A/N: I'm aware I probably shouldn't be posting this since I've abandoned 'At Last' I'm working on it I really am! But this is finished, I'm serious, 8 chapters and an Epilogue! I'll post a chapter a week and no more than that, I'm a tease, I know =D

Anything medical is probably a little off but, deal with it.

And basically anything that happened between Alex and Addison after 3x21 (Desire) didn't happen. So no conversation at the wedding (although the wedding, or non-wedding, did happen)

So yeah, Alex/Addison communication ends at 3x21 and there was no LA whatsoever (Y)

Hope this isn't too crappy! Reviews please! iam-kelly.

It had been 5 weeks since her moment of weakness. Shouting at him one minute, pressing him up the wall of the on-call room the next. It had been 5 weeks since he said those words 'you're not my girlfriend'. It had been 5 weeks since her heart had been stamped on once again. She knew she wasn't his girlfriend, she wasn't stupid but she thought maybe, maybe she could have been, maybe their almost kiss, their real kiss and their incredibly real on call room sex would have been the start of something. God how she was wrong. Since he had returned as a resident she'd kept him away from her service, she couldn't believe her ears when she heard he had been begging Callie to get him back on it, so she gave in, 5 weeks later she gave in, she was his teacher after all and if he wanted to be taught, she would god damn teach him.


"Dr Karev, I need you to check all of my pre-ops and run some labs, we'll be scrubbing in in 3 hours" she said as he approached her, her voice void of emotion, her eyes not meeting his.

"So you're not avoiding me anymore?"

"On a personal level, you don't exist to me, on a professional one I have a duty to teach you and it seems you are showing an interest for my speciality which is why I requested you" she said still avoiding his eye.

"Addison I…."

"It's Dr Montgomery" she said finally making eye contact and calmly walking quickly away from him.


"So, hows the help?" Callie asked as she joined Addison at the nurses station.

"Fine" Addison replied flatly.

"If you can't forgive him then why are you letting him work with you?"

"Because I am a teacher Callie, that is my job, to teach residents so I am not going to let any personal situations get in the way now can you just shut up about it!" she snapped.

"There is seriously something wrong with you"

"Whats that supposed to mean!?"

"You've been having mood swings and you look like hell, have you been sleeping?"

"I'm fine"

"That wasn't my question"

"I'm fine Callie"


"Dr Montgomery I've finished all the work you gave me, is there anything else you need?"

"No thank you Dr Karev, you may go and have some lunch before we scrub in"

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine"

"Are you sure? You don't look fine, are you sick?"

"Thank you for pointing that out Dr Karev but I assure you I'm fine" she said not looking him in the eye "I'll see you in the OR".


"Ok, ready to close" Addison said firmly "Erm, Dr Karev, can you do the honors?" she said handing the equipment over.

"Are you ok?" he said noticing a slight change in her demeanor.

"Fine, I just need to, just close ok" she said walking towards the scrub room.

"Ok" he said, he began to close, he flicked his eyes up watching her tear her scrub cap, gloves and mask off throwing them to the floor of the scrub room "Ok, we're all closed up here, good job everyone" he smiled.

He watched the surgical team prepare the patient for post-op, he turned back to the scrub room and noticed Addison was no longer there, he entered the scrub room, tearing off his gloves, he froze as he saw the limp body on the floor in front of him.

"Addison, Addison wake up" he said kneeling on the floor beside her, he shuffled over to the door opening it slightly "Someone grab a gurney and an oxygen mask STAT! And page the Chief" he shouted.

Alex scooped Addison up in his arms, she felt like a dead weight against him, a nurse burst through the door informing him the gurney was ready, he carried her out and lay her on the bed, they quickly ran her into a room ignoring the stares as the passers by recognized the flash of red hair. As they entered the room Alex did his best to check her vitals "Whats going on?!" he heard a panicked Richard Webber say from the doorway.

"I think she's just unconscious, she hasn't looked very good all day but she insisted she was fine, she made me close up the patient and she went to the scrub room, she looked a bit distressed but I carried on with the patient, when I looked up she was gone, I went into the scrub room and found her on the floor" Alex rambled quickly.

"Ok, take some blood and get a nurse to run it to the lab as a priority patient, Chiefs orders, you stay here with her"

"Ok, thanks Chief"


"Alex?" Addison groaned, her eyes slowly opening, his figure appearing as the fuzziness escaped her eyes.

"Hey" he said softly "You're awake"

"Um, what happened? Why am I in a hospital bed?" she said trying to sit up, he helped her by adjusting the pillows behind her.

"You don't remember?"

"We were in surgery, thats it, thats all I remember"

"You told me to close the patient, you went to the scrub room, you looked in a bad way, I wanted to come after you but you probably would've killed me for leaving the patient"

"Yeah I would have"

"Exactly, so I finished with the patient turned around and you were gone, I went to scrub out and you were passed out on the floor"

"How long have I been out?"

"You've been drifting in and out for about 20 minutes, the Chief sent your bloods to the lab, he put them through as priority so they should be here…."

"Here's the blood work" a nurse said handing him a file and exiting the room.

"Now" he smirked "Lets have a look, by the looks of it the Chief had you tested for everything" he smiled opening the file and skimming his eyes over it, his eyes widened as he read the result to one particular test.

"Alex, Alex what is it? What's wrong?" she said panicked.

"Your, your, you, I, oh crap"

"Alex what is it!?"

"Your pregnant, 5 weeks pregnant" he said his voice shaking.

"WHAT?!" she screeched loudly.

He didn't answer, he handed the file over to her, she skimmed it quickly with her eyes, "I think I'm going to be sick" she said holding her hand to her mouth, Alex quickly grabbed a bowl and thrust it at her, Alex held her hair from her face, as she finished he passed her a glass of water and some tissue and rubbed her back softly.

"I'm sorry" she sighed.

"Nothing to be sorry for, its out of your control now"

"You know what this means don't you, you can do the math"

"I can do the math"

"Its yours, definitely yours"

"I know"

"We didn't use anything did we, I don't really remember it was all so quick and impulsive and…."

"We didn't use anything" he sighed "This is one for the headlines '2 doctors forget that condoms are a necessity'"

"I'm keeping it" she blurted quickly.

"I didn't think otherwise"

"Oh, ok, good"

"I need to go and check on your patients, the Chief made me stay with you so I don't know whats going on up there, um, I'll be back, as soon as I can"

Addison nodded at him and he left the room, she lay back on the bed and let out a deep sigh.


"Hey Addie" the Chief smiled walking into her room "How are you feeling?"

"Good. Better. When can I go back to work? I have patients and…."

"I've taken care of your patients, where's your blood work?"

Addison gestured towards the file on the bedside table, he picked it up and opened it, his eyes making a similar shape to Alex's.

"You're pregnant" he stuttered.

"Seems that way" she sighed.

"So, do you have any idea why you fainted?"

"I haven't eaten, my appetite, well I haven't had one because I felt nauseous so I haven't eaten"

"You should know better"

"Well I didn't know I was pregnant, but then I guess that is quite funny, an OB-GYN who doesn't notice that she's pregnant" she smirked.

"I'm giving you two days off"

"But I don't need them, I'm pregnant Richard not ill, I just need food"

"I'm giving you the days off Addison"


"You need someone with you, doesn't Mark live in the hotel too, I'll have him check in on you"

"NO!" she shouted suddenly 'Is he serious?' she asked herself "Its ok, erm, can Alex do it?"

"Alex as in Alex Karev?"

"Yeah" she smiled cautiously.

"Oh, oh Addison, he's the father isn't he"

"Well, I….yes, yes he is" she answered, there was really no point in lying.

"So I have another attending/intern relationship on my hands" he nodded.

"He's a resident now and not exactly"

"What do you mean not exactly?"

"Unfortunately this baby is the result of a moment of weakness after a crappy day, there is no relationship to speak of"

"I don't know if that makes me feel better or worse"

"Well it doesn't make me very proud of myself, I'm not a one night stand, well one day but thats not the point, I'm not usually that type of girl"

"Is he, going to be involved?"

"It seems that way, we were starting to become really great friends and then we complicated it, if he doesn't want to be involved then that's ok and if he does thats ok too, he's a good guy but I don't think he's ready, although he has been great so far so, I don't know Richard"

"I'll give him a day off to take you home, tell him he needs to give you anything you want, you're on rest for the next few days"


"No buts Addison, 2 days, thats all I'm asking, Chiefs orders."

"Fine, Chiefs orders."

~x~ ~x~ ~x~

A/N: I just realized this is fic number 50 for me!!! How the hell did that happen?! =S =D