A Wolf in Black and Silver

Disclaimer: WHAT IDIOT IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD THINK THIS IS OURS? I'LL TELL YOU-- cough cough, ahem sorry about that, Panda got carried away. Anyway, we don't own anything.

Allen had a bad feeling. It wasn't the first time he'd had such a feeling, it was just that they usually came attached to Akuma and debts. Allen had had this strange premonition all day; the continuing normalcy did nothing to soothe his ever fraying nerves.

Allen sighed and rolled over onto his stomach, idly poking Timcampy as he did so. He sighed again; Link was glancing at him suspiciously and had been for the past half hour. It was long past the time he usually ate. Normally his stomach would be protesting this neglect but his anxiety stole his appetite.

'I guess I had better go eat for the sake of my strength,' Allen thought, then paused, 'and to stave off anyone worrying about me,' he winced at the thought people looking at him concernedly. In his already agitated condition it was the last thing he needed!

With Link following, he let his feet trace a familiar path to the cafeteria. Much to Link's carefully concealed surprise Allen did not need guidance as he usually did, actually it didn't look like he was paying attention to his route at all; he appeared to be in deep thought. He didn't even surface to reality until he'd wandered through the doors and all the way up to Jerry's counter.

"Oh, Allen~ I was starting to get worried about you! Are you not feeling well?" the eccentric Indian cooed.

Allen smiled softly and assured the pink-haired man that he was perfectly alright before placing his order, "May I please have Pepper-garlic steaks with balsamic vinegar sauce and butter sage tortellini's , Mapo tofu, Dublin coddle with soda bread, lasagna, fried rice, egg rolls, pureed carrot soup, meat loaf and rice, scones, Chamomile tea and twenty mitirashi dangos?"

While Jerry set to work on his overlarge order Allen plunked down on a table closest to the windows, they were open and the autumn breeze felt nice on his skin.

"You seem less inclined to socialize tonight," Link said, it was not a question.

Allen tugged at the end of his gloves nervously, "I have a… very bad feeling," he concluded lamely.

"You have a bad feeling?" Link arched one eyebrow, Allen shrugged helplessly, "I can't figure out what it is, I surveyed the area for Akuma, there were no debts mailed to me recently and I checked with Reever to see if Komui had been acting up but… nothing. Maybe I'm just jumping at shadows but I can't help it, something seems wrong," he shrugged again. Not a second later he leaped up to retrieve his order. This time however Link did not follow. He sat pondering Allen's words.

'Hmm, Walker has been jittery all day, it could be he's just restless but I highly doubt it. It could be the fourteenth stirring up trouble in his subconscious mind, then again Komui has been awfully complacent recently…' the stalker made a mental note to double check with Reever on the Supervisor's questionable actions. Just then Allen sat beside him and stated gorging down his food.

"I should have eaten earlier," Allen groaned around a full mouth, "I'm as hungry as a hostage!" It wasn't long before he scraped the last of the dishes clean, "so what are you now that you've eaten?" Link asked; Allen tapped his chin as if he was actually considering it.

"Full as a tick!" he said cheerfully, Link stared, "you have the oddest analogies," he informed him, Allen grinned, "yep, this is the stuff I come up with in the middle of the night when I can't sleep."

Link narrowed his eyes, "you're strangely cheerful for someone with a 'bad feeling,'" he stated, Allen winced, letting his grin fade. "I don't want to worry anyone, so until I figure it out I'm just going to pretend it doesn't exist," Link snorted, "a paradox if I ever heard one, you can't worry at something that does not exist, Walker, I hope you realize that," Allen only nodded absent mindedly.

They didn't notice the person stepping through the window until he tackled Allen to the ground. The attacker sat high on his chest, pinning his arms with his knees while his hands went to Allen's neck. Allen responded by hooking his ankles around his attackers neck and bashing his head against the table and pushing the attacker to the floor where Allen then pinned him only to gasp in recognition.

"F-Fidelio? W-What are you doing here?!" Allen shrieked as Link pulled him away from the blond vampire as Finders moved to restrain him.

Fidelio smirked despite his predicament, "I need your help, Allen Walker. Or rather K.I.R.C.H.E. does,"

Allen gaped in disbelief, "are you serious? What could they possibly need my help with?"

Fidelio's eyes glinted enigmatically, "a great many things," was all he offered before he was dragged away.

Pandaflower: soo… Good, bad, give it up it'll never happen? Tell me!

HirokoHana: Bad.

PandaFlower: oh, Hiroko, you're so cute when you try to hide your real feelings * sobs in happiness *

HirokoHana: * bears fangs * STOP IT!! I'LL BITE YOUR HEAD OFF!!!!

PandaFlower: * is unaffected * so do me a favor guys and drop a review!!! I'll never know 'till you tell me.~

HirokoHana: * hisses and stomps away * JUST REVIEW SO SHE'LL SHUT UP!!!!

PandaFlower: * still not affected * don't worry, she's just shy!