Disclaimer: I don't own the Twilight Saga or the characters, I write for fun not profit.

I really was aware of how long it had been since I last updated. I don't think even an apology can cover it. Here's the next chapter anywho, for you amazing people out there who continue to read even though my updates are so ridiculous. Love you all.

Chapter 17 - Navigating New Moon


Stressed: I still haven't found Jake. Angie is letting me stay at her house rather than face questions at home. We barely talk, I just insist on flicking through the pages of New Moon for inspiration.

Last night I dreamt of Edward, we walking hand in hand through the woods in Forks. I just hope after all of this I can get back.


I found footprints in the mud in the trees today not far from where we lost Jake.

I dreamt the same last night, it's keeping me sane. I'm already paranoid that my memory of his smile is beginning to fade.


I'm beginning to wonder if I've made up this entire situation, I only have the dreams to cling onto, but they seem more distant as every day passes.

Angie keeps trying to talk to me but I need to find Jake!


Someone was watching Angie's house this morning but by the time I'd got to the door they were gone. I'm certain it was Jake!


Last night I was tormented in my dream, images of Alice kept flickering in and out of my head. Her mouth moving soundlessly, her message lost. I awoke, my temperature sky high, my heart pounding.

Angie instantly knew that last night was my worst night since I'd been back andsuggested an early morning walk to try and calm me.

Walking Angie's dog, I instantly recognised the silhouette at the top of the field.

"Jake!" I shouted, I ran across the field my feet slipped on the grass but I made it.

"Laura?" Jake's voice was merely a croak.

"Jake it's ok!" I insisted and tried to reassure him, I draped my arm around his shoulder.

"You won' t believe me!" He must have found the bags of clothes I'd been leaving as I recognised the jumped he was currently wearing.

"I do and you're not alone!"

"How? What do you mean?"

"Sam, Quil, Embry, Paul, Jared..."


"There's even more of you later, just trust me Jake!" I grabbed his arms. "Please, I'll get you back. I understand now, you needed this moment."

I watched from afar as Jake apologised to Angelina. His sheepish mutterings were strangely endearing to watch and I saw her angry responses and expressions gradually begin to fade.

"I'm so sorry; I just couldn't control my anger that day."

"You really snapped. It was quite scary."

"I know I'm so sorry. It was like so many things had built up inside me. I was finally about to burst..."

"...into fur." Angelina, rubbed his shoulder and they both laughed. "Forget about it."

"I'm sorry, thanks for the clothes and the food."

"No problem. To be honest I'm not sure why I bothered with the clothes. I always enjoyed seeing you topless in the films." She sighed and from this distance I could swear I saw Jake blush.

"Ok this is the point where we leave," I interrupted with a shout shooting a sarcastic glare at Angelina. "Before she has you lifting up your shirt. Come on Jake." He paused.

"Jake, we need to go back, Billy will be worried. We can come back again if you like the place so much." He nodded and that was all I needed.

I was impatient on the return journey to my home, I was suddenly aware of how far apart Angie and I lived. Visions of Edward were flickering continually in and out of my head, more than ever before.

Luckily, the house was empty I don't think my heart could have coped if I would have had to wait any longer. I ran to my room dragging Jake right behind me. With a grin I shoved us both into the closet and waited. Tapping my foot impaitently I was so unsure of when to open the door, I let Jake have the honours.

Instantly, as my eyes took in Bella's bedroom it was clear that something was wrong...

A short chapter, but it's an update nonetheless. What's your theory of what has happenned?