'allo Leute! So a little background on this fic - I wrote over the span of about three years when I was in high school. I'm 21 now, and so I realize that the narration in this story is somewhat juvenile. But regardless, I decided I might as well post it. This is the first of five chapters. I hope you enjoy and review if the urge strikes you.

We're both looking for something we've been afraid to find
It's easier to be broken, it's easier to hide
Looking at you and holding my breath,
For once in my life I'm scared to death,
I'm taking a chance; letting you inside.

Feeling alive all over again,
As deep as the sky, under my skin
Like learning to feel again, for the first time
Maybe I'm wrong; I don't know what's right

But where I belong is with you tonight
Like learning to love again for the first time

And I see a world inside you waiting to come to life
Waking me up to dreaming, reality in your eyes

We're crashing into the unknown
We're lost in this but it feels like home

I'm feeling alive all over again
As deep as the sky, under my skin
Like learning to feel again for the first time
Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know what's right
But where I belong is with you tonight
Like learning to love again for the first time

"Detention, Potter."

The words were still ringing in his head. Harry mentally punched himself. Only he would be stupid enough to get detention on the morning of Gryffindor's first game against Slytherin. He couldn't believe they would have to forfeit this much awaited match because he and Ron had just had to sneak over to Hagrid's at midnight. The Slytherin team had never beaten them before, not once in six years, and now they would, all because of Harry. He rolled his eyes in disgust at his own bad judgment and kept walking toward the hospital wing, where he had been assigned to clean bedpans and change sheets. How could he have been so stupid? And furthermore, why the hell had Snape been out prowling the grounds at midnight? Damn Snape. Of all the times for the slimy bastard to catch him, why did it have to be now?

He kept walking, his pace increasing in his anger. Who was he kidding? He knew very well why Snape had been out prowling the grounds. Snape knew as well as Harry did that the Gryffindor team had no reserve players, a decision which Harry now deeply regretted. Harry was prepared to bet his Firebolt Snape had been out all night for the past week, hoping to catch a team member out of bed so he could slap them with a week's detention and Gryffindor would have to forfeit the game. Stupid, slimy – BANG!

Harry had rounded a corner quickly and crashed headlong into something hard. He stumbled over backwards, little white stars dancing in front of his eyes. He groaned and put a hand to his throbbing head.

"Fuck, Potter!" came an angry reply from the ground beside him.

Harry knew that voice. "Perfect," he muttered darkly.

Draco Malfoy picked himself up off the floor, brushing off his robes before shooting out, "If you're going to crash blindly into things, you could at least wait until a Quidditch game so it might help me beat you."

Harry didn't move for a minute. He lay flat on his back, glaring resentfully at the ceiling and silently cursing the boy he knew was standing at his feet, glaring back.

"What are you doing here?" he spat at the ceiling.

"Detention," Malfoy answered, sounding every bit as bitter about it as Harry felt. "Damn McGonagall," he added as an afterthought.

Harry sat up slowly. "You got detention?"

Malfoy stared at the hospital wing door. "Yup," he answered dully.

"You got detention today?"

"Yes, Potter," Malfoy answered impatiently.

"What about the game?"

"Well, I'm going to miss it, aren't I?" Malfoy turned to face Harry, rolling his eyes. "You're just as perceptive as always, I see."

Harry sat very still on the floor, transfixed. Malfoy had detention? Was it possible Slytherin had to forfeit too? "Who's taking your place?" he asked slowly, hardly daring to believe it.

"No one," Malfoy said, kicking the wall lightly. "There isn't a reserve seeker. Gryffindor gets the win."

Harry's eyes widened. "Yes!" he cried, jumping up. "This is perfect!"

"Yeah, for you." Malfoy went to kick the wall again, then stopped and stared at Harry for a moment. "Wait … why aren't you at the game? Doesn't it start like right now?"

"I'm here for the same reason you are!" Harry could barely contain himself. "I got detention! Gryffindor had to forfeit too! The game will be rescheduled!"

Malfoy finished stripping a bed and threw the sheets across the room, where they landed in a heap on the floor, a foot off from the bin he'd been aiming at. He looked for a moment as if he were trying to deciding whether or not to walk over and pick them up, but then thought the better of it. "So, what'd you do?"

Harry looked up absentmindedly. "Huh?"

Malfoy rolled his eyes. "De-ten-tion, Potter," he said slowly, as if talking to a small child or a mental patient. "What did you do?"

"Oh." Harry went back to the bed he had been stripping. "I, uh, snuck out after hours."

Malfoy raised an eyebrow. "Why?"


"God, did you get hit in the head today, or something?" Malfoy asked exasperatedly. "Why did you sneak out? As in what did you sneak out to do?"

"Oh," Harry said again. "Uh … nothing. I just, uh … went for a walk," he answered, not wanting to get Hagrid in trouble.

"I don't believe you," Malfoy said bluntly.

Harry glanced at Malfoy warily. "Why not?"

"You went through all the trouble of sneaking out after hours just so you could go for a walk, all alonein the middle of the night?" Malfoy asked skeptically. "Yeah right, Potter."

"Well …" Harry answered, not wanting Ron to get in trouble as well. "Okay, no, not exactly alone."

Malfoy's eyebrows went straight up and disappeared behind the shimmering blond strands that fell into his eyes. "Wait. Wait a minute. You wouldn't have happened to have been in the company of a female …"

"I never said –"

Malfoy's eyes filled with malicious delight. "You snuck out to see some girl?" He exploded with laughter. "Was it that little Weasley slut?"

"No, I – slut? How –"

"Or no, was it Granger?" Malfoy barreled on. "Oh god, please tell me it was Granger. How sweet, Potty and the Brainy Beaver have hooked up at last?"

"No, I didn't say it was a –"

"Did you bang her, Potter?" Malfoy asked, his eyes sparkling with glee.


"You did, didn't you? I can just see it! You and Bush Head going at it in the back of the Transfiguration classroom."

"But –"

"That would be her place of choice, of course. Tell me, did she read while you were doing it? The smell of books turns her on, doesn't it?"

"No! I mean, I don't know, but –"

"Was she good, Potter? Was it just a good old fashioned humping or did she suck you off as well?"


"Are her pubes as curly as her head? Is she a screamer or a moaner? Did she scream out your name at the end, or was she imagining you were Krum? Did you –"

"Stop it!" Harry yelled. "There was no girl, ok? I was with Ron."

Malfoy stared, his expression unreadable. "Ron? You snuck out with Weasley?"


"Potty and the Weasel went for a little stroll, did they?" Malfoy rolled his eyes and started stripping the next bed. "God that is so pathetic, Potter! I might've just gained a little respect for you when I thought you snuck out to bang some girl, but Weasley? You two are so sad. Although it must be nice to have a friend who's willing to satisfy your craving for night time wanderings and –" Malfoy stopped short and looked around at Harry, his expression turning to disgust. "Wait … you and Weasley didn't sneak out to … you know … did you?"

"What?" Harry cried. "No! No! I can't believe you said that!"

"Well how am I supposed to know? You and the Weasel have been practically inseparable since first year!" He left the sheets on the bed and backed away slowly, as if he didn't want to stand too close to Harry.

"Well we didn't! And we haven't!"

Malfoy didn't move. He just stared uncomfortably at the floor, obviously having never wanted to have this conversation. He left the bed he had been stripping after a moment, to begin on one across the room; the farthest he could get from Harry without actually leaving the Hospital Wing. Harry threw a pillow onto the bed he had been making and flopped down on it. He couldn't believe Malfoy would suggest that he and Ron had … he didn't even want to think about it.

Harry could feel Malfoy glancing uncomfortably at him, but chose to ignore it for the time being. His head was full of thoughts he'd never wanted to think. Malfoy's disgusted face swam in front of Harry's eyes. Great. Just great. Now Malfoy, one of Harry's greatest enemies, thought Harry was gay. Harry sighed, finding it difficult to ignore Malfoy's continuing glances. It made it worse that Harry knew exactly what Malfoy was thinking. It was the same thing Harry was thinking - him and Ron? Disgusting. Harry's brow furrowed as he sighed again. Out of the corner of his eye Harry could see Malfoy still making the bed unsteadily, in a lame attempt to act like nothing had happened.

Harry turned slowly to look at Malfoy, biting his lip in thought. Malfoy looked away quickly when he caught Harry's eye, but not before Harry noticed something he had never noticed before – Malfoy's eyes. He had always known they were grey, but he had never noticed what a nice shade they were. Malfoy's face was glistening slightly from the work and his hair was falling gracefully into his eyes. Harry smiled as he noted that Malfoy's face had rounded nicely. He no longer resembled a rat like he had when Harry had first met him. He was not bad looking at all, even attractive. Harry froze suddenly as he realized with a jolt what he had just thought. He had just thought of Malfoy as attractive. Just stay calm, he told himself firmly. Noticing that Malfoy isn't an ugly git anymore does not mean you are attracted to him.

Wait. Why had he just panicked at the thought of being attracted to another guy? It wasn't like this was the first time he'd noticed he could tell the difference between a good looking guy and an ugly one. So then why was this bothering him so much?

For once in my life I'm scared to death

Harry arrived back to his room three hours later, exhausted and stinking of cleaning fluid. He had been greeted by his ecstatic Quidditch team at the portrait hole, informing him what he already knew; that the match had been rescheduled. Harry had acted happy, but left the common as soon as they would let him. He now collapsed on his bed, his mind swimming with uncomfortable images and thoughts. Malfoy … with soft vanilla colored hair falling gently into steely grey eyes. Captivating eyes Harry couldn't believe he'd never noticed before. Knowing eyes that shone with experience and intelligence. Eyes that told the horrible secrets Harry knew Malfoy's mouth never would. Eyes that, like Harry's, told the story of a boy forced to grow up too fast. Eyes that somehow held everything, and nothing at the same time.

I see a world inside you

Waiting to come to life

Harry didn't see Malfoy again until Wednesday when Slytherin and Gryffindor had double Potions together. Malfoy entered the dungeon after Harry, Ron and Hermione had already taken their seats. They sat at a table as far away from Snape as Hermione would let them. While she didn't want to be particularly close to the one professor their whole house hated, she also refused to sit too far away for fear of missing important bits of information. Harry looked up as Malfoy entered the room, but any sort of acknowledgement Harry had been expecting did not come. Malfoy took his usual seat on the other side of the room without a word to anyone or so much as a glance in Harry's general direction.

Harry drove all thoughts of Malfoy from his mind and attempted to pay attention, but it was no use. Within less than five minutes Harry's thoughts drifted once again to the blond boy on the other side of the room. Even thought he could only see the back of Malfoy's head, Harry could tell the other boy was trying determinedly not to look in his direction. Why, though? They hadn't exactly become friends during their detention, but before the discussion of Harry's sexual tendencies had begun they had spent the better part of an hour acting at least civilized. They'd made mostly polite conversation as if they hadn't spent the last six years hating each other. Harry hadn't really expected them to become friends as a result of one detention, but he hadn't expected them to go directly back to hating each other either.

Harry sighed and tried once again to pay attention.

It's easier to be broken

Easier to hide

It was close to midnight on Saturday night. That morning Hermione had drawn up revision schedules for Harry and Ron, even though Ron complained loudly that the N.E.W.T exams were ages away. After a long and exhausting day of Hermione forcing them to revise until they could almost recite all of her notes off by heart, Harry was surprised and frustrated to find he couldn't sleep. He now wandered the halls aimlessly under the protection of his invisibility cloak. He wasn't really sure what direction he was going anymore and he had the distinct impression that he'd never been where he was before. Under normal circumstances, that would've struck him as odd. He'd been out wandering around the castle so many times over the last seven years that it was nearly impossible he didn't have the place memorized by now, even if it was constantly changing. He was in a state of only partial consciousness, however, so he kept walking. After a while he noticed faintly that his feet had carried him into an empty classroom he was positive he'd never been in before. He threw off the cloak, sat down on one of the tables and looked around; mildly interested but only half absorbing his surroundings.

He couldn't remember the last time he been this confused. He couldn't get Malfoy's voice out of his head. The thought of Malfoy thinking he was gay was distressing him like nothing had before, although he had still not been able to figure out exactly why. He remembered dully how good Malfoy had looked that day in detention, his cheeks slightly flushed and his blond hair falling gracefully into those beautiful eyes. He then realized what had just gone through his mind and shook the thought out of his head. In almost seven years of knowing Malfoy he had never in his wildest dreams imagined he would one day think the words 'Malfoy looks really good'.

Just then he heard footsteps outside and jumped out of the stupor he had sunk into. He realized with a panic that the person was definitely getting closer. He tried to hurry over to where he'd dropped his invisibility cloak without making too much noise, but he'd only taken a few steps when the door opened slowly. Harry froze, his heart thumping madly.

"Hello?" the person said.

Harry squinted, trying to make out who it was through the darkness, but it was no use. All he could see was a faint black outline of someone about his size. But there was something familiar about that voice ...

"Who's there?" said the shadow.

Harry jumped a little as it dawned on him who it was. "Malfoy?"

There was a long pause, a shuffling of feet as the person moved into the room, and then a bright light as one of the lamps was lit. Harry blinked as the sudden flood of light stung his eyes. In an old pair of jeans and a plain muggle t-shirt stood Draco Malfoy, looking at Harry with a mixture of curiosity and distain.

"Great," Harry muttered under his breath.

"What are you doing here, Potter?" Malfoy sneered, in classic Draco Malfoy fashion.

"I could ask you the same question," Harry retorted.

There was a brief pause, until - "I hate it when people say that," Malfoy commented.

Harry laughed to himself. "Actually, me too. They always say it in movies."

Malfoy frowned. "What's a moo-vee?"

"Never mind."

"So what are you doing here?" Malfoy asked again.

"Nothing, really," Harry shrugged. "I couldn't sleep so I was wandering around and ended up here."

Malfoy didn't look entirely convinced. "Why were you sitting in the dark?"

"I didn't really notice the light was off until you turned it on."

Malfoy didn't say anything, but continued to stare at Harry suspiciously.

"So … what are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"Same reason I guess." Malfoy glanced around. "Have you ever been here before?"

Harry shook his head. "I'm not even sure where we are. I wasn't paying attention when I was walking. I'm probably going to have a job getting back."

Malfoy nodded slowly but didn't reply. He looked away from Harry and began to wander around the room with an air of mild curiosity. Harry stared after him, bewildered. Malfoy wasn't acting like his normal self at all. He wasn't sneering, gloating, making comments about Harry's mother, or doing any of his usual favorite things. But he wasn't being exactly nice either – just kind of distant, as if it hadn't really registered that he had just walked in on Harry sitting alone in a dark classroom at midnight. Harry wondered vaguely whether Malfoy had been drinking; there was an indistinct haziness about him that Harry had never seen before.

"Um … Malfoy?" Harry said tentatively, not entirely sure what he was going to say after Malfoy answered.

Malfoy turned slowly and his face changed from the serene expression it had earlier held, as if it had just truly dawned on him that Harry was standing there. Harry's breath hitched; the moonlight filtering through the window had lit up Malfoy's face and Harry once again found himself thinking about how good Malfoy looked. The other boy looked as if he were trying desperately to think of something to say and the small line that had formed between his eyebrows made him look more adorable than ever. When he bit his lower lip Harry thought his stomach might be in danger of falling out of his body.

Malfoy took a step closer to Harry and opened his mouth as if to say something, then thought the better of it and stared at the floor. Harry's heart was thumping so hard he was sure it must be echoing throughout the room. He was paralyzed with a mixture of fear and excitement that he couldn't quite explain. This was Malfoy after all; he was both a boy and a boy Harry had very recently despised. Why was he suddenly turned on by him?

Kiss him.

The thought came from nowhere. Harry almost jumped. There was no way he was going to kiss Draco Malfoy! But the little voice in the back of Harry's brain was somehow louder then the many other voices telling him to run away. He found himself wondering how Malfoy would react. He wondered how it would feel to have Malfoy's lips against him, to have Malfoy's hands on him, to have Malfoy's tongue in his mouth …

Just kiss him.

Harry took a deep breath. He couldn't believe what he was about to do, but he seemed to have lost control of his body and his legs carried him slowly forward. Malfoy was now eyeing him warily but, in true Malfoy fashion, he did not back down. Harry took a deep breath and moved in as close as possible without actually touching the other boy. He couldn't even see Malfoy clearly anymore, just a blurry image of what he knew were Malfoy's grey eyes. Making a snap decision to go all the way, Harry slowly closed his own eyes and pressed his lips against Malfoy's slightly open mouth. For a moment Malfoy didn't move, and Harry gritted his teeth, expecting Malfoy to push away and start yelling. After mere seconds, however, Malfoy made a noise of utter contentment – halfway between a sigh and a moan. He slowly lifted his hands to either side of Harry's face and opened his mouth a little more, deepening the kiss. Harry felt his stomach drop about a foot – the same feeling as walking down stairs in the dark and missing one. Harry wrapped his arms around Malfoy's waist and felt another sigh vibrate through them both. Malfoy's hands moved from Harry's hair and slid down to Harry's waist, one of his fingers drawing a circle in the small of Harry's back. Harry felt a slight lump in his pants beginning to form, causing his stomach to drop another few feet, and went to pull Malfoy impossibly closer. Just then, however, Malfoy pulled away.

"What are we doing?" he whispered, his voice full of concern.

Harry blinked, having trouble remembering what those words meant. He tried and failed to speak, only coming up with "Ugbah", finding it hopelessly difficult to force his mouth to form words when all it really wanted to do was reattach itself to Malfoy's. "What?" he finally managed.

"We just kissed, Potter," Malfoy had backed away entirely now; his eyes shining with worry, and was that … fear?

"Yeah," Harry agreed quietly, his brain beginning to focus.

"I don't … I mean I haven't … I mean we don't …" Malfoy stammered, taking another uncomfortable step backwards and bumping awkwardly into the desk behind him.

"We've never done that before," Harry finished, feeling himself flush. "And I take it you've never done that before."

Malfoy stared fixedly at a spot on the wall just left of Harry's knees, his eyes wide. "Not with another guy," he barely whispered.

Harry didn't speak for a moment, letting the truth come crashing around him like the relentless rain that could now be heard pounding into the roof. He'd just kissed another guy. A boy. And not just any boy. Draco Malfoy. He had just locked lips with one of his greatest enemies, who just happened to be male. And worst of all; he'd liked it. It had felt good – right. Kissing Cho had been a disaster and kissing Ginny hadn't been much better, though Harry had never let himself admit it. But kissing Malfoy and had been perfect, exactly how he'd always imagined a kiss should be.

"Me neither," he replied finally.

Malfoy mouthed helplessly, swallowed, and then walked in a stunned kind of trance toward the door. He left without looking back, leaving Harry alone in the dimly light room. Harry would've kicked himself in the face if it were possible to bend that way. How could he have been so thick? What could he possibly have been thinking, kissing Draco Malfoy?

He heard a creak that sounded unmistakably like door hinges and looked up to find Malfoy standing in the doorway. Both boys stared at each other's ankles for a moment before Malfoy spoke.

"Please don't tell anyone," he said, in a tiny and defeated voice.

Harry was almost shocked that Malfoy thought he would, but remembered that they'd never been exactly nice to each other in the past. A week ago Harry would've taken any chance he could get to humiliate Malfoy, and he knew Malfoy would've done the same.

"I won't," Harry answered, and Malfoy left without another word.

We're crashing into the unknown

It was almost Easter Break, and the closer the N.E.W.T. exams crept, the more demanding the 7th year classes became. Each teacher was piling on the homework like never before. Harry, Ron and Hermione were up past midnight in the common room each night, writing until it felt like their hands might fall off. Hermione seemed to have taken it upon herself to guarantee Harry and Ron passed their exams, and while this was a nice gesture, she was really just making matters worse. She became increasingly shrill and irritable as the days went by, and usually refused to let them go to bed until she had revised all of their homework. On Tuesday she'd ripped Ron's Potions essay into shreds when he told her she looked like she needed more sleep. Ron hadn't spoken to Hermione at all the next day. Apart from secretly feeling Ron had gotten what he'd asked for, Harry was too tired to bring himself to care.

Harry found himself enjoying their unusually heavy workload, as it left him with no time to dwell on anything but studying. Considering the circumstances, this was more than Harry could've hoped for. When Harry had woken up on the Sunday morning after the incident with Malfoy he'd promised himself he would never think about it again, and he hadn't … until after dinner on Wednesday, when he saw Malfoy for the first time since their previous encounter. Harry spotted him sitting alone on the steps to the castle with his robes discarded beside him, writing something and frequently scratching out whatever it was. Harry told Ron and Hermione he was going for a walk and stepped out of the entrance hall, drawn unexplainably to the way Malfoy's hair was blowing softly in the faint breeze. Harry had no idea how long he stood there staring at the back of the other boy's head, until he shifted his weight and stepped on a twig, the resulting crack causing Malfoy to jump up and spin around.

"Oh," he said upon seeing Harry. "It's you."

"Hi," Harry said quietly. There was no reply. Harry shifted uncomfortably. "Okay … well … bye."

Harry turned around to leave, mentally kicking himself again. First he kissed Malfoy and now he'd been caught staring at the back of his head like a complete idiot. Why did he insist on constantly making a fool of himself?

"No, wait," Malfoy said suddenly.

Harry stopped and turned around uncertainly.

"I mean, you can go if you want to," Malfoy said, flushing slightly and not meeting Harry's gaze. "I just … well, I didn't mean that I wanted you to leave."


"Actually, I was just writing you a note," Malfoy barreled on with the air of someone forcing himself to say something before good sense got the better of him. "I was going to get a house elf to leave it in your dormitory, but I could just say it to you in person, you know, seeing as you're here … unless you have somewhere else you need to be … and if you do, I guess … I guess I'll just finish the note," he finished lamely.

Harry stared, trying to work out what Malfoy had just said. "I don't have somewhere else to be," he replied after a moment.

Malfoy suddenly became very interested in Harry's shoes. "Well, I … I just wanted to thank you, you know, for not telling anyone about … you know."

Harry didn't know what he had been expecting Malfoy to say, but it certainly wasn't that. This was a completely different Malfoy than one Harry knew, and Harry found it quite unsettling. This Malfoy was nervous, uncomfortable and self-conscious; three emotions Harry was sure Malfoy had never felt before in his life. And unless Harry's ears were deceiving him, Malfoy had just thanked someone; another thing Harry was sure no Malfoy had ever done before.

"No problem," Harry said after a moment. "You didn't really think I would actually tell anyone, did you?"

"No," Malfoy admitted slowly, "No, I guess not."

They were silent for what felt like hours to Harry, now shivering slightly in the cool breeze.

"I'm sorry," he finally offered tentatively, "about that night. I didn't mean to – well I guess I meant to, but I wasn't really thinking. I didn't want to …" He trailed off embarrassed. It was true; he'd just lost control, but he wasn't sure Malfoy would see it that way. However –

"I know," Malfoy answered. "Me too."

They were silent again. Again Harry shifted uncomfortably; this was without a doubt the most awkward conversation he'd ever had.

"You lied to me," Malfoy said suddenly, looking Harry in the eyes for the first time.

Harry was taken aback. "What? When?"

"When we did that detention together," Malfoy answered. "You told me you weren't gay."

"I wasn't!" Harry said quickly. "I mean, I'm not!"

Malfoy raised his eyebrows. "You're not? Then what happened last week?"

"I don't know!" Harry burst out, exasperated. Was it Harry's imagination, or had Malfoy just moved an inch closer?

"You don't know or you don't want to tell me?" Malfoy asked.

"Both," Harry answered truthfully.

Malfoy didn't say anything, just stared at slightly off to the side, his expression somewhat unreadable. He didn't look revolted that Harry had been attracted to him, which Harry supposed was a good thing, although he didn't look particularly pleased about it either.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry asked tentatively.

Malfoy nodded.

"Last week when we … you know … well before you flipped out, you were … kissing me back." Harry paused, waiting for some kind of response, but it didn't come. "And I guess I was just wondering –"

"If I'm gay," Malfoy finished.


"No," Malfoy said quickly.

"Oh." Harry couldn't help being disappointed even though he would like to keep believing that he wasn't gay either.

"I have to go," Malfoy muttered, grabbing his robes and moving past Harry.


Malfoy turned slowly. His face was mere inches from Harry's, and Harry thought his knees might be in danger of giving out. All of a sudden Malfoy captured Harry's mouth almost roughly with his own. Harry jumped, but kissed back eagerly once the shock wore off. Just like before Malfoy's hands teased Harry's waist and Harry wrapped his arms around Malfoy, this time actually pulling him closer. This kiss was immeasurably better than the first; desperate and passionate and perfect. Harry was dizzy and felt his mind clouding over, leaving no room for any thoughts except never letting go. When Malfoy's tongue slipped into his mouth Harry's knees actually did give away, but a strong pair of arms caught him before he hit the pavement and Malfoy hoisted Harry back up, laughing.

"What's the matter Potter?" Malfoy whispered seductively in Harry's ear. "Never had a tongue in your mouth before?"

"Just not yours," Harry answered shakily.

Malfoy laughed. He gazed intensely into Harry's eyes for a few moments, and Harry shivered.

"I should go," Malfoy said finally.

"What?" Harry protested. "Why?"

Malfoy smiled apologetically. "Because I'm not gay, Potter."

"Then what are we doing?" Harry asked.

"We lost control," Malfoy said firmly.

"If that's all this is then why can't you stay?" Harry said incredulously.

"Because we both know this can't go any further, Potter," Malfoy said. He bent down, picked up his robes and slipped them on.

"And if you stayed –" Harry started.

"I'm not saying it would turn into something, Potter, but this has happened twice already, so obviously neither of us can control ourselves! And I don't want to be the one responsible for us fucking on the steps of the goddamn castle!" Malfoy spat. He whipped around and left without another word, leaving Harry alone, cold, and extremely confused.

Like learning to feel again for the first time ...

*giggles* Yes, I know it's mean to leave you with an ending like that. But that's just how I roll :P

Disclaimer - the song is "First Time" by Lifehouse. I don't own the lyrics, I just worship them. Nor do I own any of the characters. I just manipulate their emotions.