Tony had such utter respect for one man, his role model. He would do anything just to keep whatever ounce of trust that man had in him. There was nothing Tony cherished more then to have the a man who didn't trust, trust him. Tony followed the rules, even when his heart told him to do something else. All because he respected that man to much to disobey him. It took a lot for him to respect anyone as much as he did this man. He was entrusting, but no one knew it. He always hid behind his 'playboy' exterior, and no one ever had a clue. No one but that one man, who could see right through him. That was were all the respect rooted from, it was the fact that that man never called him out on his mistakes. He had a lot of them, and he was never called out on them. Well not the personal ones anyways.

Now as he lay here dying, the blood seeping into his shirt; he can't help but think that he was letting down that man somehow. Maybe it was the fact that he had made another mistake, a stupid personal one. Or maybe it was due to the fact that there was someone else laying next to him. Someone who was crying for him, someone who had blood seeping into her sleeve. She tried to stop the blood flow in her arm, but also in his chest. No success, that he was sure of. He could feel himself fading. Fading into a world that he may never return from. A world in which he had felt himself come close to entering before, when he had the plaque. That man had pulled him out of it though.

"Stay with me!" Abby shouted at him, and he didn't respond. He let his eyes glaze over, even though her voice brought him back to some kind of reality. He felt her hand touch his wound once more, and wasn't shocked that he felt nothing. It was the shock taking over him. "Tony you can't give up..." She whispered tears forming in her eyes.

Tony tried so hard not to give up, but when you have such a strong feeling to do just that, everything changes. He had always considered him one to never give up, for anything. But the 'light' was so bright, and he had to move towards it. He could see all the movies, and only chuckled to himself. If there was a heaven, there wasn't going to be any movies. But for all he knew there would be, and he would be in...well, heaven. His heaven would consist of Ziva, and all the movies he could watch. It sounded so much better then his life right now, the only thing that had kept him alive was his pride. He could never take his life, just because he could never put down the team. His 'family'.





Even Palmer for petes sake.

And Gibbs.

Gibbs was that man, the one he respected more then anyone. The one that had kept him alive in the worst situations. And truth be told the one that had pulled him out of some pretty rough depressions. Gibbs was the closest thing that the young agent would ever have to a father. The one person who had always been there for him since they met. He remembers the bars after Kate died. Then the nights they spent watching stupid movies after Jeanne left. He could never forget the lecture he got about it not being his fault when Jenny died. Then when Ziva left, the way Gibbs just gave the agent a look, and they spent another night watching old movies. It was something that Gibbs could never admit, and had made sure Tony wouldn't talk about. Gibbs wasn't normally that kind of man. The only other real affection he had seen was towards Abby.

He made a mental note to investigate that if he made it out.

The sirens were what he heard next, and the sobbing coming from Abby hadn't lessened. Then he say the man he was thinking about. Gibbs grabbed Abby off of his broken body, and his blood was instantly on the mans shirt as Abby gripped him. Her tears soaked his shirt, and Tony started to wonder why he could see all of this, and not seem to be in his body. He could see his...body. That didn't make sense did it? He could see the EMT take him away, but he wasn't in the ambulance as it left.

"What happened?" Gibbs asked looking into Abby's eyes. She tried to rub the tears off her face, but only more fell down her face. Gibbs took his rough hand and brought it to her blood soaked and wet face. He rubbed the tears away, and no more fell. He watched as Abby slowly explained what happened, but couldn't remember what had happened. He watched the exchange, and then the way Gibbs' eyes were filled with shock as he saw her wound. She protested but he dragged her towards the car.

Tony followed, and sat in the car with them.

What was going on?

This is a new territory for me, so please be nice.

Thanks to TeamDinozzo for the suggestion.

Is it good, or bad?

Should I continue?

What should happen?


- Josie (Immyownsuperman)