A/N This is another story. Feel free to ask anything if something doesn't make sense. I have the basic idea for the entire story, but I'm open to adaptions if someone has a fun idea. So, without further comment, the story begins.

The battle at Hogwarts had drawn to a close, and the survivors were celebrating the demise of the Darkest Wizard in history. Hermione stood, not feeling like celebrating after so many had been killed before her eyes. She walked out of the Great Hall and wandered aimlessly until she found herself in the chamber with the bodies of Voldemort and Bellatrix. The latter caught her eye as she stared.

Hermione couldn't understand how someone so wicked, so cruel, could be so beautiful. She looked at the emotionless, dead face that had once haunted her ever moment, that now would torment her even in death. After what could have been days or hours or mere minutes, Hermione began to wander the castle again, trying to keep her mind off those who were dead and gone. Before long, she found herself in a passage she hadn't known existed.

She deliberated what to do, and curiosity got the best of her. She started down the dark passage, lighting her wand. She looked around her at the bare walls wondering where it led, while unconsciously touching the ring on her left middle finger. The ring was an intricate weave of white metal.

Without warning, the ground below her fell away. Her scream stuck in her throat, and she clutched her wand tightly. The light went out as she saw ground rushing toward her. She was unconscious before she collided with the grass below.

When Hermione awoke, she found herself in a sunlit room with a pale gold color scheme. She looked for her wand, first, seeing it on the bedside table. There were shear curtains hanging in front of the windows and the doorway to the balcony, all were open, allowing a gentle breeze to filter into the room. A forest and gardens could be seen out the windows, and the balcony held a view of a city.

"Toto," she whispered, quoting one of her favorite movies as a child, "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

"What was that?" a voice asked from across the room, by the vanity.

Hermione jumped, not having seen the woman standing there. She was tall, with long dark hair and blue eyes. She wore an elegant green dress, with the sides of her hair pulled back in a studded clip. Her face was sharp and angled. Hermione drank the contents of the glass handed to her, which turned out to be water.

"Where am I?" Hermione asked the woman.

"You are in Rivendell," the woman replied.

"Where is Rivendell? Who and what are you?" Hermione hadn't intended to sound rude, but she wanted answers.

"Rivendell is an Elven city," the woman replied, without taking offence. "I am an elf. My name is Arwen. My father, Elrond, is the Lord of Rivendell.

"I am glad to see that you are finally awake. I found you while I was riding about a week ago."

"Wow," Hermione muttered, "I have a great imagination. I should be a writer."

"Do not worry," the woman, Arwen, assured Hermione. "Gandalf will be here to see you soon."

The door opened revealing a woman who kept her face down. She said something to Arwen that Hermione couldn't understand. Arwen smiled as the woman hurried away.

"Gandalf has just arrived," Arwen told Hermione. "We should get you into something decent so you can meet with him."

Arwen helped Hermione into a simple, floor length, blue dress. Hermione liked the simple elegance of it. Arwen led Hermione out of her chambers to a shaded area in the gardens were a man sat. He was in a long raged gray robe with hair to match. Arwen left them to talk alone.

"So," the old man mused, "the school decided that your return was necessary."

"I'm sorry?" Hermione asked taken aback.

"I knew it wouldn't be long before the magic that binds these worlds would have the school call you back to Middle Earth."

"Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione whispered.

"Hermione, dear," he laughed. "Here I am known as Gandalf the Gray. Quite fitting don't you think? I do look different here. So will you in time."

"I'm not dreaming, or in Oz?"

"No, you are most certainly not dreaming, nor are you in Oz. You are in Middle Earth. Until you understand more about yourself, I wish you to stay in Lord Elrond and Arwen's care in Rivendell."

"Yes, Professor."

"Not professor, Hermione. I am Gandalf. Now, I have something I need to do. An old friend in celebrating a birthday, and I am needed at the celebration. We can catch up when I return."

Hermione had kept her promise. She never left Rivendell, unless it was for riding with Arwen, with whom she had become close friends. Arwen had spent much of her time teaching Hermione archery, swordsmanship, and equestrian. She practiced her magic while Arwen watched in awe of her power. She had also picked up minimal elvish, and what she had it had been out of necessity.

Hermione met up with Arwen in the stables. The two of them were in tunics and leggings for riding. Their horses were saddled and ready, and they rode into the forest. Arwen froze before urging her horse into a gallop, Hermione following. After half a day's hard riding, they stopped to let their horses drink from a stream.

"What is it, Arwen?" Hermione asked, worried.

"I feel the Ringwraiths on the move," she muttered. "They are after the Ring bearer, and closing in fast. A ranger found the hobbits that have the ring, but he won't be able to protect them from all nine of the Wraiths, not without some form of injury."

"We are going to help them," Hermione stated more than asked.

"You do not have to do so, but I am."

"I will do what I can."

After letting the horses rest for an hour, they were running again. They stopped to water the horses just before dusk, and Hermione transformed them food. After the sun set, they set off again. The next day followed the same routine. As the third day dawned, Arwen slowed her stead to a walk and pointed to a man in the brush. She drew her sword quietly, Hermione following suit. The man was still oblivious to their existence. They both dismounted, and Arwen stood behind him on the left, Hermione on the right.

"What's this?" Arwen said touching his neck with the tip of her blade. "A ranger caught off his guard?"

The man stood the opposite direction, beginning to draw his sword, but stopped, seeing Hermione with the tip of her blade an inch from his chest. He lifted his hands in surrender, making Arwen laugh quietly.

"You need not fear us, Ranger," Hermione said, sheathing her sword.

"Where is he, Aragorn?" Arwen asked.

He led them to a quartet of hobbits, one injured. Hermione hurried over to him, examining the wound, as Aragorn rubbed the weed onto it.

"Frodo," Aragorn said. "Stay with us."

Arwen and Aragorn were talking back and forth in Elvish, some of the words Hermione recognized.

"This is beyond my power to heal," Hermione said apologetically.

"Only my father can save him now," Arwen whispered, before arguing with Aragorn for a minute.

Hermione stood and mounted her horse, snapping, "He's running out of time."

Arwen was on her horse as Aragorn hoisted Frodo into her arms onto the saddle in front of her. Their horses set off at a gallop, but were quickly surrounded by the Ringwraiths. They urged the horses into an all out sprint until they crossed the river. They were halted as the lead Wraith hissed, "Give us the Halfling, she-elf."

"If you want him," Arwen cried, drawing her sword, "Come and claim him."

The Wraiths began to splash across the waters in the river.

"Go," Hermione hissed at Arwen. "He's fading fast."

Arwen turned her horse toward Rivendell, before disappearing into the trees. Hermione drew her wand and pointed it at the water saying what came to her, not knowing what it met. A wall of crashing foam splashed passed, taking the Wraiths with it. Hermione smiled in triumph, before falling unconscious.

So, there is the first chapter. Yippee! Tell me what you think. I really, really, really, like reviews. (hint hint) Anyhoo, the next chapter will be up soon.