Title: Fight club

Category: Romance/Humor

Rating: T

Disclaimer: Sadly, they're not mine

Author's notes: Hey, guys. This is another fluffy drabble I wanted to write. One chapter so far. I plan to continue but it also depends on my time & inspiration. Please note that it's unedited. All mistakes are mine

Dean wasn't surprised when it happened.

Not that he had expected that, but when one night Castiel appeared in their room, all tousled hair and suspiciously puffy eyes, Dean didn't ask questions.

The angel looked devastated, there was no other word for that, and that could only mean one thing: another lead in his desperate search for his father had turned out a dead end. And Dean could do nothing about it.

Castiel was sitting on a bed, head in hands, graceful fingers massaging his temples as if he had a headache. Dean wasn't even sure if angels could have headaches.

"How do you manage it?" Cas finally mumbled looking up at the hunter.

That sight tore Dean's heart. It reminded him of the future Zachariah had showed him. The realization made Dean's insides jump in horror. It was as if his worst nightmare was coming true.

The hunter sighed and bit his lower lip. A sudden idea, crazy at first sight, flashed through his mind. Luckily, Sam was away and there was no one there to be the voice of reason, so Dean mustered up his courage and said:

"Get up."

Castiel just frowned at him.

"C'mon, Cas. Lets get outside. I want to show you something."

He gave Castiel a long and reproachful glance, knowing that the angel couldn't resist it.

And this time Cas complied, standing up, although still frowning.

Dean opened the door and stepped into the night, Castiel followed him behind, choosing to walk instead of just zapping out.

The night was chilly, but it was pleasant after the stuffy confines of the motel. There was nobody around as they crossed the parking lot. Dean walked slowly behind the corner and turned around, checking whether Castiel was still there.

The angel was standing right in front of him, once again forgetting about the notion of personal space. For once Dean decided to ignore that. But yet, after few long seconds of staring he made a step back.

"What is it that you want, Dean?" Dean could sense impatience and irritation in his voice.

The sound of it made the hunter lose his last doubts about the idea. There was something going on with his friend and he didn't like it. So he decided to get straight to the business.

"Here's the thing, dude. You need to learn how to blow off steam. You…" Dean licked his lips thinking about how to put it without hurting him.

How could he voice the fact they were all aware of? How could he tell Cas in the face that he was losing his mojo and obviously becoming more and more human?

"You started to have feelings." Dean almost leaned in, trying to catch his reaction.

Castiel shook his head.

"Angels don't have feelings."

"You know this is not true, Cas."

Castiel shifted his chin defensively, his shoulders tensing noticeably under his clothes.

"What are you driving at?"

Dean contemplated, weighting the words before they escaped his lips, and then breathed out:

"Hit me."

Castiel tilted his head, blue eyes studying the man in front of him, and Dean could say that the angel was surprised.

"Why should I do that?"

"I told you, you need to learn how to blow off steam. Angel or not, you can't carry all that weight on your shoulders. Let me help you."

"By letting me beat you?"

Why did Castiel have to say it like that, like it was a crazy thing to do? Now Dean was starting to think it was crazy, too. But there was no way back.

"Well I'm sorry, Mr. Smartass! You didn't like it when I took you to the whorehouse! You could at least appreciate that I still haven't given up on you!"

Castiel looked down and Dean instantly regretted his last words.

"Hey, hey, Cas." he touched the trenchcoat clad shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. "Look at me."

"It is alright, Dean, you don't have to." Castiel winced as if he was in pain.

He turned his head to look away, anywhere but at Dean.

"No, listen." Dean lowered his head to catch his eyes. "It's just… I was never good at this whole comforting thing. If you want to talk about it or need a shoulder to cry on, then you should probably go to Sam."

Castiel finally looked at him, casting one long, studying gaze and then drawled as if tasting the words on his tongue:

"I don't… feel like doing that."

Dean nodded.

"Okay. Then we're doing it my way." he let go of the shoulder. "Hit me."

"Dean, beating you would not help me. I don't want to hurt you. I might kill you."

"You might. But you won't. I trust you." Dean put all his confidence in his tone.

He hit the bull's eye this time. Castiel was obviously flattered by that statement. Now Dean had to finish him off.

"You need to let it go, Cas. Otherwise it might break you. Just… give it a try, okay?"

Castiel stared at his hand thoughtfully, balling it into a fist. He studied it, then looked at Dean again.

"I can't do it."

Dean exhaled sharply, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Alright. We'll do it another way, then." he took a second to think, then continued.

"Think about it, Cas. It's me why you're here. If you hadn't dragged me out of Hell, you wouldn't have been banished, and you know it. It's me you have rebelled and killed for. You have violated your Father's orders for me and I don't even believe in him."

Something that was hard to decipher flittered across Castiel's face.

It was dark and there were no street lamps nearby, but the sky was clear and in the moonlight Dean could see Cas' nostrils trembling slightly as if he suddenly smelled something unpleasant. Dean thought it was a good sign and proceeded.

"Yeah, you heard me. Abandoning his children and letting them kill each other? What kind of father is that?"

Castiel's fingers curved into fists. He was breathing so hard Dean could hear it. The hunter hardly suppressed a grin.

"Don't you dare, Dean Winchester." threat flared in Cas' eyes.

Dean realized he was walking on a knife-edge but continued nevertheless.

"So what? Your daddy will come and beat me? Oh, I doubt it."

And then two things happened at the same time. A low growl escaped Castiel's throat, so deep and rough Dean was surprised to hear it coming from an angel. The second thing was a steel fist that connected with Dean's jaw with a loud crunch.

For a minute they just stood there, staring at each other in shock, panting breaths sounding too loud in the deserted street.

Castiel stared at Dean with wide eyes. The hunter clenched his swelling jaw with one hand, grinning back at him.

He clearly enjoyed the sight of Castiel standing there, lips slightly parted, small breaths escaping them in fast puffs. Glistening eyes pierced Dean's, his chest was rising and falling rapidly.

"What… " Castiel swallowed hard, looking at his hands. "What is this?"

Dean was still grinning despite the pain.

"This is called adrenaline." he suddenly felt blood running faster through his own veins, warming up his body, making him feel alive.

He could say that Castiel enjoyed it, too, by the small smile ghosting in the corners of his lips. That was probably the thing that made Dean say:

"Do it again."

Castiel shook his head.

"I'm hurting you."

"Oh, come on! You punch like a girl, you can't hurt me with that." it was a lie.

His jaw hurt like bitch and Dean knew Castiel wasn't using all of his strength. But he felt like daring him, so he continued.

"Do it, Cas. Are you an angel or…" his words drowned in a moan as Castiel hit him again, harder this time.

Dean stumbled and hissed in pain, which clouded his vision for few moments. But he managed to draw himself up and blurt out:

"Is that all you can?"

"Don't do it, Dean." Castiel was warning him, obviously unable to hold himself back. And Dean realized he strangely enjoyed that.

He enjoyed that he could do that to an angel, enjoyed that he could do that to Castiel. He enjoyed that he could turn that cold and senseless creature into something so infuriated and deathly dangerous.

The awareness of that exited him, and his heart started hammering in his throat.

"Admit it, Cas, your father doesn't give a damn about all of this!"

He hardly managed to dodge the third blow, grabbed Castiel by the lapels of his trenchcoat and threw him hard against a brick wall.

"You see…" he breathed into the angel's face. "You may be strong but you are still too clumsy in this body." he pressed Castiel harder into the wall, their bodies touching from hips to shoulders. "I can easily beat you."

He could feel Castiel's heart racing against his ribcage, and it was the most human thing he'd ever noticed about him.

They were so close Dean could definitely say that Castiel's cheeks were flustered. He could feel the hotness of his body soaking through the fabric of his clothes.

Castiel's lips twitched in amusement.

"You are wrong." he grabbed Dean by shoulders and shoved him aside, never letting go completely.

He then twisted them around and pinned the hunter to the wall, thus switching their positions. They were pressed together again, both intoxicated by another wave of adrenaline.

Castiel reached to murmur in Dean's ear, lips almost brushing the hunter's skin:

"I am still much stronger than you."

These words made Dean twitch against him, the angel got distracted and loosened his grip for a split second, and that was all Dean needed to wriggle out of his clutch and punch Castiel in the face.

Castiel stepped back, stumbling, and grabbed Dean's jacket on his way down.

They fell down together, a ball of entangled limbs and groans, throwing random kicks and punches. Loud grunts filled the air once again and Dean was glad there was no one around to witness them.

He felt desperation and sorrow leave him with each strike he made. He hoped it was the same for Castiel. The angel seemed to give himself up to what they did. He was definitely stronger, but Dean was sure he didn't use all of his strength, only enough to keep his opponent on the ground.

He finally sprawled out on Dean, pressing him down with hands on his shoulders, and said:

"You ought to show more respect to my Father, Dean Winchester." he glared down menacingly, and Dean couldn't find words to respond.

Once again, he felt the steel pressure of Castiel's body against his and thought about how it's firmness contrasted with Cas' deceptively fragile appearance. Dean felt Castiel's chest rise and fall against his and caught himself counting breaths.

They stared at each other until Dean's face broke into a smile.

"Well? How do you feel?"

Castiel spent few seconds acknowledging his senses with a focused expression on his face. His breathing evened slowly, Dean could say that by the moving against his chest.

"I feel…relieved." the angel looked sincerely surprised. "I guess you were right about it."

Suddenly Dean tried to imagine how they looked sideways and felt his ears burn.

Castiel sensed his tension and shifted, but it only got worse, as now he was actually sitting on Dean, staring down on him.

"I'm glad it helped, Cas, uh… will you let me go now?"

Castiel hurried to free him, standing up, no traces of fury or threat in his face. And as Dean stood up and cast another glance at him, he had to suppress an urge to reach out and fix his tie, readjust the collar of his shirt or smooth his tousled hair. Instead he said:

"I…uh… I've got to go. Sam will be looking for me."

Castiel nodded.

"You should go."

"Yeah. See you later then."

Dean was already turning to leave when a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Dean. Let me fix this." without further warning Castiel put a cool palm on Dean's cheek.

"Cas, what are you…" he fell silent as Castiel's thumb started drawing circles on his skin. It felt better than it should.

"I have to heal your bruises." the angel explained. "Your face looks like a Christmas tree, Dean, and it's way past December. Sam might ask unnecessary questions." he put his other palm on the other cheek. "And I assume you are not going to tell him anything about our… arrangement."

Dean chuckled. Castiel not only knew him too well, but also attempted to joke. How awesome was that.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

Castiel removed his hands from his face but Dean had only a second to regret about it. Because the next thing Cas did was grabbing Dean's t-shirt without any warning and shifting it swiftly up his torso. The hunter almost jumped.

"Dude, what the hell?" he really hoped it was not panic he heard in his own voice.

"I told you, Dean. I am healing you." Castiel was calm when he lowered his head to the level of Dean's chest, studying a large bruise on it.

Dean shut his eyes tight and bit his lower lip, convincing himself it was not Cas' breath that he felt tickling him.

When Castiel touched him, tracing the bruise with his fingertips, goose bumps covered Dean's skin, but the hunter knew it was not due to chilly air.

He inhaled through his nose and started mumbling the alphabet backwards in a desperate attempt to distract himself from what Castiel was doing.

The angel either noticed his tension or heard the mumbling.

"Dean? Are you alright?" new puffs of air reached Dean's heated skin as the angel spoke.

He shivered.

"I'm fine."

Castiel drew himself up.

"That is all."

Dean thanked him trying to hide his burning face and hurried to leave until Castiel noticed anything.

That night he had the best sleep he'd ever had in years.