Chapter 1: The Mirror

Amelia Pond rested her chin in the palm of her hand, her long hair getting in her face. She let out large breath making the strands go up momentarily, but they landed back exactly where they were prior. It had been two weeks since anything interesting had happened. The encounter with the Weeping Angels left the Doctor a litter more weary about Amy's well being, which was endearing at first, but was now down right annoying.

"Doctor?" She asked, little enthusiasm exposed in her words.

"Yes, Amelia?" The raggedy doctor was circling the console room where they resided. He was staring intently at all the knobs and levers and pulling and pushing occasionally.

"Can't we do something, you know, exciting or dangerous?"

He looked over to her. "Haven't you had enough danger to last you a life time?"

"Doctor, I've been surrounded by danger from the moment I met you. Don't you think I'm used to it by now?"

"Well, you can't really count that twelve year interval during my, erm, absence. Yes you were in danger, but you didn't…even….know it- THIS ONE" He pulled one of the levers and Amy felt her body get thrown back. The Doctor made his way over to her and wrapped one of his arms around her. She blushed slightly and the doctor smirked at her. Despite the tingles Amy felt where he was touching her, she glared at him.

"Where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise, I love surprises!"

"You hate surprises."

He looked at her and furrowed his brow, "Well I like this surprise."

The Tardis come to a halt and the Doctor jumped off of Amy and to the screen. "Let's see…yes!" He ran to the door and was about to open it when he peeked over his shoulder. "Well, aren't you coming?" Amy pushed herself up and joined the doctor by the door. "Close your eyes." She obliged, knowing that if she asked him why it would turn into another "Why?" "Because!" "Because why?" "Because I'm the doctor!" arguments that they seemed to have on a daily basis.

She heard the creak of the door and felt a warm glow on her face. She grinned, she didn't have to open her eyes. She could hear the sound of waves crashing and smell the salt from the sea. When she did open her eyes she gasped with delight. "Doctor, when and where is this?"

"The year 5693 on Earth. A very tiny man made island that remains empty not far from the coast of South Africa ."

"Why is it empty? It's beautiful."

"Do you know Latin?"


"The Speculum de Furta" He said matter of factly.

"And what is that?" She said, mockingly similar to his tone.

"It's dangerous and exciting. It's also hidden." She let out a groan. "You are in the presence of something dangerous! Be pleased. We can spend the day here, then start saving the Universe again."

"Why are you so afraid of me getting hurt? I know what I signed up for."

"I can't lose…" He stopped talking and stepped out on the beach. "I'd like to walk around for a bit, clear my head."

Amy nodded. As much as she knew about the Doctor, it still wasn't very much at all. She could see the wisdom in his eyes and the pain that went along with it. She could sense the loss in his hearts. She wanted to know, but she figured it would come with time, and he would tell her all about his past forms, his past companions, and possibly his past loves.

She saw the doctor walk off in one direction and waited until he was out of sight. "Alright." She said to herself, "If I were hidden where would I be?" Since the area was mostly open space, she knew she would have an awful lot of climbing to do. She saw in the distance what appeared to be a cave. She smirked to herself and made sure The Doctor was out of sight. She jogged over to the wall of rock at the bottom of the cave. No more than five feet high, but still to high to jump. She grabbed a hold of the top and hoisted herself up.

With her guard up, she pulled out her mini flashlight. Before her was an ancient looking mirror with the words "Ego Votum Trado ut Speculum" carved into the sides. "Well you're not hidden very well. How dangerous can you be?"

She made a note to learn basic Latin when she got the chance. This was the second time it would've come in handy in the same afternoon. "You don't look dangerous." she said to her dusty reflection. She wiped away some of the dust.

"That's because I'm not dangerous. I'm you." Her reflection said back to her. Not that anything could actually surprise her anymore, but it certainly wasn't what she was expecting.

"How are you me? You're just a reflection." Amy pursed her lips and saw her reflection remain smiling.

The image laughed, "I'm you with your deepest desires."

Amy was skeptical, as usual, but did notice that her reflection seemed to be a tad thinner, and had a slightly larger chest. Amy crossed her arms. "And what is my deepest desire then?"

The reflection disappeared and went blank before revealing a young Amelia Pond sitting on a suitcase with the sound of the Tardis approaching.

AN- Tada! An idea I had that I think will make for a really great fic. My first one for Dr. Who so I'm very excited! This takes place after Flesh and Blood but before Vampires in Venice, since I actually started writing this before today. I really love Matt Smith, and I think Karen Gillian is brilliant. Let me know what you think of the story and the show!