Sams POV

It had been ages since I had seen my little sis and was so excited to see her again. I wasn't the only one! I'll explain. It all started 4 years ago.... That was when our dad Charlie Swan died of a heart attack. Me and Bella were heartbroken! Charlie was the only one we had left since our mum walked out on us. So, with nowhere to go, my best friend (who me and bella had known all our lives)Paul who was the same age as me got his dad to invite us to stay at their house in La Push till we were old enough and ready to move out. This was when all the drama began. See, Charlie had kept a big secret from us all our lives and wrote a letter to tell us when he died what it was. But what was this secret I hear you ask? Well, to put it shortly, we were adopted, not only were we adopted but we also had another brother who was a product from an affair our real father had with a local. Can you guess who it was? Yep! You guessed it. It was Paul. Paul, Bella and I were thrilled. We always wondered why we all had such a close bond. No wonder our fathers were pushing us three together since we could walk.

Ofcourse, there was more to come in paradise...Bella was head over heels in love with the Cullen. When he left, Paul and I was so angry we phased for our first time. Not only did we not work out how to phase back for a month but when we did we were told by the elders that we weren't allowed to see our little sis! Even though we could not talk to her we still looked after her. Keeping watch on her between shifts. Even when she was with her best friend Jacob. We used to like Jacob, because he fixed Bella from her zombie like state, but then we realised he wanted more. Nope! We did not like that one bit. But then we made a slip up.

It was a month and a half since we had seen Bella and we missed her like crazy. But when we were at the supermarket Bella saw us. She ran out crying and we had a huge arguement in the woods when she phased. To say we were shocked was an understatement, we didn't even know it was even possible. She was a bright red with my black ears and Pauls Black and brown spots.

After a few days she forgave us. Afterall, we were her brothers. But that was not all. Once me and Paul grudgingly let her have the choice of moving around and have independence there was no looking back! She left to go to New York, She had always wanted to be a dancer and she now had the chance, but with her clumsiness and bad coordination, Me and Paul didn't think she had a chance. How wrong were we. She went to dance school and now owned a dance group of her own. Abd don't even think she didn't rub it in. She visited once every year or two and even kept in contact daily by email. But by then the pack was growing. The most shocking pack member was Embry. He didn't know who his dad was so we didn't know how he inherited the gene. As Bella was so caring and had plenty of money to spare, she paid for a blood test to see wether he might be another of our blood brothers as it was well known that our dad slept around. And guess what? He was! Yep! What a shocker. (Hear the sarcasm).

However, Bella still hadn't met face- to –face with Embry but kept in touch via video chat. From what I could tell, Bella already had an over protective bond like she had with all of us. It wasn't just a big sister/little sister bond it was also a motherly bond.

After awhile I found my brain wondering what she would think of the newer pack members; Jared, Seth, Quil and Leah. God Leah was a nightmare, but we all knew that secretly she was looking forward to meeting Bella as she would be the only Girl wolf other than her in the pack. They weren't new. Hell, Jared joined a year after me, Paul and Bella and only 2 months after Bella left. But this would be the first time she met the rest of the pack other than her brothers and her best friend Jacob. She was down in Seattle for the last show of her dancing tour and then would take a years brake with me and the pack. I looked around me. Paul and Embry were practically bouncing off their seats just like I was and Jacob was vibrating with excitement. The rest of the pack was nearly as excited as they felt like they knew her already. We were missing the show but had VIP tickets to the after party. This is when my thoughts ended we were finally here...

Bella's POV

I looked in the mirror and to be honest, I liked what I saw. I was wearing a Hot pink bra/corset and a black waistcoat with Black trousers with the main accessory, a Black Bowler Hat. The waistcoat showed just about the right amount of Corset and Lace and left alot to be desired. The pack wouldn't know what hit them. Just then Ray, my dance partner (but I'm sure he'd like more) . Actually, I knew he wanted more, especially after we had a one night stand. He just didn't get the message!

"Hey, babe, your guests have arrived and been seated, just like you wanted, and the dancers are ready, we better go, the dance is about to start..."

"kay, kay I'm coming!"

I quickly got into the position and signalled for the curtain to be raised..."

Paul's POV

The dance was amazing and graceful. And from the looks of most of the guys in here, they must have the hots for Bella. When the dance ended Bella jumped off the stage and ran straight to the WKD stand. (So her tastes didn't change much. Interesting.) I walked up to her from behind and whispered in her ear.

"I just thought I'd remind you since you've seen to forgotten, WKD is very alcoholic."

Bella's POV

I would recognise that voice anywhere.


I quickly spun round and hugged him. I heard him mutter something along the lines of I love you too before I felt him shake with laughter. Just as I kissed him on the cheek I felt myself being lifted and swung around in circle.



"So, Does your new brother get a hug or what?"

"Ofcourse!" Quickly I jumped out of Sams' and into Embrys. I looked over his shoulder at what must have been Leah and Seth. Slowly I walked over to them and hugged Seth and Leah.

"Hey, I take it you are my new pack brother and sister" Next I went to Jacob who swung me around and hugged me.... and then I saw Jared....