute to spare, his mother scaring him slightly with the slightly maniacal, excited look that stretched her features.

That was how he found himself on the other side of town in the local shop.

The grocery store was pretty empty by this time, the bright strip lights bleaching out everything in sight, particularly his skin. Sighing in contempt he chucked a net bag of apples in the cart,

'Mother must be mad' she thought sending me on this plebeian trip. Looking on the list his mother gave him he sighed again. Honestly what did his mother want cranberries for?

He heard the almighty crash before he felt it.

"Oh god, I 'm so sorry, oh I'm so clumsy. Oh gosh…"

He bit his acid tongue down as he saw the bumbling girl's blushing face turned down in embarrassment. Sighing in contempt, Draco asked the girl if she was alright, having no idea why he wasn't ripping her a new one for bumping into him and mussing his clothes. The girl raised her bright red face in surprise, and he could at last she her features, her bottomless brown eyes were the same deep shade as her coffee toned hair which fell just short of the small of her back. The gentle wave of her hair softened further her already delicate face so much so the shark like smirk on the boy's face involuntarily diminished to a very slightly warmer one.

"You're English?"

He rolled his eyes in exasperation

"I'll assume I'll be hearing that at school at lot then." His drawled tone was apathetic but held a lilt of cruel amusement.

"Yes probably, but I haven't started yet, just moved from Arizona." The girl replied oblivious to his tone, God he thought, the heat would fry him like bacon.


An awkward moment rested on the girl for a few seconds until Bella realized she hadn't even introduced herself.

"I'm Bella by the way, Bella swan." She smiled

"I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." He returned rather acidic.

"Oh, that sounds so out of the ordinary, How come you…"

Bella has started chatting to the blonde boy so the two teens began to follow each other around the store talking about life... well Bella was; Draco was more... trying to keep polite interest. Apart from being very quiet about the specifics of his rather 'exotic' schooling he was being strangely open with this young muggle; He was talking to her after all. He had already found out that he was what they considered a senior in the states, whilst Bella was a junior, and Bella was currently chatting about the Biology she found awfully dull, If he was perfectly honest Draco thought it sounded a bit like herbology which was a good thing. He did find it strange though, to find someone he didn't feel like glaring at constantly,even he could admit this girl was more interesting than Pansy wittering on. He did miss her though, and Crabbe and Goyle. Rest his soul, the big lumbering idiot.

He could see this girl as an acquaintance though, 'Ha, who would have thought; Granger would be so proud.' His inner self smirked at the thought.

After paying, which was a rather interesting experience, it took him five about a minute to realize there was no chip and pin like there was in the UK, and then struggled to work out how to swipe the card, but eventually after some stifled giggles from his new friend and a very 'helpful' shop assistant they managed to leave, Draco wheeling around 6 bags and carrying a receipt with a strange looking phone number written across the back.

The amusing self moving doors opened to reveal a downpour that rivaled a Weasley twin storm in a teacup torrent.

His face droped.

'Great, just great I'm going to have to wait around in this shit for ages'

The wonderful father he was Lucius had offered to pick Draco up but rather forgot to realize that you really couldn't apparate a car into a full car park, so a twenty minute wait faced the now huffy teen.

"What's up? Hate the rain" Bella asked quite amused "cause if you do you're kind of screwed… although shouldn't you be use to it, living in England as all?"

Sighing with an exasperated expression on his face Draco chuckled lowly.

"Nah, it's just I have to wait here for an utter age as Father has decided he will pick me up only after I call him, and well we live a good 20 minutes away." stupid, typical ... ugh!

Bella looked down for a few moments,

"I'll take you. You live on the old Northbrook Estate don't you?"

Draco's eyes widened in surprise and suspicion, from her generosity, (what silly person would offer a lift to a near stranger?) yes, but how did she know where he lived?

She laughed again.

"Oh come on, I've been here for like four days and even I've picked up the buzz about a family moving there. That place has been abandoned since before my dad was born. So, do you want a lift?"

Shaking his head, he nodded and helped Bella put her bags in the boot, they slammed their doors and she revved the ignition.

As she drove he began to think about back home, they never would have treated him so, by the end of it all the family was being sneered and his mother was driven to tears.

Maybe this place wasn't so bad...

A review would be nice. :)