DISCLAIMER: I am not a genius; if I were I'd be in the writer's room with Rob Thomas arguing passionately that Matt needs a line.


He knew he wasn't the only member of the glee club who would happily jam a fork in his eye rather than witness the couple dubbed St. Berry by Kurt and Mercedes, according to the two newest cheerios while since sectionals their tolerance for Rachel had become scarily close to a line that could be blurred with friendship the very unwelcome introduction of one Jesse St. James had made that line real clear and Rachel was once again the pariah she had been, not that she noticed.

"We could totally rock it; just you me and a classic Sondheim duet."

Who said shit like that anyway? Finn wondered grimacing at the over styled teen with the ridiculous hair. He was torturing himself by sitting next to them he knew this but it pissed Jesse off and that alone made it worth it.

"Ok guys, listen up." Mr. Schuester clapped his hands as he entered the room depositing a stack of music on the piano, he had that smile like last week and Finn was faintly worried, who would they be singing next? Britney Spears? "Since the girls had their Madonna week I think it's only fair that the boys get their own week to emulate a musical icon."

He pulled a marker from his pocket and started to scribble across the whiteboard circling the name and smiling at the group, several of who looked confused.

"The queer hat from the lion king?" Puck scoffed.

"Are you sure we can't just do Pantera?" Finn asked hopefully, there was no way he could sing some sappy love songs written about a dude.

"Elton John is one of the most successful performers of all time, and he's a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame." Mr. Schue argued distributing song lists to the club who were eying it wearily well except Kurt who was predictably ecstatic at the thought of performing more songs by his favourite artists, good luck to anyone who dare try to take Goodbye Yellow Brick Road from him.

Finn recognised more songs on the sheet than he'd thought more than mildly surprised at just how many he actually liked. Maybe this assignment wouldn't be so hard.

"You guys know the drill, take some time this week and find a song that you think expressing how you are feeling." Mr. Schue paused noticing Finn's hand raising hesitantly. "Yes Finn?"

"If you don't mind I think I can start us off now." Signalling Kurt and Artie the three met in the middle of the room the other two nodding as Finn whispered at them, Kurt snorted a few times but nonetheless shrugged his shoulders and took a seat at the piano while Artie grabbed his guitar and Finn settled himself behind the drums.

Don't wish it away

Don't look at it like it's forever

Between you and me I could honestly say

That things can only get better"

Finn stared at the drums as he began to sing, the melodic sounds of Artie's strumming and Kurt's fingers flying across the keys coming together and soothing him.

"And while I'm away

Dust out the demons inside

And it won't be long before you and me run

To the place in our hearts where we hide"

Standing up he passed the drumsticks off to the band drummer who took his place. Coming to stand in the middle of the room he let his eyes sweep across everyone in the room; Mercedes beaming at Kurt who was doing a very realistic impression of Elton John head thrusts and all. A blushing Tina staring over at Artie and then back down again, it was sweet. He didn't even feel bile claw up his throat at the sight of Quinn holding Puck's hand and Puck tapping his foot to the beat singing along softly to himself.

"And I guess that's why they call it the blues

Time on my hands could be time spent with you

Laughing like children, living like lovers

Rolling like thunder under the covers

And I guess that's why they call it the blues"

He still didn't have the nerve to look over at Rachel yet, Brittany and Santana were whispering quietly to each other and both giggled when Matt and Mike got up and offered them a hand pulling them up and dancing a simple box step around the choir room. Well it started simple but those two could never keep it that way.

"Just stare into space

Picture my face in your hands

Live for each second without hesitation

And never forget I'm your man"

His eyes got as far as her light grey over the knee socks with the small pink hearts that lined the tops, they matched the pink love heart headband that pushed her hair back from her face.

"Wait on me girl

Cry in the night if it helps

But more than ever I simply love you" His eyes flickered over her for but a moment.

"More than I love life itself"

Artie had now wheeled himself in front of Tina having ditched the guitar in favour of pulling her onto his lap, she had her hands clasped behind his neck and was singing along with him.

"And I guess that's why they call it the blues

Time on my hands could be time spent with you

Laughing like children, living like lovers

Rolling like thunder under the covers

And I guess that's why they call it the blues"

His voice was now just a one in a whole ocean, everyone was singing apart form the couple still in their seats. The boy half looked mad while the girl paralyzed.

"Wait on me girl"

Courage coming to him from nowhere Finn knelt in front of Rachel and took one of trembling hands in his own pressing a quick kiss to her palm.

"Cry in the night if it helps

But more than ever I simply love you

More than I love life itself"

Stepping away before Jesse actually pulled his fist back and punched him Finn fell in line with Artie, Matt, Mike and Kurt and Puck joined when Quinn pushed him too.

"And I guess that's why they call it the blues

Time on my hands could be time spent with you

Laughing like children, living like lovers

Rolling like thunder under the covers

And I guess that's why they call it the blues"

Finn breathed in deeply Matt and Mike smirking to themselves as they sang a refrain.

"(Laughing like children, living like lovers)"

Doing some kind of weird combination of a waltz and the worm the two did their thing in front of the group who were know in kind of a circle.

"And I guess that's why they call it the blues" Artie sang out clearly winking at Tina.

"(Laughing like children, living like lovers)" Matt and Mike sang once more their voices blending perfectly.

"And I guess that's why they call it the blues" Sang Kurt in his falsetto wearing a pair of glasses that he had pulled seemingly from nowhere. The final refrain was saved for Finn who was staring into chocolate eyes that were locked right back on him.

"And I guess that's why they call it the blues."

It was only when the music tapered out and Mr. Schue's applause sounded that he was broken from his trance. He broke off his gaze and felt his cheeks warm, he was blushing like crazy.

"All right that was great, let's see what the rest of you can come up with tomorrow."

Finn turned to look back at Rachel and felt him heart plummet at her empty seat. Reaching for his bag he hummed to himself barely louder than a breath, he knew why they called it the blues. He'd been living it for longer than he liked and it was all going to change. He just never thought that that a dude in a sequin jacket would be the reason it did.

Hello fellow Gleeks,

I hope you have enjoyed this little chapter. I am a diehard Finchel and yet I can't help but like Jesse so alas I will not be bashing him in this fic. But that doesn't me he's getting off scot free =D Drop me a review and let me know what songs you think could be ahead of for the glee clubbers. I know what I've picked out…
