Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Kai, nor do I own the characters, plot, Saiyans and, sadly, their prince :D This is a non-profit story written only for fun, quite logically, as this is a FANFICTION site! XD

Pairing: Vegeta/Bulma (we love them, they're back!), though at the beginning Bulma will be with Yamcha of course.

Rating: M - People (namely Vegeta and Bulma XD) will have sex, and people may not always say "Oh, Geez, you are such a meanie sometimes!" when they're pissed. Darn it!

Author's note/rant: Yes I am making yet another "3 years" V/B story because it's not my fault if this is pure GOLD for us, V/B fans and writers :P more seriously, while I am very pleased (to say the least) to see what Addiction turned out to be, it is not what I had in mind when I originally started writing it. So, here I am again, taking another shot at writing a story about the famous three years - and hopefully this time I'll manage to make it look the way I first intended! Another thing, I will try my VERY best to keep everybody in character (OOC makes my skin crawl, especially when it's my poor Vegeta, dah...) and make it fit the cannon as much as I can, like I did in Addiction (until I reached GT... that, I could not XD), which means that Yamcha will not be an alcoholic that cheats on Bulma, he will not rape/beat her (duh!) and Vegeta will not buy her flowers every Sunday evening, or spend an afternoon baking her a chocolate cake.

Do not forget that: I am still the francophone/French frog that wrote Addiction, thus you may see some silly mistakes at some points (especially in written-between-2-and-4-AM-because-I-was-on-fire-baby-couldn't-get-to-sleep-before-finishing-it chapters), feel perfectly free to point them out in a review or a PM (politely, of course, there's no point in calling me a stupid fuck who couldn't spell to save my meaningless life because I forgot a S now is there? XD) and I will correct it ASAP. It should be globally all right, though, I managed to write Addiction, which is fifty chapters long, and I'm quite sure people understood what I wrote, hehe

Chapter 1: Blasted

"Godammit stupid Saiyan, pay more attention to the fucking bots!" Bulma growled in her lab, facing the corpses of bots that had been unlucky enough to cross Vegeta's path.
"But, Bulma," Yamcha said carefully, "Aren't you actually building them so he can blast them?"
"Don't defend him!" the scientist scowled as she turned, holding a hammer quite menancingly.
"Bulma, Kami knows I would be the last person to defend Vegeta," he replied in a sigh. "I can't stand this asshole."
"Damn right, he's an asshole - I specifically told him to be careful, I built those bots so he could practice his aiming under different gravities, he does not have to put all his power in his blasts! All it does is giving me bots to repair, a impatient Saiyan complaining about how slow I am, and fucking headaches."
"You know," Yamcha said, glancing at the broken bots upon his girlfriend's shoulder, "I think he does not put all his power in his blasts, actually. That would break the Gravity Room too, not only the bots."

Bulma merely grunted, but she knew he was right. Still, couldn't Vegeta hold back a little against her precious bots? She had suggested him to live in her compound because she pitied him - a prince without anywhere to go, without any place he could truly call "home" was kind of sad, actually - but all he had done ever since the first day was being a royal pain in her lovely ass. Now he had to stay so he could train and defeat the androids, but could he at least be just a little grateful for everything that she was doing for him?

"Look," he continued, his arms snaking around her waist, "I think you've done enough work for today, especially considering it's for that bastard, what do you say we just go in the backyard and relax a little?"
"Relax?" she repeated. "What about you, you haven't done anything else than relaxing today! Aren't you supposed to train?"
"W-well I did! I, uh, trained this morning. I got up earlier than you and went for some training in the forest."
"Mmm-mmhh," she hummed, not believing a word he had said.

Yamcha had the laziest training program she had ever seen - Vegeta should at least be given some credit for being far more dedicaced than him.

"Well, all right," she said. "Some fresh air and time outside that laboratory can't hurt."

"Still in there?" Yamcha said, arching an eyebrow when he saw that the Gravity Capsule was still being used. "Bulma, you may want to make him a medical check up or something, just in case he actually is one of the androids we are worried about."
"He's a Saiyan," Bulma replied matter-of-factly, shrugging her shoulders as she dropped on a chair.

She sighed with pleasure and closed her eyes, enjoying the calm and the warmth of the sun on her face.

"Still, it's insane. What's the maximum gravity in there?"
"Five hundred times Earth's normal gravity," she responded, "But he'd better not push the machine this far. I've warned him, the engine is not quite perfectly finished, it may break completely if he does. I gotta check it up before he tries to go to the maximum."
"And you think he'll listen to you?"

Bulma opened a blue eye, gazing down at Yamcha as he laid on the green grass.

"Sure," she said. "He listens to everything I say."

She grunted and closed back her eye.

"Well, not quite, but I'm still the one he listens to the most. Furthermore, he knows that if he pisses me off too much, I might poison his food."

Silence came back, but she did not complain: it felt very relaxing, and she needed it. She was seriously considering going back inside to put on a bikini so she could do some tanning when...


A huge explosion came from behind them, and Bulma shouted like a teenager in front of a rock star - in other words, she let go a scream that would've turned Yamcha into a deaf man, had he not been quick enough to cover his ears.

"Oh my -"

Bulma got on her feet.

"The capsule - Vegeta!"

Yamcha blinked as she ran towards the Gravity Room - or what was left of it. She froze, looking at the smoking, broken metallic parts. She jumped back and gasped in surprise when some of them moved, allowing the Saiyan - who was not in the best shape he'd ever been, to say the least - to emerge from the rests of the Capsule.

"Oh my God, Vegeta, are you all right?" Bulma said, taking a few steps over the metal pieces towards him.
"Get away from me!" he growled, pushing her with his shaking, bleeding arm. "I don't need you and this is your fault to begin with!"
"My fault? Oh now that's just rich, Vegeta," she snapped, glaring at him and refusing to move back. "I told you not to push it to the maximum, but you still had to, didn't you?! Serves you right for not listening to me!"
"Shut up!" he barked. "Just take care of your stupid creation right now so I can go back to my training!"

All of Bulma's anger had melted away.

"Vegeta, you are in no condition to train!"
"And you are in no position to..."

Vegete shook his head, trying to get rid of the dark veil covering his eyes: it worked, although he still felt pretty dizzy.

"Order me... around... I am the prince..."

His trembling legs betrayed him and gave up, refusing to support him any longer: without Bulma's help, he would've collapsed quite painfully on the ground, but she managed to catch him and she kneeled so he could lay, her arms around his wounded body and his head resting on her lap.

"Yes, Vegeta," she said with a subtle smile, "But even the mighty prince of all Saiyans needs to be healed when he's hurt."

She turned and glanced up at a very dumbfounded Yamcha.

"Well," she said, her tone changing drastically, "Don't just stand there, do you think I can bring him to his bed on my own?"

He blinked several times, but - reluctantly - obeyed.

Damn, what's up with her? One minute she calls him an asshole, the other she yells at me because I'm not helping him...

"All right, all right, here we go... careful with his legs, Yamcha, they might be broken..."

They laid the Saiyan prince on his bed.

"That idiot," Bulma sighed, her hand wiping some dirt away from Vegeta's forehead. "I told time about twenty times not to push the engines too far!"

She glanced up at Yamcha.

"I have medical equipement down there in the laboratory. A white bag. Go get it."
"You're not serious - you're going to heal him?" Yamcha scoffed.
"What do you want me to do, Yamcha? Should I just let him die while he's one of our best hopes again the androids?"

Yamcha scowled and closed his hands into tight fists. He hated to be reminded how much stronger Vegeta was compared to him.

"No but we could just drop him to the hospital."
"Really, the hospital? No fucking way, Yamcha! I don't know about you but I'm not so keen on bringing an alien to an army of doctors. Plus, he's going to wake up in a place he doesn't know, surrounded by unknown people - he's gonna be scared."
"Scared?" Yamcha repeated, blinking. "That's Vegeta you're talking about."
"Well maybe not scared," she admitted, "But he is surely going to get pissed, and Vegeta plus anger equals stuff and people blasted around and kicked in the walls and thrown into the air. I can heal him in here so go get the material!"

Scowling even more, Yamcha reluctantly obeyed.

He can die for all I care you know.

End of the chapter: Here you go, my little intro ;) I'm sort of making amend, since I had not written this moment (except in flashback in chapter 49) in Addiction :D I hope you folks liked it!!!