I do believe this is the shortest chapter yet. D:

Also, you have to remember the scene where Babette, Patty and Lorelai had about the 'serenade' never happened. I can't remember WHEN it happened, before or after the graduation; I THINK it was after, but I'm of course on Lorelai? Lorelai? right now, so I'm too lazy to check, but anyways... In this story, it never happened.

Got it?

Good. (:

Uhmmm, I had something else to say, but I completely forgot. D:

Disclaimer: If I owned GG, I'd be SO much better at keeping them in character constantly. /:

"So what happened after you woke up and played with Paul Anka and got dressed and brushed your teeth and put your shoes on and opened the door and stepped through the open door and closed the door behind you and walked down the front porch steps and unlocked your car and opened your door and got in your car and shut your car door and started your car and drove your car and parked outside of Luke's," Rory gasped for breath and continued, "and got out of your car and closed your car door and walked up to the door of Luke's and placed your hand on the knob of Luke's and enter—"

"You forgot 'turned the knob'," Lorelai corrected her daughter, her blue eyes shining with amusement.

"Oh, terribly sorry," Rory rolled her eyes. "Turned the knob," she ground out, continuing after Lorelai nodded, "and entered and lifted your feet to walk and found a seat and sat down and placed your purse on the counter and breathed and blinked and looked at your watch—"

"What are you doing?" Logan cut in dumbfounded from the door way, eying his fiancée with concern. "You'll cut off your oxygen supply."

Rory ignored him, eager to know the story of how her mother and the infamous Luke Danes got back together. "And noted that it was awkward and saw him come down the stairs and noticed he was wearing your baseball hat and saw her was wearing your favorite blue flannel shirt and—" Rory paused, trying to catch her breath.

"Alright, if you just tell her, I promise to bring her back within two months," Logan compromised.

"And if I don't?" Lorelai asked with raised eyebrows.

"I'll cut her off from communication with you."

"Rory!" Lorelai yelped, turning to face her daughter. "You're not allowed to marry this man anymore!"

"I don't know," Rory shrugged, placing a hand on Logan's which was resting on her shoulder, "I might let him cut my communication off."

"What?" Lorelai gasped as Logan chuckled silently behind the couch.

"Yeah, I mean, what's the point of talking to someone who doesn't tell you anything?"

"Paul Anka!" Lorelai called her dog, disbelief thick in her voice. "Do you believe this?" She exclaimed, blinking rapidly.

Paul Anka whimpered, resting his furry head on Rory's thigh and covering his eyes with a paw. Logan and Rory laughed while Loreali gasped, throwing a hand over her heart.

"Paul Anka likes me better!" Rory sang, petting the gray and white dog, scratching in between his ears, causing his tongue to loll out of his mouth.

"Yeah, yeah," Lorelai heaved. "Anywho; so, it was awkward, and he was wearing my hat, as I said. Then, of course, Babette and Patty from two seats down, start whispering about the serenade, and—"

"So it was a serenade!" Rory exclaimed as if she just figured out the meaning of life.

"Sure," Lorelai sighed, waving it off. "Anyways, you know how Patty and Babette whisper, it's… Well, not yelling; it's just shy of that." She continued, her mind drifting back to that night.

"Hi," Luke said as soon as he saw Lorelai. She looked up from her hands which had been her entertainment for the past few minutes as she awaited the man of her dreams to descend to his work. She inwardly laughed at how fairytale-esque that had sounded in her mind. But, in truth, Luke actually was the man of her dreams. She couldn't remember how many times she had dreamt of him. As soon as she thought about this, she immediately thought of the alarm clock nightmare. She shook the thought off, seeing as dreaming about him kind of seemed stalkerish to her.

"Hey," she nodded in return.

"Look at those two!" Patty 'whispered'.

"I know!" Babette's head bobbed in agreement. She turned away from them to face Patty. "What do you think is going to happen? With her serenade and all?"

Lorelai cast her glance down at her hands, hiding her face behind a curtain of her hair from Luke.

"Well, I say—"

"Can I talk to you in the backroom?" Luke cut off whatever Patty was about to say, his eyes boring into Lorelai's face.

She looked up, nodding slightly. She grabbed her purse at first, but after a minute of internal debate, she decided to leave it on the counter before following Luke into the back room.

"Well?" Luke asked once they were alone.

"Well...?" She trailed off in confusion.

"Was it or not?" He growled, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"Was it Colonel Mustard in the Kitchen with the candlestick? I don't know, I don't get how a candlestick could be a lethal weapon—"

"That song!" He yelled, shaking his head at the woman in front of him. "Were Patty and Babette right? Was it a serenade or whatever the hell you call it? Did you sing that song straight to me, just for me?"

Lorelai shook her head, unsure of what to do. "I," she started, then paused. "I don't know! Originally, it was for Rory, I think, or something. I was getting tipsy, I guess, and then you walked in, and I was just surprised, I think… But then I was like, whoa, what am I doing here? I'm pouring my heart out to this dude, and I shouldn't be, but I want to. And everyone already knows I'll always love him, so why can't he know that? I mean, I left Chris for this, might as well humiliate the heck out of myself even furth—"

Before anymore words could come out, Luke had bent down and pressed his lips to hers, wrapping his arms around her.

Eagerly, she kissed back, pushing herself closer to him.

"You told him you left dad for him?" Rory asked, surprised her mom would share that kind of information.

"I didn't mean to!" Lorelai defended herself hotly, "It slipped out! Besides, it wasn't for Luke, it was in hope of Luke."

"Well, still!" Rory laughed slightly, leaning into Logan.

"Sorry to interrupt," Logan called, squeezing Rory's shoulder, "but I do believe this is the time Rory has allotted herself to say her good-byes to the town."

"Oh! Right!" She exclaimed, jumping up from her seat. "Sorry, Mom! I'll be home in two hours."

"Okay," Lorelai sighed agreeably. "I'm going to Luke's," she decided, getting up and slinging her purse over her shoulder. She walked out the door, walking through the town to Luke's. When she reached the door she smiled, pulling it open and hopping into her normal seat.

"Caesar, I need that burger," Luke growled, returning to the counter. Spotting Lorelai he grinned. "Hello," he said, leaning over the counter to peck her on the lips.

"Why hello," Lorelai greeted cheekily. "How are you on this fine day?"

"What fine day?" He growled, grabbing the plate that Caesar had just put on the counter. He hurried over to the table that had ordered it and placed it in front of his customers before returning to Lorelai. "Are we still on for tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Lorelai repeated in confusion, straightening up.

"Tomorrow? After Rory and Logan leave we were going to Hartford for shopping and then to Sniffy's, I thought. It was your idea, well, not Sniffy's, but we can cancel if you want, but I already had Caesar working the place, and I already made the reservations with Buddy, but we don't have to go if you don't want to," Luke rambled, only to be cut off by Lorelai.

"Luke," she laughed, placing her hand on his. "It's fine. We'll go. I just… Forgot. Are you going to be over when they leave?"

"Of course!" he exclaimed, amazed she would even think he would not be there to say good-bye to Rory the day she left to start a new life in California.

"Okay," Lorelai nodded, flipping through a magazine. "Ooh!" She cried after a minute. "Killer shoes," she said, showing Luke a picture of neon green five inch heels.

He stared at them until finally he asked, "You like those shoes?"

"What? Who said I liked them?"

"You just did," Luke stammered, pointing at his girlfriend.

"Nooo," Lorelai drew out the 'o', looking at Luke as if he had grown a second head. "I said they were killer. As in the serial kind."

"Oh," he nodded once, shaking his head slightly.

"You know? I wonder how half of the things in the world were thought of. Okay, scratch that. Everything in the world. I mean, for one, how in the world did someone think of sex? And what made them think they would impregnate someone if they had sex? I mean, really? 'Oh, I'm just going to—"

"Lorelai," Luke cut her off in a gruff voice. "You're in a diner. With other people."

"I was going to say, 'Oh, I'm just going to eat some corn,'" she shook her head. "I mean, who thought of that? How did they know that corn wouldn't kill them?"

Instead of replying, Luke simply shook his head and walked over to clear an abandoned table, tossing the plates and silverware into the respective bins beneath the counter.

"So why are you spending time here when you could be spending the last hours of Rory in Star's Hallow for an extended amount of time before she leaves?" Luke asked, attempting to make sense of what he just said in his mind.

"She's out saying bye to the rest of the town. Knowing Babette and Patty's ability of speaking, it should take two, maybe three hours."

He nodded, wiping down the counter. "So what have they said about the proposal?"

"Oh, you know," Lorelai shrugged. "Patty pinched both his and her cheeks, hugged him, touched him in inappropriate places, and Babette shared her first wedding story. Nothing new."

Luke nodded again, looking out the window of his diner. Across the street, near the gazebo, he snorted when he saw Patty hugging Rory, and then moving to Logan, placing her hands dangerously low on his back.

"What?" Lorelai asked, following his line of sight. She giggled, not at all surprised by this sight. "Thank God she never accepted Chris like that," she grinned, knowing if her town had supported her relationship with Chris she may still be with him. "I'm going to check in at the Inn."

"M'mkay," Luke nodded, leaning across the counter to give her a quick kiss before she left.

As soon as the door was closed his face fell, his mind going to the time he and Lorelai were separated by her ex-husband, Christopher Hayden. He was left staring after her until finally he threw his rag down and set back into his work, ignoring the gnawing feeling of his stomach.

Okay. So, a LITTLE bit of JavaJunkie...

It maynot be MUCH, but there is still somee. (:

Reviewww. : D