A/N: Well… Welcome to my first multi-chapter serious fanfiction! Couples in here are US/UK and Onesided-PruCan. Couples that might make an appearance; Franada, Spamano, RoChu, GerIta, SuFin. Thank you for clicking and possibly reading my fanfic. Now please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't Hetalia nor will I ever and if I did so much smut and fluff would be in that … yeah. XD

How had exactly had he ended up in this situation? The man in question furrowed his brows in frustration. He shouldn't feel such feelings, think such thoughts. It was just wrong to think of him in such a way. Staring to the sky, his emerald green eyes blankly studied the grey clouds forming in the once blue sky. Like his eyes-NO. I must not think of him in such ways. He's a friend… nothing more.

He knew the crystal drops from the grey clouds was inevitable, yet made no effort to move his aching limbs. How long had he been standing here? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Days? Such things didn't matter to him anymore. He was worthless, stupid, his own definition of a 'git'.

"Arthur Kirkland, you have gone and royally fucking screwed up your life. Are you proud now?" The words slipped from his chilled lips. No one was around to hear them, the park in which he was standing in was empty due to the soon to fall rain. He wasn't speaking to another person; however, he was merely speaking to himself.

Soon enough, the pounding of the rain hit the leaves nearby, alerting him to the rainfall. He isn't going to show Arthur, give up already. Go home. Common sense was whispering within his ears. Should he listen? Should he close off all his feelings and just go home? Pretend he never felt this way? Pretend that he wasn't about to confess to his closest friend for the second time?

Laughter echoed in his ears, though as he looked around him, moving his stiff limbs for the first time, no sight of a human being was there. His heart sank with misery, blaming him for getting so worked up over a mere sound in his ears. It was only his mind, playing a sound he wanted to hear. His laughter. The words didn't have to appear in his head, for the moment they hit his ears he recognised it.

He himself started to giggle, was he turning into Ivan? Going insane slowly, ripping apart his soul? No, it was merely nerves, shock, and a major overload of emotions. Who wouldn't feel like releasing a bit of tension? Sure, laughing wasn't exactly the most common way or releasing stress, but it was better then other options, no?

That frog would be laughing at him, seeing him in such a state. "You've really fallen head over feet in love with votre ancienne colonie, no?Bahahaha, you're so sick! You deserve this~!" Headache ensued after the mere thought of that bloody toad. Arthur hissed through his teeth. You can't fully blame him!

The fact that Alfred went around flaunting his body, the way he acted like he was better then anyone. Sure, it might be annoying, but it was a loveable annoying! N-Not that Arthur liked Alfred. Su-Sure his oceanic blue eyes were hypnotising, intoxicating, but that didn't affect Arthur!

… Who was he kidding? He was absolutely in love with the bloody fool, no matter how much his mind or he denied it, it was the complete truth. Gazing down to his shaking hands, he realised that soon enough, rain would be upon him… Then why was there wetness already upon his cheeks?

That's when his full situation registered in his mind. Here he was standing, some lovesick fool, awaiting the impending rain, shivering and have a fucking meltdown. "I wish you could see the way you make me, driving me insane…" He muttered, again to no one, not even his faerie friends. "I should just enjoy this time, without his presence, which thanks to my actions, will probably never enter my life again. At least, willingly." Smiling bitter-sweetly, he stared at the sky, the clear drops rushing down his face, cooling down the heat which had rushed through them while thinking of Him.

Closing his eyes, he recalled what had happened.

A normal world meeting had just ended, full of the normal fights and bickering, et cetera. Yet Arthur himself felt different. What was different at this world meeting? Maybe it was the fact that America had decked himself out in ridiculous(ly) tight black jeans and a black shirt with an overlapping leather jacket. To anyone else, this would be a mere fashion statement. However, for this British Gentleman, it made him think… Certain rather improper thoughts.

Now, for just anyone, they would have brushed this aside and simply moved on. However this was not the case for Arthur Kirkland, for nothing in his life was as simple. This one, slightly innocent slip of the mind, led to several others, which quickly, his mind denied. Leaving Arthur in a complicated mess, he decided the best thing to do was to take pen to paper, and write down how he felt.

Rushing back to his room, determined to make some sense of his troubled thoughts, Arthur grabbed the nearest writing utensil and paper and voiced his thoughts. Scribbling out several times, he finally figured out the right way his mind was set, and so he wrote:

"Just thinking of you gives me a headache-

I can't stop thinking of you-

You make me sick-

With the warmth that fills my being-

You're such an idiot-

But that's your charm-

I smirk at you when I do something better-

Only because I want you to realize how hard I try to impress you-

I can't stand you-

Being away for too long-

Go away-

Hug me-

I'm not feeling well...-

Because you don't recognize something right in front of you-

Maybe I hate you-

I love you."

A/N: Ok, this is the first chapter of this fic. I don't know how many chapters it will take up, but possibly 4 at the least? –Shrugs-

I'm actually really happy with this fic, and it's my first multi-chapter. I hope I don't fail.


And… No one would be able to guess this but many of the bits in this story are things that have happened with me in real life. I'm called England in my friend group and one of my best friends is America(She's so him.. it's kinda scary). I've fallen for her, head over heels. She doesn't know and I'm thinking of using this story as a confession at the end of the year. I don't know if I'm gonna, she says she's 100% straight but all my friends and their gay-dars say she's probably Bi but in denial. (They've said this before I told two of them that I like her). I seriously like her, and normally I don't fall for people I have love-hate relationships with, or even stay friends with them. But our relationship is so much different from the others… So yeah, the inspiration for this fic comes from me being in love with my best friend.

Next chapter Gilbert makes an appearance. :D

And yes, all poems in here I wrote myself.

And the inspiration for the title comes from songs by HE IS WE. I highly recommend listening to it, they're fantastic. The songs are I wouldn't mind and Blame it on the Rain

Reviews are love and biscuits(Or cookies) are awarded to those who do! .. At least over the internet.