Hello Dear Readers! Missed me? Hahaha...

It has really been a while huh. Seeing as my last update was 2014. =)

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that I will be re-uploading all the chapters. For a simple reason of re-editing it, as well as re-writing a lot of the scenes. There were really a whole lot of adjustments that some might say it had become an entirely new story. I was rathered inspired to finally update.

I firmly believe that my 5-year-long writer's block was due to following an outline I made a long time ago that didn't really interest me anymore. So I decided to re-write the whole story.

I felt it didn't have enough backbone to it. And so I added quite a few details to the whole enchilada. So I really recommend most of my old readers, to start from the beginning as well. I really do apologize for all this... I was really contemplating whether I should delete my old story and re-upload it as a new one instead, or just edit the whole thing and announce it to my reader. But some might complain how similar it is to my previous outline. So considering all of it, I chose the latter.

Hope you still love and enjoy this new and improved version. :')