I only own any OCs that appear. Note, this is an AU, Draco is a good guy so no whining that I didn't warn ya in reviews Enjoy!

Yuri Shibua sighed sadly. He knew Shinou had good intetions but why did he have to do this? The double black looked over at his consort, Wolfram curled up in their bed with their adopted daughter Greta both clinging to the large knited Sand Bear doll that Wolfram's eldest brother; Gwendal had made for their son whom they hadn't even got the chance to name, tear tracks still clear on their sleeping faces. Wolfram had given birth to the babe about a week before but the blond mazoku didn't even get to hold his newborn. One of the preistess from the Shinou's temple came in, took the child and said the boy was to be sent to Earth to fullfil a special task...but he would be returned before his 15th birthday. Until then Yuri would do his best to comfort his family and friends.


Harry James Potter sat beside the Lake on the Hogwarts grounds with his friend's Hermonie Granger, Ron and Ginny Weasly and the newest memeber of their group; Draco Malfoy. Recently Harry had defeated the greatest Dark Wizard; Lord Voldimort, once and for all. It turned out that the whole Malfoy family had been spies for the light during the war. Now that the Dark Lord was gone, Darco could be himself. The moment he and his family heard that the dark lord was dead they formally appalogized for their actions during and before the second war. Lucius explained that it was because Dumbldor believed that the evil wizard would one day return so he and his family should continue to act like Muggle haters. As for the items that he sold in Harry's second year, they were all magically bugged to try and find the real Deatheaters who had pretened to reform. As for the Dairy...well Dumbledor wanted to get rid of the baskalisk for the sake of the children and clear poor Hagrid's name. Draco had sent Dobbie to stop Harry from going to school to make sure the dark haired boy wasn't wrongly blamed for the attacks.

"I spy with my little eye something...white..." said the blond who was laying on his back looking at the sky.

"A cloud," said Harry, "You, Ron and Ginny really stink at Muggle games."

"Not our fault," said Ron.

"We know," said Hermonie and Harry at the same time.

Suddenly Harry felt himself drawn toward the water...something or someone was calling him.

"Harry?" asked Ginny as the black haired boy walked towards the lake as if under a spell.

The other students panicked and grabbed onto the dark haired boy but...he was pulling them all into the water with them. Then they found themselves no longer on the Hogwarts grounds but in a fountain with a lot of weapons pointed at them. One was help by a girl with long blond hair and violet eyes who seemed to be the leader had a sword pointed right at Harry. When she spoke none of them understood a thing she said.

A man with brown hair and eyes came over and said in perfect English, "She asked you to identify yourselves and state you're bussiness."

The girl looked at the man as she shethed her sword and said something to him in and he replied in the same languge.

Ginny answered him, "I'm Ginny Weasly, this is my brother Ron, and our friends; Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter."

At that point the girl pointed at Harry babblering excitedly.

"Does she know who Harry is?" Draco whispered to Ron.


The man turned the them with what looked like ear plugs and said, "Put these in your ears and you'll be able to understand what we say in our native tounge."

The five wizards/witches-in-training did as they were asked.

"Can you understand me now, ya weirdos?" asked the girl.

"Blaire! Behave!" said the man.

The hold group sweatdroped and Hermonie said, "We understood her alright."

"I am Conrad Weller and this..."

The girl puffed up her chest and said, "I am Lady Blaire von Krist-Voltarie. Neice of the current Maoh and granddaughter of the pervious one."

Connrad sighed and put a hand on Blaire's head making her flail, "Uncle Conrad!"

The wizards blinked, "Don't mind my neice, she's just a little excited because she rarely gets to brag about her rank."

Said girl blushed.

"So why was she pointing at me blabbering before?" Harry asked Conrad as most of the guards walked off.

"You remind her of someone..." said Conrad not looking any of them in the eye.

Just then a man with black hair and eyes walked towards them.

"Conrad, Blaire what's going on?" he asked.

"Your majesty," said Conrad as Blaire cheered, "Uncle Yuri!"

Yuri, as Blaire called him sighed, "At least she calls me by name."

"Sorry Yuri," said Conrad scratching the back of his head, "Old habbits."

Blaire giggled and said, "This is another uncle of mine, the current Maou, Yuri Shibuya. Uncle Yuri, these people apeared in the fountain without warning. It was weird."

Yuri patted Blaire's head with a sigh, "They aren't the first to do that."

"Oh yeah, Mama said that you popped up in all kinds of weird places! Like the public bath! Wait...didn't you and my Mama get glomped by the men there?" she said.

Conrad chuckled when the black haired Mazaku blushed.

"Glomped?" asked Ginny.

"You don't wanna know," said Yuri holding out his hand, "Now let's get you all out of the water and dry."

One by one they were helped out, they dried themselves with a quick spell. All the while the Moah not looking away from the Boy Who defeated the dark lord.

Blaire went over to him and whispered, "Uncle Conrad and I think it's him too."

Yuri whipsered back, "What's did he say his name was? My son was sent to one of two families. If it's one of them it must be him."

"His name's Harry Potter. The other's are his friends," said Conrad coming over to the child he had named so long ago.

Yuri was shocked, his son...his only son had finally come home...

"Conrad, get our guests into a carrage and we'll head to the castle. Blaire, gather our horses," he ordered.

"Yes!" his neice and brother-in-law said before heading off to do their tasks.

Yuri smiled, Wolfram would be so happy.

As the five rode in the carrage they spoke to Blaire, who was riding a white mare, through a window.

"Blaire...Where are we excatily?" asked Ginny.

"In Shin Makoku, land of the Mazaku. I happen to be a Mazaku myself," she replied putting her thumb to her chest proudly.

"What's a Mazaku?" asked Ron.

"I think it means Demon..." said Hermonie placing a finger on her chin in thought.

The other three started to panic, "DEMONS?"

Blaire's horse bucked.

"Woah girl," said Conrad, putting a calming hand on the horse.

Once the horse was calm again Blaire said, "Did you guys really have to yell? And yes Mazaku does mean demon but we aren't evil or anything. In fact a lot of us are very nice."

"Wait...does that mean that Conrad and Yuri are Mazaku too?" inquired Draco.

Blaire thought for a moment, sweatdroped, "Uh...Uncle Conrad! Help!"

Conrad chuckled and said, "Well, yes and no. Both of us were born only half Mazaku. Yuri's from your world so he's techncally more human then Mazaku but his father is an Earth Mazaku so it doesn't really matter. Anyways, we both chose to live as Mazaku at 16."

"Wow," said wizards.

"You should see some of the things we have. Like my Uncle Yuri's sword that makes kissy faces!" said Blaire.

"Really?" said the wizards.


"Blaire! You don't have to tell them that about Morgif!" said Yuri.

"Oh, didn't Morgif do the kissy face to you too?" said Conrad.

"Not you too!" whined the king causing the teens to laugh.

"By the way Blaire, how old are you?" asked Harry.

The girl smiled and said, "I just recently turned 15. Once I reach 16 I'll become a full fleged adult Mazaku and have a big party with a pretty dress, Mama and Papa will be dressed up and lots of yummy food and pretty decorations-"

"Blaire," Yuri sighed.

"Ah, we're here," said Conrand as they passed through large stone gates.

Waiting for them at the castle was a tall man with a stren face, long dark grey hair and blue eyes.

Blaire waved, "Hi Papa!" then got off her horse and ran over to him.

He hugged her, smiling.

"Are they really father and daughter?" asked Draco.

"They are. Blaire get her hair color from her grandmother; my, Wolfram, and Gwendal's mother. Her eyes are from her mother. Please note that Gwendal, Wolfram and I are only half brothers," explained Conard.

The group looked over at Blaire and Gwendal, the latter ruffeling his daughter's hair. Harry felt a small twinge of jealousy, it was normal for him but he couldn't help it, he couldn't remember if his parents ever acted liked that.

"Who are these people?" asked the eldest of the three brothers.

Conrad whispered to his elder brother, making the taller Mazaku's eyes widened. Just then a long slivery haired person came out. It was hard to tell if it was a man or a woman but it was clear that they were pregnant by their bluging belly.

"Mama!" Blaire said running over and hugging the person.

Conrad smiled, "Allow me to introduce my brother's spouce as well as Yuri's adviser, and Blaire's mother, Lord Gunter von Krist-Voltaire."

"That's a man?" said the shocked muggle raised wizards.

"Yes...but I am a Mazaku firstly," said Gunter as Gewndal wrapped an arm around him.

"There are potions that let gay wizard couples have kids too," said Draco.

"Ok..." said Harry, "We didn't ask that."

"Mama didn't need a potion, just Papa's dick in his butt," said Blaire.

Her parents blushed and sputtered, while Conrad snickered and Yuri rubbed his forehead.

Then a woman with wavey coppery hair and tan skin stuck her head out the window and gasped, "Wolfram! He's back!"

Another person, this one with blond hair and green eyes, who didn't look much older then the kids, stuck their head out another window, "About time you got back you Whimp!"

Yuri sighed and said, "I'm home Greta, Wolf."

That's when the woman, whom they guessed was Greta asked, "So...does he have the birthmark, Yuri?"

Harry scrathced his head with his right hand, the sleve of his robes slipping to show...

