I don't own Hetalia. I never will own Hetalia. I'm just borrowing the Characters.

This is the last chapter, unless inspiration strikes me again.

Obviously takes place starting at the fall of the Berlin wall, kinda time jumps from there. Gaps are ranging anywhere from a few hours to a few months. Hopefully it's not to confusing to figure out.

Well, at least it didn't involve cleaning house. Prussia nudged the stack with his finger, yup, not cleaning, or beatings, or cooking for the jerk. No this was far worse, this was paperwork. For one he knew Russia had been lying when he said the tasks he had for him would be better than video games, but he didn't know it had been this big of a lie. Prussia poked the stack again.

"Don't we have people to do this?" he asked looking at Russia, who was, sadly, still there. Russia had explained the paperwork only applied to him, and there was a surprise somewhere in the stack if he managed to get to it.

"Da, but it is your health. I will double check to make sure you do not try to kill yourself again"

"I never tried to kill myself that was all you"

"Nyet, those were to stop those ways of thinking, little one"

"Those way. Those ways," Prussia threw his hands up in the air, "Wanting to see my brother? Wanting not to starve? Not wanting to be part of your communist empire? Not wanting to be a stupid sl-," Prussia cut himself off realizing he was pushing it too far.

Russia stood and pointed to the door, "Go cold your thoughts. Or I will."

"You mean cool," Prussia grumbled standing as well. Part of him wanted to fight Russia, but he could feel the people, and they liked the nation… wanted to remain part…

"Go Kaliningrad. I will finish up the work. You are not ready."

That got him to sit. Prussia glared up at the nation, "I'll do it. And I'll make sure this oblast is the best, the whole reason you stay afloat." No one told him what he could or could not do.


Perhaps it was a good thing that in just three days Germany would take his brother back for two weeks. Russia found himself wanting to bash the silver headed male's scull in. He could just picture the blood running down his head, the begging that would fall from his lips along with that ever present defiant glare. Oh he would beg, plead, but he would never mean it. It would all be just to make it stop for a second so he could throw another insult, another ji-

"Hey! Russia! Snap out of it, you're starting to scare the paperwork."

Russia blinked bringing the pictured silver headed male into focus. "Ah, little one. How long have you been standing there?"

Prussia checked his watch, "four minutes it seems, I was just going to tell you that I was headed out to talk to the admiral… but your creepy face put me off"

Russia smiled, "You have been staring at my face?"

"No! Not like that you psychopath. I was deciding if I should just bring you to, or stab you in the eye with a pen"

His little one was so cute when he tried to explain himself. Russia stood hugging Kaliningrad close, ignoring the attempted bites. Oh he would miss is little one when he left!


It would have been the biggest lie in the world if Prussia said he was sad to leave his home after those three days. Germany, West, had come to fetch him and by God above Prussia was glad to be away from the freak. And it was not a far stretch to say Russia was pleased to see the other male disappear for two weeks. It wasn't like the two hadn't had their moments, and it wasn't like work hadn't been accomplished.

It was the simple fact that to get along most the time the two needed the space between them.

"So, West… where we going?" Prussia finally asked. His seat was leaned back in the car, he didn't care to watch the Polish scenery pass by. Especially since it had once been his, the reminder of the loss wasn't what he wanted on this joyous occasion. Even if his hand rose every now and then when he realized another car, or a person was outside to flip them off.

"Stop that," Germany said for what felt like the hundredth time, "And we are making a slight detour"

"We better not be stopping anywhere in Poland."

"We're not," Prussia was sure he saw Germany shiver at that thought. Any 'short' stop at Poland would give the German nation a larger headache than he was already suffering.

"Then where?"

"Austria's home." That got Prussia to sit up quickly. He couldn't figure out why they would make such a great detour from good beer. That and his bedroom back at West's place, these two weeks were for him to play games. Not play diplomat.

"Why?" Prussia asked slowly.

Germany was quiet for a bit, finally he sighed; "No one has been told of your new situation…" he began.

"And we have to talk to the pans—," Prussia cut him off and in return was immediately cut off by Germany.

"We're going to ask him his opinion on this situation. He was there as a fully functioning nation part of another nation back in the Holy Roman Empire. We have to make sure you're not going to disappear from being a territory"

"Oh, but me being 'East Germany' I wasn't going to vanish?" Prussia yelled feeling himself getting angry. How dare his little brother forget that he was also around during that time! He knew what happened, probably better than Austria. After all he had personally helped make sure the lesser nation was abandoned.

Germany winced; he hadn't meant it like that. He knew questioning Prussia's identity right now would set his brother off. The ex-nation had just spent time with Russia who had driven it into his head that he was Kaliningrad. As much as he said he was fine with the arrangement Germany was determined to change the situation. "I don't trust Russia"

Prussia lay back in his seat again staring at the ceiling of the car, "That makes two of us West." He linked his hands behind his head. He left it unsaid though that he didn't trust the one driving the car either. After all, Russia was the only one who ever had tried to bring him back as a nation and his brother was the first one to declare him dead.


Russia paced his office. After years of stalking his little one, then the past few weeks of being with him… well Russia had no clue what to do with his time off. As a show of good faith towards Kaliningrad he had promise not to try to follow. Or spy. Or call him. Or e-mail. Or text. Russia was tempted to go back to his little one's home. No… he'd get mad about that too.

It was so difficult to make someone who hated you happy. Russia played with the end of his scarf. Well he could go visit others, he did have two weeks. Smiling he grabbed his keys, yes, that was what he'd do. He would visit others and tell them of the great news, preferably people who would get angry over it. America sounded like a good start.


"I'm glad you've realized who you are, it certainly returned what little color you have to you," Austria said over his tea cup.

"I have lots of color; at least I have an excuse for being pale. You trying to copy me still?" Prussia shot back eyeing the door. Germany had excused himself for a second to take a phone call, but that didn't mean the blond wouldn't wander in and yell at him for insulting their host.

Austria's lips twitched slightly frowning at the rude male sprawled on his couch. "Why did Germany bring you here? Are you not Russian property now?"

The words were meant to sting, and they did. Prussia glared at the brunette who had regretted his words soon as he said them. "I'm not property priss"

"I know, I did not mean it that way. But the question still stands. Why are you with Germany?"

"It's a deal; I get to spend time with West so I don't kill the idiot."

Austria sipped his tea, "More of, your brother is unable to let you go. And Russia does not trust you alone."

Prussia sat up listening closer now. "What do you mean? The idiot forced me to do paper work, gave me the whole Baltic fleet to control. More military than you have."

Austria choked on his tea. He set the cup down looking at the ex-nation in surprise, "He did?"

"He believes in me"

"He tried to kill you"

"So did West, and you stood back and let him. Then you let the allies do it again."

"I couldn't do anything. I couldn't do anything when you were behind that wall. Prussia, I am glad that you know who you are. That you have found your people again, but be wary. Do not be reckless"

"Or I might die again, yeah yeah." Prussia lay back again waving a hand, "Don't worry priss. I'm used to being the one dying."

"Indeed," Austria lifted his cup again, "Well when Germany asks, I can tell him you're perfectly fine. And take your muddy boots off my furniture."

Prussia grinned rubbing the heel of his boot into the couch.


"Wait… you can make your states into people?" America asked around another bite of hamburger. "I should so do that."

"No, you don't. You can't just make people appear"

America blinked not seeing any connection between that and the former nation of Prussia now being an ob—a state of Russia's.

Russia picked at the food before him. It wasn't fair, America wasn't getting angry, "Perhaps your head is too slow. Kaliningrad was once Prussia' heart. Just like when I…" Russia looked up at the blond across from him annoyed, "when I was the Soviet Union. Proud, powerful and had a full house. Everyone remained, unlike you who killed other nations in your area."

"You need to let it go, I won. Power to the U.S. of A" America said taking the burger on Russia's plate. The larger male just pushed the whole plate closer hoping the meat was poison. Then it clicked to him, the insults, "Hey! I'm not slow. Nor did I kill off anyone."

Russia brushed off the bits of chewed meat off himself, "You did not win but yes, America. You are slow. And my little one is mine again. You may have glasses for one of your states, but I have another to live with me. Unlike you, I shall never be alone."

Russia was pleased by anger suddenly in the blonde's eyes. Yes, that should do it. Remind the 'hero' about how alone he really was that the rest of them required an ocean between them and him. He would have to tell his little one about it when he returned.


From here you can see it's kinda hard for me to continue. The issue is really kinda resolved, might to a world meeting about it where everyone gets to put in their two cents, might not. Depends on if people review. So, please review, it doesn't take long.

This will be up for edit here shortly, as I am adding more content to the chapters to explain some things I seem to have mentioned than forgot