Kazuya ran through secret passages below the Mishima Zaibatsu. He held his stomach as blood flowed through his fingertips. He wouldn't risk a hospital.


"We're a few members down," J.J. told Lei Wulong. "We need all the help we can get. Emily Prentiss is in the hospital. She was shot trying to protect Kazuya Mishima. Our team leader Aaron Hotchner is spending time with his son. I hate to pull him away, but I think we need his help on this one. David Rossi is on a book tour."

"We need to warn everyone else in the tournament," Detective Wulong pointed out.

"Derek Morgan and I can do that," J.J. said. "You and Spencer Reid need to work on finding Kazuya Mishima or the L.D.S.K."

"Yeah," Morgan laughed. "We need this kid's genius," he pointed at Reid, who was drawing diagrams on the whiteboard.

Just as Morgan and J.J. turned to leave, J.J.'s cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Mommy, I miss you."

"I know, Henry. I'll be home soon."

After she hung up the phone, J.J.'s countenance held an unshakable smile. "Where did that smile come from?" Lei asked, chuckling.

"My son."


"What do you have so far?" Lei asked the young man scribbling on the board.

Reid didn't answer for a few seconds. He was preoccupied with his calculations. "The first few targets were warnings to the Mishima family. If the UnSub was going to kill everyone in the tournament, he wouldn't have tried to take out the Mishima family until the end."


J.J. knocked on the door of the hotel room. The man who answered the door had flaming red hair and bags under his eyes. He held his head and looked at the stranger groggily. "What do you want?" he asked.

She ignored his rudeness and decided to get straight to the point. "Mr. Hworang, my name is Jennifer Jareau, with the FBI. I'd like to ask you a couple questions about the tournament. May I come in?"

Hwoarang looked confused but moved aside to let her past him. "I guess so. What does the FBI want with the tournament?"

J.J. entered the messy hotel room. Clothes scattered the floor haphazardly. She cleared off the chair and sat down. "Many of the members of this tournament are being murdered by a long distance serial killer. We have reason to believe that it might be someone within the tournament."

"Long distance serial killer? What does that even mean?"

"A sniper."


Morgan knocked on the door. "Steve Fox? I'm Derek Morgan, FBI. Can I come in?" The British man nodded and Morgan followed him inside the hotel room.

"What is this about?" Steve asked.

"The FBI is conducting an investigation concerning the King of Iron Fist Tournament. There is a sniper targeting the members of the tournament. We believe it's an inside job. Do you know anyone who would have motive or the resources for this?"

Steve thought for a moment and only one person came to mind. "Nina Williams. She was used in a cryogenic experiment conducted by the Kazuya Mishima and Dr. Boskonovich. They wanted to find out if live birth could be performed in a cryogenic sleep."

"What was the result of the experiment?" Morgan asked.



"If I were the CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu, I wouldn't risk going to a hospital. It would make me too vulnerable," Reid said, thinking out loud. "I would hide underground somewhere." He picked up the phone. "Garcia, look up the blueprints of the Mishima Zaibatsu. See if there's an underground passageway of some sort."