Prettyinpinkgal: So for Creative Writing, my friend Alexa and I had to quickly write a children's story (although she did most of the writing; I'm very unhelpful). However, it ended up morphing into more of an HMC parody, as the title says. Oh, and yes, I will get back to updating my other stories shortly; I've been quite busy (which I will explain in my author's note for "Destiny", probably). Enjoy!

Disclaimer: We don't own HMC. And this is mostly Alexa's work :) Nor do we own the Smokey the Bear commercials.


Michael hummed as he skipped through the forest. He hummed, and skipped, and hummed and skipped some more.

A few days later, having gotten tired of humming and skipping, he stopped and looked around.

"I knew I shouldn't have left those boots with Sophie. I'll never get back in time at this rate." He frowned for a moment, but shrugged and moved on.

A short while later, he came upon a burned tree.

"How odd," he commented before moving on. It was not the only burned tree, though, and he soon came upon a blackened meadow. A blue dragon with bright orange eyes sat in the center, chewing on a blackened piece of log.

"A dragon!" Michael gasped. "Oh, Sophie would have loved this!" Wondering if he could convince the dragon to come back with him, he crept closer and reached to tap the dragon. A flame reached out, the size of an apple with little legs and eyes, and chased Michael around the clearing. Everything it touched lit aflame.

"Only you can prevent forest fires," the dragon cackled before going back to chewing on his log and watching Michael run around with amusement.