OMG! The last chapter is mostly not in a letter. I figured since this is the last part and you've probably already got the whole back and forth letter idea, I'd write the most of this chapter "normally." XD

Anyway, here is the final installment of "Letters."

Chapter 7

Tuesday, July 28

Dear Diary,

It's me, Rose, and I am feeling so much better than I was two days ago! I'm on the plane back to New York! I'm so excited to go back to my old school in late August and see all of my old friends again! I also can't wait to see Jake. While we were still waiting in the airport, I was texting him. He said that he can't wait to see me, and that he is starting to feel a lot better. He gets out of the hospital in about a week. I also discovered that the injury was done by an angry gang of hob goblins, the same one that he had saved Haley from the week before. He told me that the only injury he would walk out of the hospital with was his broken leg.

Jake seems pretty upset that he isn't going to get to skateboard for four months, but I think he's grateful that the situation didn't turn out as bad as it could have.

I'm so bored on this plane! There is absolutely nothing to do, and it's such a long flight back to New York. I'm also really hungry. All that that stupid, peppy stewardess gave me where some peanuts that said the following: Open packet and eat nuts. What the heck has this world come to be?! People seriously put instructions on a pack of nuts? Really? America is doomed from stupidity. Maybe it's not too late to turn around and go back to Hong Kong.

Well, that dumb stewardess is now telling us that the plane will be landing soon so I better go. Once again, sorry for pouring my problems all over you, but hey, just be thankful that I took you in my carryon bag!



Rose's POV

After helping my parents carry all of our luggage into our new home, I set out for the hospital. By chance, our new house happened to be right down the street from the hospital where Jake was.

I breathed in deeply, taking in the comfort of my old surroundings. I took in the smell of New York, which today happened to be hamburgers and old ladies wearing way too much perfume.

Man I had missed this place. Growing up in New York, it had been really hard for me to leave the city and even harder for me to adjust to life in Hong Kong.

I continued to stroll down the street contently, making up for all the lost time I had missed over the days I was gone. I quickened my pace only was I remembered where I was going.

I reached the hospital within minutes and entered the crowed waiting room. I sighed as I looked around at all of the sick children. There was a little boy, probably around 4 or 5 years old, with tears streaming down his face as his mother pulled him into her lap to calm him.

I threw them both an apologetic look before walking up to the counter to ask for help. Working behind the counter was an older lady with whitish-gray hair and drained blue eyes typing away on her computer. She didn't look up or acknowledge that I was even there at all.

I stood there staring at the lady blankly for about five minutes before walking away towards an elevator. I was pretty mad, but I couldn't let my anger interfere with my first and most important task; finding Jake.

When I reached the elevator I noticed a map of the entire hospital. The map itself took up an entire wall, and extended from the floor to the ceiling.

"Great," I mumbled quietly so no one else would hear.

I studied the map carefully. I knew Jake was in room 13504 but I had absolutely no idea where that was or how to get there. I had never really been in a hospital before. I guess I've never really gotten myself seriously injured.

The key at the bottom suggested that rooms 13000-15000 where the ones highlight in red on the ninth floor of building 2.

I looked around and saw a sign that confirmed that I was, in fact, in building 2.

I hit the elevator button and strolled in. I pressed button nine, and the elevator began in rise. I leaned against the wall and began to think about what I was going to say to Jake when I finally saw him again.

What do you say to a person you haven't talked face to face with for a month? My train of thought was broken when the elevator opened on the ninth floor. I stepped out, and the first thing I noticed was a lady sitting at the counter on her computer.

"Oh great, another one!" I thought.

However, as soon as I approached the counter she directed her attention to me.

"May I help you?" She asked politely.

"Yes, um, could you direct me towards room 13504 please?" I asked.

The lady pointed towards one of three hallways in the area. "All the way down the hall. It should be on the left side."

I thanked her and headed down the hallway (which happened to be the longest hallway I had ever been in).

After walking for what seemed like miles, I began to sense that I was getting closer. I began to read the numbers of the rooms as I walked by.

"13494, 13496, 13498, 13500, 13502…"

I walked into room 13504 to find Jake alone in the room reading a book.

He looked up from his book and smiled at me. "Thank God you're here! There's nothing to do in this stupid hospital!"

I rushed over to give him a hug and a quick peck on the cheek. "You look a lot better than I thought you would," I smiled.

"What?" Jake asked smiling. "I don't look good all the time?"

I laughed. "Where's your family?"

"Well they have to sleep sometime, don't they?" Jake replied.

I smiled and took a seat on the edge of the bed. "So, did you happen to get any of the letters I sent you that you never replied to?"

"Yeah," Jake replied, "my mom brought them in at lunch. I was busy at the time so I haven't opened them yet."

"So you still don't know that I'm moving back to New York?" I asked.

Jake jumped back in surprise. "What? Really?!" He asked excitedly.

"Yep," I smiled back. "Actually, that's the only reason I'm here right now."

Happiness swelled inside me as Jake's face lit up. "You already moved back?" He asked.

"Yep," I said again, still smiling down at him.

"Awesome! Man I've really started to miss you!" Jake exclaimed.

I laughed and leaned down to peck him on the cheek again. "I've missed you too."

"So," Jake continued, "does this mean we don't get to write any letters anymore?"

"Probably not since we're gonna see each other almost every day now." I replied joyfully.

"Good," Jake smiled, "because my hand is really starting to hurt."

We both laughed in agreement.

15 years later

Rose's POV

One of the things I hate the very most about moving is sorting through all of your old stuff. Deciding what is important enough to keep, and what needs to be left behind. For me, this is an exceptionally difficult task. From my point of view, everything possesses some sort of valuable memory or significant meaning.

To Jake on the other hand, the more we get rid of, the smoother the move to our new home will be.

On the positive side, I was almost half way done, with just 15 boxes to go.

One thing I've learned about opening a box that hasn't been opened for years is that you never know what you will find. It could be anything, and with each box I had opened that day, I had relived countless memories of my childhood and teenage years.

This is exceptionally true with the box I am sorting through this very moment: The one that contains my memories from the summer I moved to Hong Kong. It holds 2 plane tickets, an old sweater, some trinkets from Hong Kong, and 14 letters to, from, or about Jake.

I smiled as I picked them up and began to read them one by one.

"Dear Rose…"

The End!

Finally finished with letters! I'm going to have to admit, this chapter took me three days to write. It's pretty long for what I'm used to. But I'm glad to have finished this story!

First of all, I would like to thank everyone reading this. I really appreciate all of your support. I would also like to thank Fudogg, onej6, .FFreader, and other anonymous FanFic readers for reviewing this story. Thank you all so much for your suggestions.

I really hope you enjoyed this story. Please review and tell me what you think.

Thanks again!
