~~i still don't own DRRR! 0~~~

Shizuo quickly recovered from his lapse of insanity.

"Stop fucking around." He punched Izaya lightly, uncertain of what to do next.

An awkward silence ensued and Shizuo was positive that he had somehow hurt Izaya's pride.

Was Izaya gay? Sure didn't seem like it with the flock of girls constantly on his trail, nipping his heels wherever he went.

The sharp metallic smell of the cabinet really started to kick in and Shizuo inched away from the warmth of Izaya's body and rested his back against the metal cabinet. He was beginning to feel uncomfortable because Izaya still hadn't said a single word.

What was he thinking? Shizuo could no longer stand the aching silence that rang through his ears and grabbed the other boys shoulders and turned his body to face his.

He could faintly see Izaya's face with the light that streamed in through the crack of the two doors. His crimson eyes were slightly watery and it was obvious that he had been hurt emotionally. Shizuo suddenly felt extremely, extremely, guilty and he took his thumbs and wiped them across Izaya's teary eyes.

He sniffed and attempted to lower his face, not daring to face Shizuo.

Goddamit. This flea, how can he be so cute? Shizuo cursed himself mentally and grabbed Izaya into a tight hug.

"God, you're just so cute…" Shizuo muttered and he could see the red eyes widening for a few seconds before he closed his own, as he leaned in for another kiss.

Izaya wrapped his arms around the blonde's, and grabbed hesitantly at his shirt, and when Shizuo tightened the hug, he took it as a nod of approval and pulled the other's body towards him.

Their slender bodies pressed against each other and Shizuo gently pried Izaya's mouth open to slip in a tongue, while the other was clutching Shizuo towards him, as if they could get any more closer than what the current situation presented.

A warmth enveloped the two as they responded and deepened the kiss, soft warm tongues clashing against each other's and lips attacking one another.

They parted for air, hot breaths mingling with one another and slightly swollen lips connected by a trail of saliva.

"I like you Izaya." He couldn't believe it, but he managed to breath it out, and Shizuo buried Izaya's head into his own shoulder, claiming him his own.

"I'm gay for you Shizuo." His choice of words were completely wrong and Izaya burst into a muffled fit of giggles and ended it with a sigh.

"I think we should get going to next period."


"This is all your fucking fault Izaya."

"I'm taking that as a compliment, now could you please break down this stupid door?" he shied away from the hug and stood back as Shizuo kicked the door with an extremely loud bang and the left metal door clanged to the floor and Shizuo stepped out.

Izaya followed, and proceeded to grab Shizuo's hand and led him out to the exit.

The two closed the fluorescent lights, propped the broken metal door back up, and left the storage room quietly for English class.


woo phew. I actually finished a fic! I'm proud of my self www I'm sorry my chapters are all so short! I just write like that.