Here's the last part....enjoy! Again, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who's been reading this and actually has been sticking around to wait for the last chappie....and an extra thanks to Harya and Rin-GaaraFan, you guys are awesome!!!

Well, like I said before, enjoy the last part of this short story....anyway, be warned, there will be no happy ending... :(

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

A few hours later, I was standing in an unfamiliar room. Gaara's room. We had agreed that, since my stepfather would be more than happy to not have to deal with someone fatally ill, I would move in with him for the last days. Back then, it had seemed like the most reasonable thing to do.

But now that I was here, I didn't seem to be that much of a good idea anymore. Being in his room made me terribly nervous. It made me ask myself whether I wasn't requesting too much from him. Sitting at someone's death bed required a lot of strength, and I wasn't sure he could take it. For someone so strong, he could be incredibly weak.

"Make yourself at home", he said with his calm voice. I threw him a quick smile and curiously looked about. His room was relatively plain, just like I had expected. Terracotta coloured walls and curtain, and dark furniture. The bed surprised me, though, considering that he didn't sleep.

"Are you tired?", he asked, noticing the way I eyed the bed.

"A little", I admitted.

"Then lie down a bit. I'll fix us something to eat."

I wanted to protest; I wasn't hungry at all, but I knew he wouldn't have that. I had to eat at some point, after all. Furthermore, I wasn't in the mood for arguing, so I changed into my nightgown and slipped under the sheets, immediately falling into a deep slumber.

When I woke up, Gaara was lying next to me, staring at the ceiling. As he felt me shift his gaze instantly fell onto me.

"How are you feeling?"

I thought for a moment. "Good", I answered then, surprised that this was actually the truth. Thank to the painkillers I was swallowing in great quantities, the once overall pain had diminished into a dull throb. And he was there, right next to me. What else could I possibly wish for?

After a moment of hesitation, I dared snuggle up against his chest. I still wasn't sure how he would react to physical contact, seeing as no one ever touched him and he always liked to keep his distance for everyone. Apparently he was okay with it, though, as his arm slid around my shoulders to pull me closer. With a content sigh, I hid my face in the scrape of his neck.

"I could stay like this forever", I murmured against his skin.

His fingers began to comb my hair and then trailed down to caress my cheeks. I looked up at him questioningly. Gaara wasn't the type to start touching anyone, but right now there wasn't the slightest sign of doubt on his face. Slowly, he bent down to press his soft lips on mine.

I gasped in surprise, but complied eagerly has he deepened the kiss. He ran his tongue over my lower lip, asking for entrance, while his hands began roaming my body, emanating heat wherever they went. Warmth was spreading in my entire body, engulfing me completely, and I willingly let myself fall and melt into it.

Another day passed. Then another one. On the third day it became evident that love couldn't save me. I was growing weak again, so I spent most of the time huddled up against Gaara, trying to move the least possible to avoid the pain every struggle would cause. In better moments he would carry me to the windowsill, where I sat and let the sun shine on my face. He was constantly holding my hand now, as if that could keep me from dying.

Two days later, I was delirious. I faintly noticed Hana coming by to give me some more medicine and say goodbye. I tried to smile at her, but found that I couldn't move a single muscle.

I'm sure she understood, though.

My lucid moments became less and less frequent, and they didn't last as long as they had in the beginning. The positive thing was that I didn't feel the pain. I also didn't have the time to panic, for when I was awake and aware of my surrounding, I solely focused on Gaara, who perpetually stayed by my side.

I couldn't go just yet. I hadn't been loved this way long enough. I couldn't leave him when I didn't know he would live on.

But I had no choice in this.

"I love you", I wanted to tell him. "I love you more than anything else in this world." But I couldn't find the words.

I felt his cool hands on mine, assuring me that he was still there.

He smelled of heat and sand.

He was whispering something, but I couldn't understand what he was saying. All I could hear was the wind outside the window. Was there another sandstorm? Probably.

At some point, I think, he realized I wouldn't die until he let me go. Seeing the pain on his face tore me apart.

Gaara bent forward and whispered softly in my ear. "I love you", he murmured. "I will keep looking for you out there. You promised to stay close to me, don't forget that."

When his eyes locked with mine, I finally felt at peace.

Gaara looked down upon the small gravestone. It had been kept plain, just like Kasumi would have liked it. Only her name could be read there, nothing else. They had buried her close to the city wall, facing towards the sunset, fulfilling her request to be laid to rest at the same place where she had found peace for the first time in her life.

Gaara felt a familiar jolt of pain run through his body. Four months had passed since Kasumi had died, but he still couldn't get used to the fact that she wasn't there anymore. It was as if he couldn't breathe anymore, as if a part of him had died as well.

He heard light footsteps behind him and at once knew it was Temari. His sister had been trying to comfort him for weeks. Gaara knew she felt terribly guilty for not being there for him when he needed her. She had been in Konoha at that time, organizing the Chunin exams, and probably enjoying herself with that Shikamaru guy. Only when she returned had she learned what had occurred during her absence and even though she hadn't known Kasumi at all, she had been constantly watching over him. She was worried about him. In the past two years the siblings had grown closer, and even though he and Temari weren't as close as he and Kankuro, she wanted to help him.

In a way, Gaara was thankful for her presence. She didn't talk as much as Kankuro would have, but then Kankuro wasn't in Suna either and probably hadn't yet received the letter Temari had sent him to ask him to return at once. But on the other hand, he would have very much preferred to be left alone with his sorrow.

"Gaara?", Temari asked hesitantly. "Are you coming?"

"Yes. Only a few more minutes."

Temari nodded and walked away, getting the hint that he wanted a bit more privacy.

Gaara turned to face the grave once again and kneeled down to touch the cold stone. He sighed heavily. "Where are you now, Kasumi? Didn't you promise to stay by my side?"

"You still have so much left to live for. So much to do", Kasumi had told him. "I don't want you to be sad. I'll always be at your side, wherever you go."

And as a light breeze sprung up and caressed his face, he knew she was there. A small smile appeared on his face as he got up again.

She had wanted him to move on. Gaara knew he would never forget her, but as long as he thought of her, as long as he treasured those precious moments he had shared with her, he could find the strength to do whatever was asked of him.

He turned around and walked away, over to Temari and the council, who had been waiting for their soon-to-be Kazekage.

A/N.: That's it...maybe it got a bit cheesy at the end, but I couldn't help feel weird now, having posted the last thing and it's over....

thanks to all the ones who read this!!! Uhm...comments?

Ah, and yeah, if you liked that one check out my other stories ;) (one has to do some advertising for their work, right?! xD)

Peace out,
