
Summary: Phone sex is fun. But phone sex doesn't last long when it's with your favourite demon. Dean/Crowley, smut, swearing,NC17. R&R, x.


Chapter 2

Sam turned the key in the ignition, listening as the noise of the Impala died down, the engine switching off. He looked over at the motel room to see it dark. Sam frowned. It wasn't like Dean to go to bed so early. He climbed out of the car, grabbing his dinner which he had picked up on the way back. He moved to the motel room, putting his key in the lock and walking in to the dark room. He could make out Dean's form in the bed. He put down his dinner on the table, noting Dean's uneaten cheeseburger, which was odd in itself. He moved over to the light next to his bed, switching it on, before looking back at Dean.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

His eyes widened and his jaw almost hit the floor when he saw Dean and Crowley, fucking Crowley, lying in bed together. Naked. Curled up against each other. Asleep. Well, Dean was asleep. Crowley was sitting up in bed, puffing away on a cigarette whilst one hand combed through Dean's hair. Sam was sure he hadn't been there a minute ago, and now he was. Sam ran his fingers through his hair, not really believing what he was seeing. He stared Crowley out for a minute or so before he spoke.

"Dude, what the fuck are you doing with my brother?" Sam said, through gritted teeth. Crowley blew out a few smoke rings from his cigarette before answering Sam.

"Didn't he tell you? We're lovers ..." he said, noting the muscles in Sam's face twitch at the word. Crowley rolled his eyes and popped the cigarette into his mouth again before shaking Dean, who came back to the world of the living with a few grunts and groans.

"What, Crowley?" Dean asked, stretching. Crowley smirked.

"Gigantor wants a word ..." he said, Dean's head spinning round quickly to see his brother standing there, a look of pure rage being shot at Crowley, who was settling down against the pillows again, puffing away lazily.

"Sam ... I swear, I wanted to tell you ..." Dean said. Sam's face was turning a horrible colour of red, looking like he was about to explode.

"You, you gave me hell for months about Ruby ... and I knew how wrong I was to listen to her, Dean! But this ..." he said, his hand twitching by his side, as if ready to grab the demon knife. "He's a bad influence, Dean."

"Just like Ruby was for you," Dean snapped back.

"Ouch! And that's a low blow from Winchester," Crowley said, in a commentator's type of voice.

"Shut up, demon!" Sam hissed. Crowley narrowed his eyes at Sam.

"And what are you going to do if I don't, big boy? Gonna kill me, go ahead," he sneered, but Sam stayed put. "Didn't think so."

"Sam, we're together. Deal with it," Dean said. "I wanted to tell you, but this is what I was afraid of. I'm sorry."

"Do you love him, Dean?"

"Eurgh, that word. I dislike it ..." Crowley said, finishing his cigarette and leaning over Dean to put it in the takeaway coffee cup on the nightstand. Dean's eyes were still fixed with Sammy's.

"I like him, a lot. But no, it's not love ..." Dean said. Sam sat down on the bed at the other side of the room. "I'm sorry, Sammy." Sam looked up at his big brother, who looked genuinely upset for not telling him.

"Well, as much as this conversation gives me the tingles," Crowley said, sarcastically. "Sex makes me sleepy. I'm going back to sleep." Dean just rolled his eyes.

"Give me some credit, Sam. Look what I have to put up with ..." Dean said, noting the hint of a smirk that appeared on his younger brother's lips. "Are we okay?"

"I suppose I'll keep my opinions to myself. I'm too tired to argue about this. As long as he doesn't flaunt this in my face ..." Sam said, narrowing his eyes at Crowley. "You hurt him ... I am coming after you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah ... you'll kill me. Fantastic, can't wait. Can I sleep now!" he said. Sam watched his brother for a moment, hating this idea of giving his permission to this 'relationship' but Sam saw how happy Dean looked as he looked over at the demon.

"I'm ... er, gonna go get my own room after tonight ..." Sam said, putting down his bag, which was heavy with books from the library before toeing off his shoes and socks. He took off his flannel shirt and climbed under the scratchy motel sheets. Dean didn't say anything about the separate rooms, as he knew it was for the best.

"Night, Sammy ..." Dean said, sliding down next to Crowley who was already snuggled into the bed. Sam watched as Dean wrapped an arm around the demon, and Crowley turned on to his back and pulled the elder Winchester close. Sam sighed, before turning off the bedside light. He'd just have to deal with it.


2 weeks later

Sam groaned out loud from his motel room, picking up his pillow and pulling it tight over his head, trying to block out the noise from his brother's motel room. He had finally come to accept Dean and Crowley but this was too far.

The phone sex he had walked in on in the past two weeks was a shock, but he'd learnt to get over it.

The nuzzling and kissing and giggling when the three of them were together was sickening, but again, he'd learn to get over it.

The sex at the two in the morning, with the headboard banging against the paper thin walls WAS NOT ACCEPTABLE!

Sam felt like he could cut his ears off and feed them to Crowley's hellhound, all just to get a good night's sleep. Dean's constant moaning made Sam want to wretch and Crowley's cries of 'oh, yeah, harder, baby. That's it, harder' made Sam want to die here and now. How the hell was he supposed to face them in the morning?

"Oh God, Crowley!"

Sam was on the verge of suffocating himself with the pillow. It was not right to hear your brother having rampant sex with a demon. He was glad Dean hadn't been there (although he wasn't glad he was in Hell) to hear him have sex with Ruby, multiple times. But his brother having gay sex with a demon was a no-no.

"Crowley! Gonna come!"

That was it! Sam jumped out of bed and he threw open the door and went to the next room down and began banging on the door. There was a pause then there was a shuffle inside and the key turned in the lock and Dean poked his head out, his obviously naked body hidden behind the door.

"Hey Sammy. What's up ...?" Sam could have killed him there and then.

"You have to stop that. It's two in the morning. The plaster is coming off the walls in my room because of your damn headboard!" Sam said, watching as Dean's face went red. Suddenly Crowley appeared at the door too.

"What's all the commotion?" he asked. Sam glared.

"Headboard! Banging! Two in the morning. I need sleep!" Sam repeated, before stomping back to his room. Crowley looked at Dean.

"Someone needs to get laid ..." he said. He closed the door and he pulled Dean into a kiss, their naked bodies pressing together as they kissed. That was when Crowley pulled away and put a finger to Dean's lips. "Let's be louder ..."

Hope you liked! XD