Bad Blood

Part 3:


by Lilinpo

"Excuse me. Do you know where the biology class is?"
"Sorry. It's my first year too."
The girl's eyes widened.
"Oh. I thought you're already familiar with this place.. I mean, you seem to know where you're going.."
The girl waved and ran to other students to ask her question. Quatre smiled and continued to walk to his dorm.

He knew where his room was because he's been here with Duo. They got the opportunity to pick one prior to the first day of class because of Quatre's excellent resume. He had all the room to himself, which he was quite proud of.

He reached his room and opened the door. He went in and closed the door behind him and sighed. He realized how tired he was from the trip. He took some nap in the train, but he had those nightmares again.... He only slept for 20 minutes, more or less.
He set his suitcase on the bed and began to unpack. As he took some clothes out, a piece of paper fell on the ground. Quatre doesn't realize this and continued unpacking. He was eager to put everything in order by today, so he can concentrate on his schoolwork from tomorrow.

Quatre smiled as he finished to unpack. He decided to take a quick bath. He went in the bathroom and let the water run for a while until it got hot.
He wondered about his friends back home. It's only been a few hours since he said good-bye, but Quatre already missed them. Especially...

Duo was by his side ever since he can remember. He was like a father, a mother, a friend...
"No.... more like...... air.."
Like Duo's very existence was the air Quatre was breathing...

The first time Duo told Quatre the dark secret was on his 8th birthday. It wasn't like Quatre never suspected Duo was different.... He has seen some things that were impossible for ordinary humans to do... Like when Duo was cooking and accidentally cut his finger with a knife, the cut disappeared in an instant. And when Quatre was climbing a tree and lost his hold on the branch, Duo caught him in mid-air.

There were many things about Duo that were out of this world, but it didn't matter to Quatre. He grew up with him and these minor differences were just a everyday part of his life. It didn't change how he felt about Duo, but only made Duo more special to him.
But when he turned 8 years old, he was forced to handle all the truth about Duo and himself. Quatre's parents were killed in an accident and he was brought to the Maxwell Church of Orphanage. He was only a 3-month-old baby then, and Father Maxwell and Duo had the hardest time taking care of him.
Duo was an orphan too, but his parents were not killed in an accident like Quatre's. Instead, they were murdered by creatures known as vampires. A group of bloodthirsty vampires stopped Duo's carriage and killed his parents right in front of his eyes. After sucking their blood, the leader smiled viciously to the frightening little boy still in the carriage and reached for him. Duo didn't remember how, but he managed to escape from the carriage and ran as fast as he could. The cold-blooded killers chased their little prey, laughing maniacally. Duo just kept running and running, until he realized he was in a dark forest. The thought of being lost forever scared him, but he kept running further in the woods. Suddenly, he tripped on the large trunk of a tree and fell. The laughter was getting close. He thought this was the end...

"You are safe now, my child."
When he came to, an old man's face was the first thing he saw. Duo woke up in a soft bed, Father Maxwell smiling gently beside him. Father Maxwell found him near his church and quickly took him in. Neither of them could figure out how he was still alive.
As years went by, Duo began his study to become a doctor. He was a promising student and everyone knew he was going to succeed. He told everyone he wanted to dedicate his life to help people in need, both rich and poor. But Duo confessed to Quatre that the main reason he wanted to be a doctor was because he wanted to find a way to cure the would-be vampires before they turned into one. His hatred toward the blood-sucking monsters never faded but only grew stronger. Ironically, Father Maxwell was a vampire hunter. He was unsure whether teaching a young boy how to kill was against God's teachings... But Duo insisted.

"They are demons!! Killing them is a favor to God!!"

It was from that day, Father Maxwell began teaching Duo to become a vampire hunter...

Quatre finally realized his tub was almost full. He quickly turned the water off and took a nice relaxing bath.

"I wonder what he's doing right now..."


"There.... That should be the last of it..."
Duo has put everything he needs in the bag. He cleaned the house he and Quatre had been living for a long time...
He has treated many people in this town and grew very attached to them. They have been really good to both him and Quatre. Usually, people would treat strangers like strangers, but the people in this town made him and Quatre feel welcome ever since they came here.

At first, Duo was surprised they would trust a stranger to treat them as a patient, but he discovered that many doctors that used to treat them moved to the cities where they could treat financially advanced people.
Since Duo asked nothing in return, everyone gave him food, books, and other things he needed. For this reason, Duo rarely needed to buy things. The store owners never took money from him.

"You're crazy!! This is a week's worth of food!!"
Duo tried to pay them consistently, but they would never take it.
"I am crazy if I take any money from you, Doctor!! You're so good to us... We can never take money from you!!"

Duo laughed at the memories and thought about staying for at least one day, but decided it would only make his departure harder...
Duo wore his long coat and headed out.

"?!! Who's there!!"
Suddenly, Duo felt a presence behind him. He put his hand in his bag ready to strike.

"Calm down. I'm not here to fight..."
A tall dark figure raised his hands up. Duo held his position, glaring at the stranger.
".. Who are you? What are you doing here?"
The stranger dropped his hands down and shook his head.
"You are a fool to leave this place... The one place where Quatre knows where to find you..."
Duo's eyes widened in shock.
"What did you-"
"Forgive me for the intrusion, Duo Maxwell. I don't have any name... but if you are uncomfortable not knowing one's name, call me Trowa Burton..."


Quatre was deep in sleep.
All the thinking and worries wore him out and he wasted no time going to bed.
He breathed softly.


Quatre mumbled a little, feeling a little strange...


"Not this dream again..."
Quatre sighed inwardly as he felt the familiar strange feeling surrounding him.

It was always the same...

The same darkness...

The same voice...

Quatre gasped when he felt a little sting on his neck. This never happened in his dreams...
He slowly touched the nape of his neck and felt the hot liquid trickling down. His eyes opened in shock and confirmed that it was blood....

Just then, Quatre detected the ghostly figure not far from his bed.

"Good evening, little Quatre. I believe we never met... formally."

The figure took small steps towards Quatre. The moonlight from the window slowly revealed the smiling face.
"You... this can't be..."
Quatre sat up and couldn't believe what he was seeing...
The creature took an elegant bow.

"My name is Heero Yuy, the creator of our beloved one."

Part 3:

Very unorganized chapter… I didn't plan or even think about what I was going to type. I just typed away...
Sorry for those who had been waiting so long for this chapter. I didn't do a very good job at this one. (I might want to fix it later) But I'll make it up on the next chapter.. (hopefully)..