Always your prisoner! Chapter one~ Never joke with Dino!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from KHR...Unfortunately...I wouldn't mind owning Prince Bel-kun though... :)
Hibari Kyouya was currently standing near the front gates of the school, making sure that all students were abiding by the rules of Namimori high. He was watching as the weakest herbivore of them all, Sawada Tsunayoshi and his guardians were walking into the schools grounds actually early for once. Yamamoto gave a smile and wave at Hibari, which Hibari ignored, as well as Tsuna's stuttered hello and Gokudera's glare.

Then he saw something he truly hated, the bucking Bronco, Dino himself. Hibari glared as the man called his tutor walked up to him with the biggest smile Hibari had seen yet.

Dino stopped in front of him and waited patiently for Hibari to look at him before talking, "Hello Kyouya-kun! How are you?" he asked smile not even faltering when Hibari glared at him. "I have something important to ask you..." Dino looked at Hibari hoping for a reaction, when all he received was an indifferent stare he sighed. "I was wondering if you would go to dinner with me tonight."

At that Hibari had to raise an eyebrow. "Are you...asking me out?" he asked looking at Dino like he had grown a third head.
"...Yes," Dino answered with only a moments hesitation. "So my little skylark?"

"No," Hibari answered automatically. Dino visibly slumped; he looked at Hibari with a puppy dog stare in his eyes that would make the coldest person on earth's heart melt. Sadly Hibari was colder. "No leave, the bell will ring soon and if you are seen on grounds when that happens i shall bite you to death."

"I should of known you would say no, that's why I came prepared," Dino smiled a sweet smile and a couple of eavesdropping students, female and male alike, swooned. "if you come to dinner tonight I promise you Reborn will fight you, a serious match." Hibari looked at Dino for the first time, this time not looking through him but actually at him.

"The kid agreed to this?" Hibari asked surprisingly interested. Dino smiled and nodded, even though Reborn had specifically said no to Dino's offer he was hoping that tonight would go so well Hibari would totally forget ab-! Dino's train of thought was cut off by Hibari speaking. "No, even a fight with the toddler would not make up for having to spend a night with you," he replied rather coldly.

To say Dino was heartbroken was an understatement. Dino slumped and let out a long weary breath. He looked up at Hibari with tears threatening to pour out of his caramel eyes. He frowned as Hibari walked off. "Kyouya! Pleeeease!" Dino begged using a last resort. Just then the bell rang for the start of school. Hibari turned to look at Dino and said, "Off this property before I bite you to death." and he walked away not even looking back at Dino.

Dino sighed before jumping up with a smile. He was going to get Hibari to love him in no time. And he knew just how to do it!

Hibari sighed as he watched Dino jump up with a triumphant smile on his face. Why the loser was smiling, Hibari didn't know. After watching to make sure Dino left the property of Namimori high Hibari moved on from the first floor window to make his way to his office, keeping an eye out for late stragglers trying to avoid going to class, all the while thinking, "I won't fall for Dino, I won't fall for Dino..."

A few hours later there was knock on the reception rooms door. Hibari looked up as his second in command poked his head in the door. "Kyo-san? You have an uhh...visitor," he said quietly. "Very well send him in," Hibari sighed turning back to his work. He didn't even look up to see who his visitor was until he felt a cold metal encircle his wrist. Hibari's head snapped up to see a smiling Dino holding a pair of handcuffs, one cuff on Dino's wrist the other on his.

Hibari was going to kill him.

In class Tsuna sighed remembering the conversation he had had with Dino this morning.

"But Tsuna, you don't understand...I love Kyouya!" Dino whined burying his head into the rumpled comforts on Tsuna's bed.

"Umm...I-I don't know..." Tsuna started. Dino looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Isn't there something you can do? Any ideas at least?" Tsuna sighed taking in his 'older brothers' pitiful

"The only way you can make him fall in love with you is to spend time with you ...and truthfully the only way to do that is to handcuff him to you!" Tsuna joked giving Dino a sympathetic look.

Tsuna was pulled out of his thoughts by the classroom door opening with a bang. There in the doorway stood a murderous Hibari with Dino sheepishly grinning right behind him. Tsuna's gaze traveled down to their cuffed wrists and he knew he was dead.

Okay! So this is going to be a continuing story, I don't know how long but i plan on updating everyday now that my laptop is fixed! ;D anyways read and review please. Oh yeah and want to do a pole on my next story either being HibarixTsuna or Hibari, Mukuro, Tsuna sandwich, yum~! R&R!
~Akki 3