
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Disney Star's.

1800's Sicily Italy

The heavenly scent of sweet vanilla overwhelmed the younger girl's senses

To an invigorating extend. To her the sweetest of the fruits were the forbidden

Fruit. What tasted sweeter than a member of the royal family herself? The

Next queen in waiting, the heiress to the throne princess Fiora Vanni. At times the young

Servant often stood awake in deep thought wondering was it worth all the sneaking around.

More importantly the princess chosen fiancé if he ever saw them in this comprising position.

"Princessa …" said the servent who suddenly silence by the princess herself. A smirk began

To form on the future queen's lips as she suddenly changed positions, with her on top and the

Servant on bottom.

"Shhh …your job is to obey my every command and I'm ordering you to lay down Demi."

"Your wish is my command princessa." The girl smiled as both girls stared deeply into

Each other's eyes. Outside neither girl could acknowledge each other's One was

A member of the royal family, the other was a personal servent to the queen, and known

To the other servants the queen's favorite mainly because the young servent always

Got things done quickly. Being the queen's favorite did have its benefits, like quality

Time with the princessa. Here inside Fiora's private room they could acknowledge

Each other and express they'll undying love for each other Was this love

Felt like, forbidden fruit. Demi often wondered that as the princess began to

Leave a trail of kisses across the younger's girls well tone stomach.

Not even the royal family themselves were immune to this tragic disease that

Was sweeping up the country in a terrifying epidemic. Princess Fiora's passing was

The talk of the castle and village. It was a particular sunny afternoon where Demi

Realized that Fiora would no longer be there for her to hold or cuddle. The girl

Touched the only physical reminder she had of Fiora a beautiful golden necklace

With a diamond rose in the middle.


Her Fiora was gone, and the way this disease was spreading so would everyone else

Demi cared about.


It was this point that Demi vowed to not let disease beat her, and to not let death

Beat here. She couldn't die not yet, not until she found a cure for this tragic affair

That took her Fiora away from her.

More importantly Demi vowed to never love again