Argentcoeur: I, curious or bored either of the two I decided upon to clicking on your page a found your list of rants. I found them funny, wise, and true but my problem starts when I read the Yu-gi-oh Rant (I read from the bottom up). When I got to you describing your thoughts of Yami Bakura I saw him in a different light and to be honest started banging my head on the keyboard of how stupid I was, I thought I could never continue this story for now realizing the truth (or your point of view) of Yami Bakura. But then I realized I was over reacting, I will keep writing the story but with this new analysis of Yami Bakura's character I would find it hard to resist to redo the whole thing over again (I hope I won't) ...but yea...just found that event quite funny to me for the oddest reason. Please continue those rants on your page I find them quite amusing ^.^

Oh and also thank you very much for your complement! I am really glad you enjoy reading my story :D

Androgynous-Heron: Rishid is awesome! (For the oddest reason whenever I say his name I say it Radish and not Rishid) The Ishtars are awesome in general!

DemonKittyAngel: Yes, well I know Marik is one who does not take pity from anybody but that, dear old Dumbles hasn't had the pleasure of knowing. Just wait till Dumbles and Marik meet face to face ^.^ And I do agree 100% with you that Ryou become 100% cuter while being cruelly tortured physically or mentally! Hes adorable like that!

Hawaiianbabidoll: Patience young padawan, the all mighty king of thieves will make his returning appearance soon! and of course he would never leave dear Ryou all to himself for long that is :D

KingdomHeartsRox: Yes well Umbrigde is such an irritating character that I just had to put her in her rightful place with the iron fist of Ishizu! XD

Moonlightskymist:No worries! I finally got a beta but thank you for offering!

SeaweedBrainVon: Marik and Ryou are like disaster magnets they just cant help it XP And Ryou is oh so adorable when being tormented and scared, you can't deny it!

Duistere: I have been abusing my power of angst on Ryou, I know, I'm a horribly mean author but I just cannot help it (examples of this can be seen at the chapter below). Thank you for your comment and because of it I would hope so that I can finish the fanfic all the way to the end and maybe then some

Tamashī no nageki 魂の嘆き

Lament of souls

Chapter 9: Black Sheep

Authoress: BakaKitsuneKYA

The most amazing Beta Reader: The Amber Raven

Cross: Yu-gi-oh/Harry Potter

Rating: T for Angst?

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Yu-gi-oh do not belong to me they belong to J.K Rowling and Kazuki Takahashi respectively, please support the original series thank you!

"Blah" First language (Basically the language spoken most in the chapter)
Second Language
blah blah blah blah blah...~o.O.o~= Flashbacks/Dreams

Cursed be the day I was born,
and the night which whispered:
'A boy has been conceived'.

May that day be dark,
may God on high ignore it.
May no light shine upon it.
May the shadow of death claim it as its own
May a cloud dwell over it;
may blackness of the day terrify it.
Let darkness swallow that night
Let it not add to the rest of the year
let it not be included in the month.

That night- oh, let it be barren,
untouched by the shouts of joy.
Let it be cursed by those who hate the light,
sorcerers who call in the Devil.
Let its morning stars no longer shine;
let it hope for light, but have none,
and never see the first ray of dawn

-Job 3:3- 3:9 (Biblical passage)


There was a ghostly wailing that seemed to go on forever, jerking Bill to consciousness. He covered his ears and opened his eyes, blinking and squinting and attempting to see into the thick, black abyss surrounding him. It wasn't until then that he realized that that awful, chilling, endless scream was coming from within him.

With this epiphany, he noticed that his throat was sore and parched. His voice was cracking. Abruptly, he shut his mouth and halted himself.

Why had he been screaming? He did not know... nor did he remember. Quivering, frightened, and sore; his roamed all over as he tried in vain to recall where he was and how he had come across this sunless place.

Momentarily, all seemed silent... until he listened more closely. And then he heard it:

The echoing of footsteps against the ground beneath his boots.

This struck the young male with the familiar feelings he had not so long ago; the eerie silence accompanied by padded footsteps ringing louder and louder through the dark, dark which reined superior to the non-existent light. Could it be? Was he still...there? His breath hitched in fear as his fingers snaked up to his hair and clung tightly

And then he heard it. He heard them...

The footsteps grew loud but between each break he heard moans, unearthly moans of great angst and torment. He heard them, their cries but barely could he make out the words, "Help" says one, another rasped "why?" he shook his head and shriveled into a ball with his head between his long legs. Unnoticed by Bill the footsteps came to an abrupt stop, his attention occupied by the straining effort to block the moans and cries that taunted him.

"Wake up" he commanded himself determined that this was all just a dream- no, a nightmare.

The whispers and moans ceased and grew to an eerie silence,

"Wake up, wake up, wake-"

"Up" a suggestive voice cut through the silent surroundings of Bill

It jeered with a deep throat chuckle, "Wake up, wake up, wake up!," the voice shouted in a mocking tone, "I'm sorry to inform you that you are, quite, awake" the voice cracked

No- that voice! Fear struck his heart so deep he felt the chilling shiver crawl from his spine just to the echoes of the voice. He tried to stand only to have his legs fail under him and stumble back on the solid ground. Air was knocked out of his lungs as he fell causing him to cough in fits though his hands quickly came cover his mouth to muffle his coughing, covering them in fear of 'him'.

"Pitiful weak mortal" the voice spat but a mischievous tone hung on his every word.

The shadows retreated from a spot before Bill, they swirled like mist but crept away with the sound of a low growl of tamed wild beast. A figure stepped forward; unknown sources of light beamed down with a red hue and bathe the familiar face in the color of blood. The light enhanced the newly sharpened features of his face and his eyes gleamed even more in lust of cold blood.

"A mortal with magic and yet you play like a mortal born without, pathetic!" malice grew more in his eyes. No, not his eyes

"P-please!" Bill stuttered, "Ryouta! Fight back! I know you can hear me, I know you're not gone"

The blue haired man sneered, his arms snapped towards Bill and dragged him up. He pulled him close as the other desperately tried to unlock the tight grip around his shirt, their eyes met and stuck.

"Foolish, simply foolish. Ryouta is gone, he was a weak, pathetic coward. He's gone!"

"No! no he's not" Bill cried, "no no no no no no!"

The tightly clenched grip opened and Bill fell back on the ground, the man with the blue hair grinned revealing sharp canine-like teeth,

"You've lost the game, I've told you what would happen if you lose the game" fingers caressed the golden item upon the blue haired man's neck, "You know what happens now"

To this the grin on the blue haired man deepened and an obscure glow shone from the golden artifact. His laughter rung through the darkness, and echoes of dark growls followed soon after.


Everything silenced, to the point that only the rasping breath of the wizard could be heard. The dominating male lowered the golden piece hung from his neck, a sly smirk with bared teeth pasted on his face as he slowly leaned closer to the other.



Molly's teacup clattered lightly back on the wooden table within her kitchen. Her swollen eyes were lined with dark circles, nose blistering red and hair overly frizzed. She sighed- she had sighed fairly commonly now ever since the arrival of her eldest son Bill. She bit her dry bottom lip and hugged the teacup in her hands. It has been only a few nights since Bill arrived back home, bloody and bruised. She wanted to faint at the sight of him, hoping it was just a nightmare or a boggart again- oh Merlin she wanted it to be a boggart- at her doorstep but no, it was him, it was really Bill. She could remember how he leaned on the door-frame looking longingly towards her, and when he had called her...

Molly placed a hand over her mouth and let out a muffled whimper, tears jerking from the corners of her eyes and her composure shattered. Her upper body dipped down onto to the table as she crossed her arms in front of her and sobbed in them. The memories rushed into her mind when she had dropped her wand and ran towards him calling his name. But she hesitated when she closed him, her arms were wide open to pull him in to her arms but she stopped. Nobody noticed it or so she thought, none of the others bothered to ask her why. She tried to recall her feelings at the time, happiness, sadness, disbelief, worry, and fear. What had she feared? She was afraid of something that's why she had stopped, but when Bill fell to the ground on his knees the fear was disregarded.

She sat up straight after a while, trying to regain her composure, sniffling and hiccupping as she wiped her eyes and dabbed her sleeves on her nose. With her last sniffle echoing in the still air she stood up and waved her teacup to the sink which she would wash later, at the moment one thing was in her mind and it was to be with Bill. It was ever so often that Bill would come home and Molly had cherished every moment of it as she cherished all of her time with her children. And now Bill is home, and though this was not the most cherishable moment she would want to stay with him till he wakes up.

Gingerly did she walk up the spiraling stairs just so she would not make any louder sounds than the soft creaks of the floorboards. The Burrow was unnaturally still that day, having her children out under the care of Tonks, Lupin and Sirus in 12 Grimmauld Place. The night Bill came back to them he muttered on and on about labyrinths in the Ministry and creatures of the dark, most of all he stuttered a name Ryouta before falling unconscious. She could not her children see Bill like that, not at the state that he was in. It scared her enough to see him like that as a mother, but how would her children think seeing him? They must simply be held back for a while, till he awakes, or at least recovers.

Arthur had neglected to return to the Ministry of Magic, but Dumbledore had advised him to continue working at the ministry, as he will deal with the problem with the minister himself. It had taken hers, Moody, Tonks and Sirus encouragement to get him to go to the ministry as much as he woefully did not want to.

Up the stairs, turning left and three rooms down she arrived at Bill's old room and where he currently was. She gripped the knob; twisting it slowly and pushing it open as she entered the room. There her child, -a full grown man now- laid in bed, pale, sweaty and breathing deeply. She scurried quickly to his side, a stool left by the bed since the last time she was in the room. Her calloused fingers entwined with his as she settled down on the stool,

"Oh, Bill" her free hand raking through his shoulder length hair,

She remembered on how she would often pester him of having it trimmed off, to which Bill would smile, squeeze her into his arms and give her a quick peck on the cheek before shaking his head no and say something to make Molly change her mind. The sweet memory brought a tear to her eye

"Please get better Bill, please" she pleaded.

Through the duration of the day most wizards and witches of the 'Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office' had stayed their distance from the noticeable ginger head wizard. Arthur was always seen to be cheery, enthusiastic about being able to study muggle items, but now he brooded in his office glaring directly at the muggle contraption in his tightening grip. No one had bothered to ask the Weasley whether he was alright or not, he had been like that for a while and the employees naturally ignored it.

Arthur never told them why he was in such a mood, the incident with Bill was suppose to be kept secret. For as far as anyone was suppose to know, Bill was never in the Tomb accident, never was thought to be dead, never taken in by Delores Umbridge for interrogation, and never came home looking half dead. If only they had done something instead of listening to Dumbledore! They could have stopped them from hurting Bill, how could they do something so immoral to Bill and yet again by Dumbledore he was ordered to leave it be.

The muggle item beeped on time with a recording of a voice singing 'Don't wait, just go don't hesitate, this bomb keeps tick, tick, tickin' away' as always to which Arthur would flip the cover open and click on the glowing green button to stop it. As much as he thought of it amusing before, he could not find himself musing to it now. The Muggle item cluttered out of hand as he leaned over his desk, head held up by his hands.

"ehem-" the sound of someone clearing their throat caught the brooding Weasley's attention, "Dad?"

Arthur shifted his head up to see his son perching over his work space, suit straightened and clean with a face invisible of any sign of worry unlike Arthur's' own face.

"Percy" Arthur had coughed out an effort to sound better than he appeared to be.

A small smile appeared on his son's lips but was quickly dismissed when Arthur did not return the gesture. Percy cleared his throat once more and fought the urge to pull his collar to show he felt this was an awkward position.

"What is it?" Arthur finally spoke, breaking the silence between the two. Percy looked at his father before occupying his attention to the muggle contraption and nimbly fingering it

"Mum...owled me-" he said giving a quick glance up to his father before looking back at the item he know held in his hand, "I heard of what happened to Bill. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to give a time to see him. The minister has just been having a mass amount of work at hand, he needed my help... But I'm hope that he is feeling better"

If only Percy would had taken a second glance up to his father when he had told his excuse would he had then notice that Arthur's mood only darken. It was the fact that Percy had not come over to see Bill because he was helping that bloody minister. The same minister who is responsible to what had happened to Bill.

"Better!" Arthur snorted as if that most ridiculous thing that he had hear, which it was, "If you had the decency of even once seeing how your brother is, you would know that 'better' is the most absurd description of how he is" he could not help but hiss.

Percy unconsciously took a step back but then stood once more calmly in front of his old man, "Well I...apologize, I had just guessed that Bill would have been back on his feet, it's been almost a whole month. And you've always praised of how strong he was..."

The bitterness was also evident in the younger Weasley's' tone

"Are you daft! He was attacked by death eaters, watched muggles die, and tortured by your bloody minister" his father croaked quietly, yet the fierceness of his words did not lessen,

"What? Attacked by death eaters...wh-what...when did this..." Percy stumbled upon his words,

Arthur's' face contorted into an almost surprised look, almost mimicking the one that Percy had on his face. By Merlin! He didn't know!

"You don't know do you?" Arthur voiced out

"'s impossible"

"Impossible! Of all the people I would have thought you would have been the one to know what Bill has been through. You boast about your new post as 'Junior assistant of the Minister of Magic' but the minister kept this a secret from you, what do you even do when the minister doesn't even trust you" Arthur mocked,

He tried not to show it, he had really tried...but Percy felt the strong aching inside his chest. He could not help but feel the pain that his father not only disliked his position as junior assistant but as well took it to the point to mocking his achievements. His hands curled into fist as he breathed from his nose, trying so hard to control his feelings.

"H-how dare you-" his voice cracked and so he paused, gripping his fist tighter and trying to disregard the shakiness of his voice, "How dare you"- he said with more confidence- "Blaming the minister for something he had nothing to do with. Look father, You-know-who is not back, just as how the minister has been telling Dumbledore and you! You-know-who is not coming back; your conspiracy has done nothing to help govern! Only cause fear and havoc! It's a lost cause father, what ever you're fighting for. It might have been important years ago but he's gone! Why can't you just accept that"

Arthur looked up at Percy, straight in the eyes with a disbelieving look; he stood up fast, his hands thumped loudly in contact with his wooden table and lessened the gap between him and Percy, shouting "You daft boy!" earning the surprised look from Percy and passing by wizards.

It had been fairly obvious; for a while now, that Percy's relation with his family had just broken down to the other but never had they seen it play out in public -let alone in the Ministry of Magic-. They were always so distant from one another but still had managed come to proper terms when it came to conversing with one another; for a very brief time really, but they never once argued as they did now. Of course they were keeping their arguments quietly to themselves, with an ever so often loud outburst that would be the only part of the conversation that people could understand without straining their hearing.

"Can't you see the Minister is using you! The minister took Bill away to be interrogated right after the Death eater attack and then he comes back all bloodied and bruised up! They tortured the information out of Bill...your brother for Merlin's sake!" Arthur hissed quietly

"Dumbledore is the one that is using you! Of course Bill would be battered up he was in a tomb accident, you can't leave an accident unscathed, Dumbledore is a fool, and you're a fool to listen to him" Percy shot back

Usually his father would always defend Dumbledore but to this point he had not spoken back at him, merely he stood there glaring at him, consumed by his own quiet thoughts as Percy stood his ground.

"I've had enough of this" he finally spoke, his tone though never changed, "Why did you even come here? You've noticed that I haven't been in the brightest moods so you've come to argue about loyalties" Arthur muttered

"No, I've already told you why I came here. I only came to say I was worried for Bill and glad that he is back," He glared hard at his father before turning stiffly on his heels, "because I unlike some people" - he looked over his shoulder- "know how to show compassion Good day"

With that the junior assistant of the Minster marched out of the room not once turning to look at the dishevelled Weasley .

"I've finally decided Marik..." Ryou said quietly to the unconscious Ishtar as he settled himself back on the infamous stool next to the bed

He paused for a moment, its really become a habit of his to ask a question to Marik and wait for him to maybe answer even if that was logically impossible...for the moment. He muttered "well..." before twiddling his thumbs on his lap

"I've been nothing but complete utter annoyance here, and don't go off on me and disagree with me I've noticed how Ishizu and Odion look at me... I know when I'm not wanted" He started, bitter memories returned to him.

"So I've decided to leave Egypt-" he breathed out, "I don't really think it is wise for me to go back to Japan either. I know what's been really happening, the tomb incident, your"-he gulped hard- "...yami returning, everything. I've tried so hard to neglect it but somehow shadow magic is back. I don't why, and I don't know how, t-there must have been an opening in the tomb or something. Ishizu and Odion... they know that Shadow Magic is back, but they kept it away from me, they won't tell me! I think...I think they don't trust me, after what happened to you... they just don't"

His back lowered till his elbows were on his lap and his hands at either side of his face, "I feel like all this, all that has happened...It's all my fault. Something related to me...I don't know. I try think about it and when I do I always think of..."

The words stuck within his throat and they would not come out, as if he had just suddenly turned mute. Fingers dug into his hair, his eyes still stuck on ground beneath him, but his thoughts were of the dark powers of the shadows. Of all the horrors, the pain and the misfortune they had done to him, and now it was happening again. Everything felt so familiar to him, like years ago where he lived his life everyday with all that. Was it really back? Was he really back?

The thought of it led Ryou to tears, they began to build from the corners of his eyes and slowly did they finally slide down his cheeks. He didn't want to leave, he didn't want to be alone again, if what he thinks is happening is happening. He wanted someone...anyone to be with him always. His father, the Ishtars, Yugi, Anzu, Jonouchi, Honda, Kaiba, everyone! He didn't want to be alone again...

But he knew with all the denying of his heart, he knew he couldn't drag them down with him. This was his, only his suffering to do. If anything would happen to them, then it would cause him more pain than anything the shadows can conjure. His eyes trailed back to Marik and his heart sank, he was at fault of this.

"I don't want to see anyone I love hurt anymore, I-I could never live with myself knowing this, I just can't have you guys with me. I'm bad luck, a bad omen...which is why the sooner I go the better" He whimpered as he tried to wipe away the tears sliding from his eyes, "I don't want to leave you here, it's all my fault you're like this...but I-I know its for the better. I'm so sorry"

All to be said was said now, Ryou continued with drying his eyes as he took deep breaths in between sniffles. Watery eyes looked over at Marik, as if waiting for a reaction, he wanted him to say something back to him so bad but he knew he would never. He didn't know why he did this, waiting for Marik to answer or even telling Marik this when he knew the Egyptian could not hear him. But it brought him comfort, a safe feeling of security; it was the norm to him to be talking to coma-stricken people, he was somehow at ease when he talked to them rather than with someone who was not. Perhaps it was faith that all that surrounded him will always be at that state, silence.

He slid off the stool once his tears had dried, he came close to the bed and with a molecule of a forced smile as he gave Marik's hand a brief squeeze bidding farewell to Marik before heading out of the door. He walked out of the room with a heart heavy with guilt and fear, shutting the door behind him he let his back rest on it and his head drooped down, chin against his chest. He took in long breaths in order to calm himself down because of the feeling... loneliness, it struck him hard. That he would be alone again. But it was the only thing he could do, distance himself from people so he would no longer cause any pain to anyone even if it means that he and only he would be in pain. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make, for everyone.

Pushing off the door he took in one more deep breath and walked down the halls agonizingly slow, he passed by his room without the motion to turn towards it, he had one more thing to do, talk to Ishizu. He had contemplated the many sleepless nights of whether he should leave the discussion for when he was going to leave or just create a note instead, at the moment he felt like siding with later, the note.

He knew that he and Ishizu were not at the best of terms but maybe with the news of his leaving there might be a chance for Ishizu to warm up on him once again. But there was a nagging thought of his mind of doubt. Ever since the 'Umbridge incident' Ryou hasn't spoken to Ishizu since. It wasn't really an incident, nothing really happened except for the fact that he should have listened to Odion and should had just stayed in his room; he shouldn't actually be calling it an incident but he did anyway because it felt more of an incident than anything.

The sight of the older Ishtars door led the whittette to shiver audibly through his skin. He slowed his pace more to the point even he could not hear the tapping of his sandals against the cement floor. He shut his eyes tight and squeezed his hands into fist as he took his time to quietly walk in front of the door and position his hand up to knock. His eyes now open and the breath which he seemed to have forgotten to breath out was finally released, but before he could knock his ears had caught the muffled conversation from inside the room. His hand retracted to his chest and away from the door, Ishizu was talking to someone and to interrupt her would not be wise. His talk with her will have to be postponed, a relieving feeling washed over him of postponing the talk but his mind still nagged on and disagreed completely from his feelings.

[Tomorrow then] sighing dolefully

Ryou was all for one to retreat back into his room and leave Ishizu's discussion privately, he didn't want to be caught ease-dropping again then get into more trouble with the Ishtars. Perhaps he would have left if only his ears did not pick up on the topic of the conversation, perhaps if it had not nothing to do with his father then he would had left. But upon hearing the 'tomb incident' in a flash his ear was stuck upon the door trying to make out more of what they were speaking of.

"The tomb of the incident is his,"-the voice was of Odion-"he as well as the item were buried in there together"

there was a silence, then

"I feared so, the ring was with the tomb thief which is why we could not find it once the forbidden ruins collapsed"

Ryou could only slap his hands onto his mouth to muffle his quivering breaths and gasp, had he heard them correctly? The millennium ring buried with...him? His eyes widened; the tomb incident that his father was in, he knew it had something to do with shadow magic, could it be that the shadow magic was not released but being controlled by him.

He could still hear them, make out what they were saying pass the wooden door but the images of lifeless bodies, solid figurines and dolls flooded his mind of those dreadful memories, it couldn't be possible that he had taken his fathers soul? Tears pricked from the edges of his eyes as his breath hitched even more, body shaking in fear, hands clamp tightly around his mouth as he slowly slid down on to the ground unable to keep himself upright any longer. He couldn't have, could he? All the bodies from the tomb, the tents that he ran through, they were reminiscences to his friends after playing shadow games with the dark one. The surviving man from before- his hands moved over to his throat where the once calloused hands of the surviving man rung around his neck- being accused by him of something Ryou did not do, no not Ryou but him.


The memories flashed out of his head but his breathing had not even out. He had heard something, calling him


"Who's-"he whimpered,

Do you want to know?

Ryou froze, his eyes in search for the origins of the voice but it was too dark to see, he gulped down hard,

"K-know what?" he whispered back

It responded, a tone of eeriness echoed in the one word it answered with


Ishizu sat down on her bad, her brows knitted on her forehead accompanied by the now ever-present distraught look, she looked up at Odion who stood by the door.

"I feared so, the ring was with the tomb thief which is why we could not find it once the forbidden ruins collapsed" she said

"The bond between the item and its vessel is, the items need for a vessel is strong" Odion stated

"But the thief is dead and the item has been inactive for centuries, the items powers cannot be unleashed without a vessel, a working living body" Ishizu stared at Odion, she could tell what was in him mind for it was in her mind as well.

"He is weak" she stated with confidence, "he would be dead now if not now if he is to vessel him, he would be better off dead"

"But Ryouta is one of them, he wields magic perhaps that is why it has taken him"

"And now because of him, the ministry would soon know of the items," Ishizu stood up, "we cannot let them"

"How do we know that they are still oblivious of the items, the ring wasn't the only item that we could not find" Odion dictated

Ishizu paused and her fingers twisted into a fist, anxiousness built up inside of her, Odion was right. The millennium ring wasn't the only missing item from all seven. The possibility of the item being in the possession of the Wizards was a high, they did nothing but stick their noses into anything related to magic; human or item. That woman Umbridge, she knew something, she knew to come to them about the tombs. It would not be long till they find out.

"Then we must keep the items we have safe, the items with Shadi would be safe, he is loyal to the pharaoh and will not give the items easily. We must contact Yugi, the Millennium puzzle must be protected and the Ministry must not get their hands on it. We will keep our items were they are. If the Millennium ring could be re-activated because of wizard influence they must be kept away from them as much as possible" Ishizu announced with determination, yes, this must be done in order to keep the past from repeating.

"What of Ryou?" Odion said

"Ryou," Ishizu had sighed the name, "He can't... stay here. He cannot be trusted, if Ryouta is one of them then he is too and he is too close to our items. He can influence the shadow magic as well because of it, he's too dangerous" she crossed her arms on her stomach and stroked her arms feeling uncomfortable. She was ordering Ryou to leave them, she never in a million years could imagine herself ordering him to leave or even take him as a danger let alone say it now, but she has.

"And his father?" Odion probed

Ishizu looked up, "If the spirit has him then the spirit does not need Ryou, but we still cannot tell him about his father"

Odion had said nothing after only giving her acknowledgement of her mandate with a stern nod. He turned to leave "Then I shall tell Ryou that he must leave" and reached for the door knob

Ishizu took a step forward but stopped before she could take another, was she about to stop him?

"Wait-" she gulped, "now?"

Odion only turned his head to look at her to see the trouble on her face, he nodded though.

"It can wait...tomorrow" Ishizu said

"very well" Odion replied with a pause then proceeded to open the door to leave only to stiffen in action and stood still by the door. Ishizu would have guess Odion was at thought of something to say

"What is it Odion?" she asked, letting her arms fall to her sides to walked briskly towards him when he did not reply nor did he move. It was when she stood by his side did she feel her stomach tighten within her, her eyes widened slightly at the lone wooden sandal laying before them.

"He heard"

Ishizu's eyes widened, "find him"

Odion turned to leave but Ishizu grabbed on to his cloak to turn Odion, "Make sure he isn't...there" to this Odion only nodded and walked promptly towards the staircase and down it. Ishizu stayed on the present floor and opened each door, search every hiding space up or down; leaving nothing unturned.

Could he have heard all of what they had said? About his father, the wizards, the spirit returning...and taking over his father? He couldn't have, he wouldn't have enough time to hide anywhere far if he had heard all and as she searched the top floor he was no where to be seen.

"No, he's here somewhere, he couldn't have gotten far... He couldn-"

A long, excruciating scream broke through the still midnight air and cutting through Ishizu's trail of words. She stopped dead in her tracked paralyzed by the screaming, howling, banging. With widened eyes she turned slowly

"No..." the word barely had left her tongue let alone her lips as she lunged towards the screaming.

She passed her room without a moment of thought, passing the open door of Ryou's search room and towards the only room she had left undisturbed. Her flats skimmed on the cement floor as she nearly passed the door only barely grabbing on to its frame, she pulled herself up and slammed the door with her palm. The door burst open, her eyes widened in horror to what she saw.

Marik, it was Marik screaming, writhing under the sheets tangled around him. His limbs thrown around, eyes rolled back in his head, his back arched and mouth opened wide screaming.

"Marik!" Ishizu yelled, her heart racing against her chest.

She leaped towards the bed and quickly took held on to his arm only to lose grip as Marik rolled and howled in pain. Her eyes pricked with tears as she continued to catch his hands,

"Marik! Marik, please!" She sobbed, "L-let me help you!"

Marik rolled once more this time he arched on his stomach, his arms reached over his shoulders to the point the would break if Ishizu did not hold on to them. Her tears blurred her vision as she held her brothers arms down, but then she saw it. The carvings on his back, the ones that she had treated they were...burning. The smell of her own brothers sizzling flesh traveled up her nose as the shone bright red like before. He threw his head back and screamed again


Ishizu stepped back in terror, letting her grip loosen as she watched Marik turn on his stomach laughing maniacally then flipping on his back arched screaming. The carvings grew brighter and his cracking voice grew louder, Ishizu snaked her hands up to her ears and cupped them tight.

This shouldn't be happening! how is this happening! [Make it stop! Oh Ra! make it stop! Please Marik stop!] She screamed within. Her back began to shriveled down as she gripped her ears hard,

"STOP!" She yelled with a sob before running out of the room and shutting the door behind her.

But she did not stop there to sobbing, her tearing dripping from her face but nonetheless she pushed herself off the door and ran down the staircase. This was his fault, all his fault!

"RYOU!" She yelled in the moment of blissful anger, her nails dug through the rough skin of her palm. As she ran down the stairs she saw sight of a bushel of white hair pass the kitchen and in the secret door leading to the items hidden shrine, her brows knitted tightly together as she ran toward him. Odion stood a few feet from the frame of the door as Ishizu approached.

Ryou saw and unconsciously took a step back, within his tight grasp was one of the items...the millennium rod. In her distance she began to run towards him, her arms ready to latch onto the rod and pull it out of her grasp but as she neared two arms wrapped tightly around her and swung her to turn and stop her. She looked up in struggle to see she was in the arms of Odion, she glared at him but then turned her attention to the whittette tearing in the room.

"Stop it!," She yelled, "Stop hurting Marik! Do you know what you're doing!"

Ryou looked at her in fear with his doe eyes shedding a continues pool of tears, he shrunk at her voice and gripped tighter to the rod.

"He's better of dead!" his voice cracked as he yelled back causing both Ishtars to pause

His lips quivering and he took another step backwards.

"You said!- You said you'd h-help me find him," Ryou shook, "but then you say...h-he's...better of dead"

he broke into audible sobbing, he could not believe it. Everything that they said that they would do for him, it was all for nothing, they...they were

"Liars!" he shrieked

The Millennium rod suddenly fell from his grasp and his legs followed after to the ground as he crumbled on the floor sobbing. The rod rolled towards the Ishtars as they watched his quiver and cry, Ishizu did not longer fight Odion's strength but only stayed quite in them. The muffled screaming from the floor above, Marik had stopped scream simultaneously to the rod being dropped on the floor.

What had she done? This was her fault, all of this and it was all because of her emotions. Her emotions that had led her to mistrust and misjudge Ryou, how could she? Everything that had happened to was because she couldn't comprehend the fact that Marik got hurt and she couldn't do anything about it, so she blamed it on...him


"No! please, leave me alone!" the young boy begged as he shriveled into a ball clenching the side of his head tightly.

"Ryou...I'm sorry, the way I treated yo-" Ishizu peeles off Odions arms and slowly took a step forward

"No!," Ryou cut her off once more, "Stay away! I-I want to go...I don't want to stay h-here...I don't want to..."

he shut his eyes tight, hiding his face between his knees and chest. Ishizu bit her lip, she tried to approach him, she really tried but as she urged her legs to move forward they slid backwards. She couldn't approach him, or apologize to him at all. This was because of her, she has caused pain, all this pain that he did not deserve.

She knelt down where she had formerly stood, idly fingering the rod to come closer to her grasp but her eyes glued on the white haired boy.

"Ryou" she whimpered in guilt, it was barely audible it would have not reached his ears over his loud sobbing

but...he stopped; the sobbing, his sobbing quieted with the exception of his sniffling. Yet he stayed in his upright fetal position, unmoving. Perhaps, Ishizu thought, this was her chance to redeem herself and apologize. She reached towards him with the other hand, her fingers close, so close to grazing his hair when he jerked in one swift motion. His head jerked out of his arms and looked up with hollow swollen eyes.

His lips moved but Ishizu did not hear the words the left them, she opened her own to ask but she stiffened. She felt something come over her, a dark and cold sense. Her eyes moved towards Odion, he looked as if he had sensed it as well, she turned her eyes back to Ryou only to gasp.

It was only seconds, if one where to blink they would have missed what was happening. The black mist of smoke surrounding his fragile body, his eyes widened in fear as his image began to disorient, twisting and snapping in ways deemed impossible. Within seconds the dark mist covered him fully, and within another it shot up into the air towards the ceiling. Then the mist, the cold...Ryou vanished with a loud crackle resembling the sound of a loud backfiring old car.

He was gone


Hello everyone! Its been a while, to be specific its been 6-months a can explain? Actually I can with one word...

Highschool...or is that two words... High school? I don't remember. Anyway, Highschool's been tough and the IB course tougher. Homework, projects, break ups with BF, make ups with BF (not boyfriends, I mean best friend), drama (dear lord so much drama!) and of the dreaded Exams. So I have done nothing but drop the F-bomb "Focus". I focused on my studies and successfully graduated grade 10 ^.^ and now finishing grade 11 more or less successfully

But anyway to the story, if you may have noticed the ending might be slightly rushed. Everything has just been shoved at you with no explanation...well here is your explanation. The ending has been done in the POV of Ishizu so this is how she saw things in the last scene. How did Ryou get the rod? Where did he find it? Why was Marik screaming? and all other questions will/might be answered in the next chapter under Ryou's POV so fear not for the rushed ending was actually planned! I still know what I am doing!I hope that was a satisfying enough explanation ^.^

Also wonderful news! I have a Pottermore account! I was just surfing through DA a few months ago and saw a picture of a girl jumping in joy of being accepted into Pottermore. I had tried before to get in, and failed but tried again. Results were SUCCESS! I have an account and zoomed through the chapters in 3 days XD, so please anyone with a Pottermore accound add me! My username is MidnightHazel10628 from Canada eh! Anyway au revoir